Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi newbies, 


Welcome to Cakes We Bake. Please introduce yourself here.

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Awww, Julie, don't judge us too harshly. Life gets in the way sometimes. I try to catch new people, but my husband just had knee replacement surgery, so it's been a hit and miss thing getting on here. There are highs where there is a lot of activity and then there are lulls when people are just gone. Please don't take it as a personal slight. Hang in there with us. It is an awesome, awesome site, believe me! I never got any welcome when I first joined, but I don't think Theresa had a Newbie thread at that time. It took over a year before I became actually active.

Julie Payne said:
YOu know this site was reccommended to me by a good friend.  When I joined and put a comment in about being new.  I did not get one reply of interest, but it seems that everyone else that has joined since I did has received a friendly acknowledgement that they joined and people were excited.  Every time I get on I see a new person receiving the welcome that I thought I would get.  I believe that I will just tell my friend that the site must have changed since she was on it last.  Because I can not see her reccommending a site that was not friendly or welcoming to everyone. 
Hi Julie,
I didn't get a big welcome when I first joined, but after posting a few pictures of my cakes I built up a great group of friends.
This site is amazing. I hope you will stay and hopefully we can convert you to a die hard fan of this group.
I'm going to send you a friend request right now.
Sorry I missed your initial message.....we all love to talk cake & sugar. Be warned it can get addictive.
Hugs, Tracy xx

Julie Payne said:
YOu know this site was reccommended to me by a good friend.  When I joined and put a comment in about being new.  I did not get one reply of interest, but it seems that everyone else that has joined since I did has received a friendly acknowledgement that they joined and people were excited.  Every time I get on I see a new person receiving the welcome that I thought I would get.  I believe that I will just tell my friend that the site must have changed since she was on it last.  Because I can not see her reccommending a site that was not friendly or welcoming to everyone. 
Linda, I understand about the hubby's knee surgery and all, but I saw you on here that whole week.  I will give cakeswebake another chance, but you, linda are not the only one on here to greet newbies and you are not the only one that should be held accountable for lack of greeting.  I figure that all of the people on here that have been here for a while should be willing to chip in with a hello if someone else is gone temporarily.  It is kind of like when something goes wrong and everyone blames the pastor.  The pastor is not the only one in the church that can do jobs.  He might be the main speaker and preacher, but everyone else can do all the other jobs too.  So, yes, you are forgiven and I will give this site another chance, but so far there have been groups that I joined since getting on here  and have never got an email from wondering where I had been when I had not been on right after joining.   So it does make one wonder if your input or your joining even make a difference.  Just some food for thought.

Linda Wolff said:
Awww, Julie, don't judge us too harshly. Life gets in the way sometimes. I try to catch new people, but my husband just had knee replacement surgery, so it's been a hit and miss thing getting on here. There are highs where there is a lot of activity and then there are lulls when people are just gone. Please don't take it as a personal slight. Hang in there with us. It is an awesome, awesome site, believe me! I never got any welcome when I first joined, but I don't think Theresa had a Newbie thread at that time. It took over a year before I became actually active.

