Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I hope it's ok to post  this, if not I'm very sorry and please let me know.

We are accepting entries for our cake decorating contest. Please send us your photo and description of your cake to We must have your photo by 8:00 pm est time Sunday October 16th!   The contest will run until October 31st. Winners will be announced November 1st!.


We are also looking for sponsors. If you know of anyone that would like to hear more about this please have them contact me.




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What type of cake theme are you looking for ,,,for this contest of yours  , ?
We don't have a theme this time. Just which ever cake you think is your best cake.  Maybe next time we will have a theme.

do you have a web site we can go to and look


Linda, the contest is held at  Voting is done on




I really hate to say this because I think Cakery Supplies store is a great place to find cake decorating items.  But, the contest seems like more of a facebook popularity contest of who has the most facebook friends.  The entrants that did not have facebook pages or at least did not "share" with friends, and friends of friends and so on, (All of which were very nice cakes) barely got any votes, if any at all....not really a cake decorating skill contest.


I understand what you are saying. This was the first time we did voting on facebook and I agree.  I just assumed everyone had facebook pages, so maybe facebook isn't the way to do the voting.  We use to hold the voting on our site, but people found a way to manipulate the system and they would keep voting for their friends cake.  I am open to suggestions on how voting should be done or how we should hold future contests.   Please if you have any ideas, please do share with me.

That is a tough one... I am sure all of the Cake Decorating contests have the same issue.  I actually think that happened on this site as well.  I think facebook is the absolute worst though.  Even though I have a facebook page, I would never post a "vote for my cake" advertisement.  I would not want to "win" a contest that way because like I said, it becomes more of a popularity contest, instead of a contest of skill.  People don't even look at what they are voting for (or any of the other entries), they just click the link that is shared with them.  I loved the comment on one that was "shared" - "please vote for my friend's cake...I think she wins some cake decorating stuff or something if she gets the most is the link (then the link to the cake photo was posted)".  The "friend" didn't even really know what the contest was about, but it went out to over 400 other friends.  Anyway, Theresa Happe might be a good one for suggestions about voting.  If I think of some ideas too, I will let you know.  Thanks for your response!

There was an issue here as well with people soliciting votes on sites like Facebook.  Since people had to be members to vote for cakes, we would see a surge in membership just after voting would begin, and some cakes that were nice but not exactly stellar examples of workmanship, were winning the contests!  We solved the problem by making it so moderators had to approve members before they could join, and closing membership during the voting period (we don't approve new members until after voting is over).  We also put in the rules the stipulation that soliciting votes is considered "cheating" and members caught doing this will be removed from the contest.  We like to keep our contests as peer-to-peer among cake decorators as we can.  This is also why we went to having the final 10 selected by members and the winners chosen by outside professional cake decorators. (If you'd like to see the information and bios of those judges you can go to .


I think the voting on cakes we bake seems very fair now- and the rules are very clear and fair.  Really for a cake decorating supply business, I would think it would be very beneficial to have fellow confectionary decorators doing the voting - after all they are the ones who would be purchasing those type of supplies so it is beneficial to both the business and to the contest entrants.  I am not sure how to go about making that work for a business sponsoring a contest, other than keeping the judging "in house".  It really is kind of sickening that some people will stoop to the levels they do to make sure they win.
We decided we needed to be very careful on voting, especially now that the prizes are increasing in value.  A $1500 class package is way more serious than a $25 gift certificate. :)
We have tested different things and you learn with each new thing you try. One thing we can't control is email invites. No system is going to be perfect and with so many participants, you aren't going to spot each discrepancy. Part of it is just hoping people have a conscience - something we have no control over.

Jennifer Hect Tinker said:


I understand what you are saying. This was the first time we did voting on facebook and I agree.  I just assumed everyone had facebook pages, so maybe facebook isn't the way to do the voting.  We use to hold the voting on our site, but people found a way to manipulate the system and they would keep voting for their friends cake.  I am open to suggestions on how voting should be done or how we should hold future contests.   Please if you have any ideas, please do share with me.

Also, I have disqualified people. I just do it quietly. If the person it happens to REALLY doesn't understand why, I'm happy to explain, but haven't yet been asked.

Theresa Happe said:
We have tested different things and you learn with each new thing you try. One thing we can't control is email invites. No system is going to be perfect and with so many participants, you aren't going to spot each discrepancy. Part of it is just hoping people have a conscience - something we have no control over.

Jennifer Hect Tinker said:


I understand what you are saying. This was the first time we did voting on facebook and I agree.  I just assumed everyone had facebook pages, so maybe facebook isn't the way to do the voting.  We use to hold the voting on our site, but people found a way to manipulate the system and they would keep voting for their friends cake.  I am open to suggestions on how voting should be done or how we should hold future contests.   Please if you have any ideas, please do share with me.

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