Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I see the same trend with this cake contest that I saw with the last contest....some entrants are enouraging their family and friends to sign up for the SOLE purpose of voting on that person's cake!!!! 



Personally I think that STINKS...its called padding the votes and on my ethics radar its CHEATING...but everyone has to live with themselves....if that how someone wants to win a contest...................


If Terri wants to delete this post that is her perogative...But I just had to put it out there.



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quick question about the contest. How do we vote? Im new to the site =S
I also like the way you are handling this Theresa, you are very fair to all.
Cheating, in any aspect of ones life is wrong. I wish you the best Sherry, and hope you can move forward to do great things! Don't let this drag you down!!!
Theresa I think this is the best decision eliminates all the cattiness and any stress you have with the bickering and pettiness of some people, and any padding of the votes

Theresa Happe said:
On second thought, I am recruiting judges for next month's contest.
Samantha: to vote simply put your the cake you choose in your favorites, the most with a favored cake is the winner, if there is a goes to the stars (I think so many favorites equals a star or something like that)

Leslie: I am a I get it out and then its over...but I pick and choose my battles..I can also be passionate about things...but nothing ever gets me worries there :D
That is a fantastic idea! Way to keep things fair.
Ok, just sent an email out about this. And from now on, we'll have a discussion in the contest section about how to vote, because there's so much confusion about that every month.
I'm new to this site but I like the judging idea as well. In fact I got the email this morning. I'd like to be considered. I'm new so I'm completely unbiased. I mean before I really get to know everyone. Might help. Let me know.
Theresa - I'll be a judge. I'm about 50/50 on entering contests myself - so I can be an alternate or a regular judge. I'd be happy to help.
Hi everyone, thanks for the overwhelming response this morning. Every time I read an email I have a new one. I'm going to end up having to pick judges out of the volunteers because so many people are volunteering. I am going to keep the judges' identities unknown so there is no favoritism and no one gives a judge a hard time. Hope everyone is cool with that.
P.S. Please don't volunteer here any more so I don't have to compromise the identities of the judges. Thanks.

Theresa Happe said:
Hi everyone, thanks for the overwhelming response this morning. Every time I read an email I have a new one. I'm going to end up having to pick judges out of the volunteers because so many people are volunteering. I am going to keep the judges' identities unknown so there is no favoritism and no one gives a judge a hard time. Hope everyone is cool with that.
I agree with having judges because I was pretty bummed when I found out how the judging was taking place. After I found out that people were just having their friends and family voting, I invited people from my facebook page to vote vote on my cake if they thought it was good. Most of the people on my facebook page are cake decorators so I assume a lot of them are members of this site. I did not invite them to vote dishonestly. Everyone who responded to my post mentioned to me that they did look through all the pictures to see which ones they thought they should vote on.

I do not think it is a fair way to come up with the winner.

Theresa Happe said:
P.S. Please don't volunteer here any more so I don't have to compromise the identities of the judges. Thanks.

Theresa Happe said:
Hi everyone, thanks for the overwhelming response this morning. Every time I read an email I have a new one. I'm going to end up having to pick judges out of the volunteers because so many people are volunteering. I am going to keep the judges' identities unknown so there is no favoritism and no one gives a judge a hard time. Hope everyone is cool with that.

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