Julie Payne said:
YOu know this site was reccommended to me by a good friend.  When I joined and put a comment in about being new.  I did not get one reply of interest, but it seems that everyone else that has joined since I did has received a friendly acknowledgement that they joined and people were excited.  Every time I get on I see a new person receiving the welcome that I thought I would get.  I believe that I will just tell my friend that the site must have changed since she was on it last.  Because I can not see her reccommending a site that was not friendly or welcoming to everyone. 
Hi Julie, Nice to meet you. You have no one to be mad at but me. I have a job and this site is my hobby, so I do miss things people post, but not to intentionally insult or neglect anyone. This is a very friendly community because I don't allow unkindness here. I hope that you will give it a chance. We're happy to have you here.
You are right, Julie, I did get on while my husband had his knee surgery. I came on during breaks at home, and went through the posts that I wanted to get to right away and answered them. Now, I catch a break when I can while he is convalescing at home. I am so sorry you have had a bad experience with cakes we bake. For the most part, it has been a very positive and rewarding experience  for me. I have made some really good friendships from this site, and the things that Theresa Happe has set up on this site truly does appeal to me. There are no 'naughty cakes' allowed, which has a tremendous appeal to me, since I have two granddaughters that are budding cake decorators who get on here as well. So, it is a 'safe' place to be. She does not allow any 'bashing' of other members, and I love her Integrity in that, nor does she allow anyone to bad mouth any other cake sites. In all honesty, Julie, I doubt if too many of the old timers even read the Newbie Introduce yourself page. I don't say that to point a finger at all, it's just that it hasn't been an active page for very long, as it is fairly new. There are hundreds and hundreds of people that I have never never met that belong to this site. Some are active, some are just occasional browsers, and some have already gotten into their own personal niche with their own group of friends.  Some are professional, some are novices, some are self taught....and I have a healthy respect for each and every one of them. Some of these people are outspoken (like me) and some are shy, so they may not post at all. It takes all kinds of people to fill up this poor old world. Not everyone will be able to be pleasing to everyone. There are always going to be conflicts somewhere along the way. A long time ago, I was feeling pretty low that I didn't have a lot of friends....and I came across something that I read that hit me like a ton of bricks. It said: To have a friend, you must first BE a friends. I chewed on that for a long time. It fit exactly with what my Mom used to say to my siblings and me when we were growing up: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I realized that I was only focused on ME ME ME....and was getting no where fast with that. My attitude actually repelled people away from me. I'm not saying these things to anger you....I am speaking from my heart to you. For you to have a friend, YOU must FIRST be a friend. It's like sowing good seeds for yourself, really. If this has offended you, please, please forgive me, because that was not my intent.

Julie Payne said:
Linda, I understand about the hubby's knee surgery and all, but I saw you on here that whole week.  I will give cakeswebake another chance, but you, linda are not the only one on here to greet newbies and you are not the only one that should be held accountable for lack of greeting.  I figure that all of the people on here that have been here for a while should be willing to chip in with a hello if someone else is gone temporarily.  It is kind of like when something goes wrong and everyone blames the pastor.  The pastor is not the only one in the church that can do jobs.  He might be the main speaker and preacher, but everyone else can do all the other jobs too.  So, yes, you are forgiven and I will give this site another chance, but so far there have been groups that I joined since getting on here  and have never got an email from wondering where I had been when I had not been on right after joining.   So it does make one wonder if your input or your joining even make a difference.  Just some food for thought.

Linda Wolff said:
Awww, Julie, don't judge us too harshly. Life gets in the way sometimes. I try to catch new people, but my husband just had knee replacement surgery, so it's been a hit and miss thing getting on here. There are highs where there is a lot of activity and then there are lulls when people are just gone. Please don't take it as a personal slight. Hang in there with us. It is an awesome, awesome site, believe me! I never got any welcome when I first joined, but I don't think Theresa had a Newbie thread at that time. It took over a year before I became actually active.

