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I am so excited to start teaching Course 4!  I have been practicing the flowers, and have made a display board for my store.  Who else is excited?  February just can't come soon enough.

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Hi Mary,

This is interesting.  My guess is that no one knows.  For sure it has to be Course 1 which is the prerequisite for all courses, and Course 3 as you should already have fondant and gum paste basics if this is an advanced course.  Course 2 gives you an introduction into royal icing flowers which gives you an appreciation for gum paste flowers!
Mary Slominski said:

Hi Marilyn,

I was told course 1 and Course 3 are the prerequisites, or equivelent experience.

Today i was told C1 and C3 should be prerequisites.

  We finished our training today in Austin.  Im so glad i went.   I am very impressed with my flowers. not having any experience with gp flowers other then what we already teach in C2 and C3, mine came out beautifully.  The wiring is tiresome on the fingers so i wouldn;t want to do alot of it in one day though.  I think its going to be a good class!


One other question I've heard is whether you have to have completed 1-3 before you can take 4, but in the official training video Rose Wallace says anyone can take it though it will be helpful if they have taken Courses 1 & 3...."

So, I'm going with that until I hear otherwise.

theres no way we will be able to confirm that anyone has taken the prior classes, so it can only be a suggestion for them.   although if someone comes straight into it i think they will have quite an expense getting all the supplies.

To take the class, all they'd need at a bare minimum is the kit, gumpaste, and a package of colored fondant or a few icing colors.  I think this is why it's able to be a stand-alone, though the same is true of all the other classes, too.  Everything you need for any of them is supposed to be in the class kits, except the perishables.

Selina DiCesare said:

theres no way we will be able to confirm that anyone has taken the prior classes, so it can only be a suggestion for them.   although if someone comes straight into it i think they will have quite an expense getting all the supplies.

they would need a rolling pin, gumpaste board, the tools, ( veining tool, thick and thin tool from C3, dusting pouch.... yea, there is a lot of stuff beside the kit and FGP that they will need.

Hi everyone.  I teach at an A.C. Moore in S.C. I am thinking that as long as the students have taken, Basic, and either 2 or 3, they would have enough experience with gumpaste for the new Course 4.

I loved training, and worked for a long time making a sample for the front of the store.  I was really glad the store manager offered a display box to keep them in. But, bummer of all, I only had two students sign up for Feb. But I guess that is a good way to get my feet wet. The students loved the daisy on day 1.


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