I am new here and cannot figure out how you have slipped thru my google for this long.
Ditto what the other members have shared.
We all know the sites out there that are full of trolls and other nasties.
I should know, as I got caught up and said some ugly things before I closed my membership on one and left in tears from another.
Not proud of it, but it is what it is.
I have already decided this is a safe, nurturing place and have sent links to some fellow cakers!
Ok, off my chest and feeling better.
And the pix!
Some very talented members here!
Hi Theresa,
This site is fantastic for a newbie like me. I have to get on this site every day to check out the new pictures, discussions and advise. Now I look for an excuse to bake. I am addicted to it, thanks a ton.
It is good to have such a family feeling to any site. I don't visit often but plan on coming more:)
Yes, it's great to re-inforce our good feelings to Terri for creating this site, however please understand the reason for this thread.
*IF* someone upsets you for *any* reason please, please don't just quiet without letting her know what happened/the reason you are upset.
We all need to have some critical comments occasionally to help us grow in our decorating efforts. If I have made/make any comments that upset you PLEASE let me know and let's try to talk it out in a christian fashion - lovingly.
Just today I added a comment on a cake entered into the figure piping contest. The cake is *LOVELY!*, well done BUT.......does not have any figure piping on it :( My comment was *NOT INTENDED to hurt your feelings*; just to point out it does not meet the requirements of this perticular contest. I also saw several other entries that do not really meet the actual deffination of 'figure piped' :(
I have added 6 or 7 cakes I did that do have figure piping just to show what figure piping really is. It is the 3-d creation of figures using only buttercream icing out of a pastry bag. Figure piping is not the creatiion of figures using fondant/gumpaste; royal icing/colorflow; or other mediums.
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