Julie Payne said:
YOu know this site was reccommended to me by a good friend.  When I joined and put a comment in about being new.  I did not get one reply of interest, but it seems that everyone else that has joined since I did has received a friendly acknowledgement that they joined and people were excited.  Every time I get on I see a new person receiving the welcome that I thought I would get.  I believe that I will just tell my friend that the site must have changed since she was on it last.  Because I can not see her reccommending a site that was not friendly or welcoming to everyone. 
So, so true, Linda. And, Julie, I'm not saying this to have any reflection on you. Years ago, I was going through a hard time and my brother dragged me into a self help class. One of the hardest things to grasp was the lesson that we decide how people treat us. We are responsible for the interactions we have with others. That was like a big smack in the face to me. Every day, we can look in the mirror and see how others see us on the outside, but this class was a lesson in seeing how we appear to others on the inside. True in conversation as well - many of us are so busy thinking of the next thing to say instead of paying attention to what the other person is saying. I don't have any of the friends that I had back then, but I moved. All of you on this site have become my friends and my very closest friends are cake decorators. So, Julie, what I AM saying to you is that I DO care and if you are mad at me, I am responsible for that. But, hopefully, you can understand that my intention was not to make you feel left out. This site is nothing without people like you :)
Hello My name is julie rosfeld,, I just want to say im learning to get around this site, just found this page,, and want to introduce myself,, no one has to say hello or go out of thier way to dance and jump and say welcome,, if you would like to say hey then that is wonderful,, if you don't,, thats okay to,, my world will not stop if you don't,, I have been in the cake biz for little over 11 years now,, i like most people started out making cakes for my kids,, i wanted cooler looking cakes for them,, i stuck with it,, and took a couple of wilton courses and then started teaching myself as much as i could understand from books,,, I"m a member of ICES,, and from there I wanted to be able to bring classes to our chapter,, most of us don't have the resources to be able to take a better class on harder topics,, soooo, i started to schedule teachers from all over the united states to come in to our Ohio Chapter of ICES and teach us a thing or two.. so from there I really got a lot of different techniques under my belt,, i started doing cakes for more than just family and friends,, and began my in home cake business,, I did this for several years, then I decided that I either go in it all the way or or give up..i was working outside the home while doing the cake biz in the home,, this was getting to hard,,so i decided to open my cake shop I Dream of Cakes.. and I have been in business with the shop for over 5 years now,, and still going....  I love to teach and love to share, and anyone who wants or needs something ,, if I can help ya.. I will be more than happy too,,, just give me a bit of figure out how to find these things and posts etc... thank you all for being here, and having this site,,, makes for some nice reading and learning,,, Sweet Regards Julie Rosfeld don't worry i wont bite if you don't say hello :)
Hey Julie
You know what. I honestly don't remember seeing your Newbie Post. I get links to my email, so all I can think is that somehow, I deleted it. I try & welcome people to the site. I know what it is to be the new kid on the block.
Hi Julie
Welcome. Be careful what you offer!!! I just might pick your brains.
I'm Trecie of Cake Me by Trecie and I love all things cake! I joined to meet and share ideas with other "cakers"
thanks for the welcome,, and you may pick my brain whenever you like,, sorry to say it is the size of a pea,so be careful.hahahhahahaha i signed out, because i don't know how to know when someone replies,, then when i looked at my email i saw your replies.hhahha so i came back and signed back in,, and here i am sending you a reply ..hahahahah
Welcome!!! And trust me I didn't go out of my way to say hello, it was on the way. I think I could learn a lot from you because I am actually working outside the home and doing cakes in the home and I am not sure if it's worth me letting go of my job and jumping into a full blown "cakery", I would love to get your opinion.

I Dream of Cakes! said:
Hello My name is julie rosfeld,, I just want to say im learning to get around this site, just found this page,, and want to introduce myself,, no one has to say hello or go out of thier way to dance and jump and say welcome,, if you would like to say hey then that is wonderful,, if you don't,, thats okay to,, my world will not stop if you don't,, I have been in the cake biz for little over 11 years now,, i like most people started out making cakes for my kids,, i wanted cooler looking cakes for them,, i stuck with it,, and took a couple of wilton courses and then started teaching myself as much as i could understand from books,,, I"m a member of ICES,, and from there I wanted to be able to bring classes to our chapter,, most of us don't have the resources to be able to take a better class on harder topics,, soooo, i started to schedule teachers from all over the united states to come in to our Ohio Chapter of ICES and teach us a thing or two.. so from there I really got a lot of different techniques under my belt,, i started doing cakes for more than just family and friends,, and began my in home cake business,, I did this for several years, then I decided that I either go in it all the way or or give up..i was working outside the home while doing the cake biz in the home,, this was getting to hard,,so i decided to open my cake shop I Dream of Cakes.. and I have been in business with the shop for over 5 years now,, and still going....  I love to teach and love to share, and anyone who wants or needs something ,, if I can help ya.. I will be more than happy too,,, just give me a bit of figure out how to find these things and posts etc... thank you all for being here, and having this site,,, makes for some nice reading and learning,,, Sweet Regards Julie Rosfeld don't worry i wont bite if you don't say hello :)

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