Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Cake & Kvetch -- for the days when decorating is . . . challenging

Crummy crumb coat? Toppling tiers? Frosting frustrations? A total "Cake Wreck"?

Fling that piping bag across the room and come air your gripes on this vent thread! Then attack your decorating with renewed spunk and spirit, knowing the sisterhood of fellow cakers is behind you. After all, we all have days when our
decorating skills are more Pippi Longstocking than Martha Stewart. It’s OK. We
won’t give up!


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Cheers to that and have a glass of wine too!
Assuming you mean after finishing this cake, LOL -- I'm having enough struggle sober! Well, one glass might be relaxing -- hard to say....

We definitely need smileys to express our emotions on this thread! ;)
We all do have those days....I love your attitude.... :0))
Yeh, I still consider myself a newbie and look forward to the time it doesn't take the better part of the day to decorate a cake, and leave my kitchen a shambles :( However, I guess getting to eat frosting blobs during the cleanup time is some compensation . . . if I'm not sugared out by then! LOL dear.... I'm not a newbie... and It still takes the better part of a day and my kitchen is in a shambles still so just know that just comes with the hobby! Frosting blobs do help... but just know you are very normal and remember to never give up!!! I don't have as many frustrating moments as I once did but they still come! :-)
Great thread!
Oh Boy ! I need a whole bottle............ I am very much a newbie but this site really perks me up. Sometimes I wonder why not just give the whole thing up but I see another cake on this site and I want to do it, I want to be there amongst you cakers. The problem I face is a 9 to 5 JOB lol................ so to get a cake ready for Thursday I have to start on u guys face the same situation?
My biggest problem is saying "NO!" Ugh...I mean, do people not realize that their loved ones birthday is coming up? Last minute orders make me crazy! Then when you are already overloaded with orders, they get mad when you tell them that you cant fit them into your schedule. Whew! I feel better now. Thanks!
Colors - you nailed one of my biggest frustrations, Deana! I do acrylic and other kinds of painting but it is so easy to squeeze paint out of a tube. With cake frosting you have to mix everything, remember which consistency you want in which color, then assemble couplers and tips and so on, or color your fondant/gumpaste/royal/whatever. I would really like to use lots of colors on many of my cakes, but then when I do it makes everything so much more complicated. :(

Dang it, I almost don't want to talk about it! But this thread must be bumped for all the gals out there like me. It's a public service, no?


Okay, it's been a tough week to begin with - a death in the family. I had decided to make cakes for a church event this weekend and when I knew I'd be attending a funeral midweek I decided I wasn't going to really "decorate" them.


It went downhill from there. I didn't even get them out of the stupid pan without them breaking, because I'd left them in too long - had to go out right as they were cooling, came home and they were too cool. So now I cut the good cake into serving-sized pieces and am going to look for a poured fondant or petit four type glaze. I absolutely refuse to crumb coat about 16 or so individual pieces of cake with the week I've had and the mood I'm in! :( Talk about a "recipe for disaster"!


They are going to be individually boxed at the church anyway along with all kinds of desserts people will bring, so if I can just make them look like something that "I meant to be that way" all will be well!


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