Hello Everyone,
I am new to this chat. I have only been a WMI since June. I have to tell you that it has been a ton of problems. All the cashiers tell the customers different info and wrong info. I have to say the managers are no better. There are too many MOD's (manager on duty) and if the MOD that takes care of the classes isn’t there you can forget having any questions answered. I have been asking since the second month to have a project class put on the schedule. I can’t believe no trains these people. The other WMI at my stores is always MIA so I can't EVER talk to her. And when it’s her turn to do a demo they make me come in to do a secondary demo just in case she doesn’t show up!!! The class room is so filthy. Half eaten food drinks garbage bags everywhere. Sorry to vent but i really enjoy cake decorating and i like teaching it i just wish i had support.
Have you contacted your supervisor about all this?
I have similar issues at my store. The oil painting and other classes don't clean up after themselves, so the classroom is nearly always a stinky mess. I think I'm the only instructor who sweeps up after myself. As for winning over the management, they need to see an increase in sales of Wilton merchandise as a direct result of the classes before they see any real value in supporting them.
But all jobs have associated challenges and frustrations. I hope things improve at your store soon.
Hi Melissa, I've had similar problems, but in the end, it's up to you to take charge and make it work for you! First of all, meet with the other instructors of oil painting, etc, and ask them to remind their students to clean up after themselves. Do it in a nice way, and always make sure you take care of your mess too. Take an extra step in a good direction, and maybe they'll follow your lead.
As for getting the right info to the customers: If you have to, make up a list or calendar for the classes you want to teach, and projects you want to do, and take it to the class-MOD and see where they can fit you in. Then, make an FAQ sheet to put at the registers to answer questions customers may have, and give them your number to call to get answers to the ones not on the list. Talk to all the people in the store who might have contact with your potential students and let them know you really count on them to help make it all work. This may take a lot of visits to the store at different times to reach everyone, but it will be worth it.
Your store managers and MODs have a lot of work on their hands, and if you take on your own extras, they will appreciate it eventually.
Definitely talk to your Wilton supervisor though, and get her on your side, too.
I have been teaching for 2 yrs. and at the beginning I had a terrible time with the cashiers doing the same thing they are doing to you.
I print my schedule and tape it on the binder along with an explanation of the courses and the cost. I took it personally to everyday talk to the cashiers and the managers. My classes are very successful thank God. I also don't depend on anyone to advertise my classes. I do it myself!
As for the classroom I not only mentioned it to the store manager but to the district manager as well. I also make sure I clean up after myself and when I come in and notice it's dirty I ask that it be cleaned. At the beginning it was hard. I told them that I was not there to clean up after anyone as I clean before I leave.
One thing that really annoys me is that when ever they hire a new MOD they want to take over the scheduling and promoting the classes. ugh!
Good luck.
I have been teaching since August and i have had the same exact issue with the cashiers as well. One of the cashiers are so rude to my students, talked to the manager about that and he said that he would talk to her she has continued to be rude. Thats not even the half, i'm never ever paid on time. I love teaching the courses and so exicted about starting the 4th course. It has been stressful, but ever since i spoke out and told both managers what was going on and how we could make it better with continued communication it has goting a little better. (SLOWLY).
Gloria Vasquez, how to you advertise your classes? In both my stores they have a small calendar on the back of a pillar in the front or off to the side of the front of the store. There are posters in the windows, but it's my experience that most people never see these things.
When I was looking for classes the year before last, I actually ended up going to a Michael's in Massachussetts because my friend knew they were having classes there, and we thought our new store wasn't offering them! Apparently they had been having classes all along, but no one knew about them.
I recently put an ad ror classes on craigslist, but should I take out small ads in our local "un-classifieds" paper? Everyone reads them around here. Flyers in the grocery store community bulletin board? Any other ideas?
Thank-you everyone for the advice. I asked my Wilton supervisor about business cards. I think if I leave them at every register that might help. Its been a crazy few weeks. The second store instructor never showed for her classes and still isnt responding to the MOD. So now i am teaching 3 days a weeks!!! I spoke with a few people and they said they have talked to the girl that was telling customers to come back another day to sign up because she didnt know how to do that. The store has been a lot cleaner since the reginal manager paid a visit. I dont know what happened all i know is my supervisor is suspended???? I cant wait to start teachin course 4!!!!
The same issues happen for me
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