I hope you did not put them in the frig. The will dry them out. Put them in the frz instead.
Freezing - when well wrapped in plastic or in an airtight container stops drying out and going stale.
Refrigerating causes them to dry out. Almost all friges are now 'frost free' which causes everything to dry out and go stale much faster - even when wrapped :(
I have to disagree with Lynne, I've had no experience with them drying out from being refrigerated--but it could depend on how you wrap them, how cooled they are, etc. I wait until they are completely cooled to room temperature (this means there is no more steam leaving them, then wrap them twice with good plastic wrap. I have even put a paper towel under them, and they don't dry out on me. I also leave them in the paper liners. Maybe my fridge doesn't have that drying out feature. Freezing them is fine though. You thaw them out in the fridge and they have less problem with 'sweating", which is their moisture condensing on the wrap/container.
The only way to know is to try both ways for yourself, and see which works for you.
Ultimately, the best solution would be to bake them the day before you need them.
.Cyn said: .....The only way to know is to try both ways for yourself, and see which works for you. ....
You are so right on this point :) What works for one might not work the same for another.
When one has orders for 100s of cuppies its not easy to bake them all the day before, so we have to do them ahead.
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