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This has nothing to do with cake... but just remembering the empty pit in my stomach... the helpless feeling... the tears... the heros...those who lost their lives... and those who lost loved ones.

My heart is still heavy not understanding why or how any human being could be this cold.  I guess my moma raised me to have compassion, think of others before myself and to respect others despite our differences.  I pray that this world could take a lesson from my moma.... that we all some day can live in peace.


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Today I've been watching Fox (upper channel). There is a sponsor who I would mute the sound each time I would see their commercial. Now I see this Sponsor in a different light. Why? Because they SPONSORED the 20 minute Special that Fox is airing all through today and last week without any commercials. That costs a heck of a lot of money! NO COMMERCIAL INTERRUPTIONS. Amazing! Fox has special programing today almost everything about 9/11.

On our blogs, my husband and I reserved today with a special message for 9/11, no other posts will be on my blog today, September 11.

We will never forget 9/11!

We are planning to visit Ground Zero again next year and many more visits in the future!
While cleaning yest am I suddenly realized what day it was and where I was 9 years ago when the twin towers were attacked. I was at work teaching CPR. The chills that go through me, all the innocent people that lost their lives. Why does anyone think that violence of any kind will show the world what they stand for.
We as a nation are usually the first to help and bring assistance to those in need. My prayers to the familys of the people who died that day not only in the towers but in the plane, and the responders.
Couldn't have been said any better Jeri!
Hi all, I live in Australia & I will always remember.God Bless All.
God bless you all who still remember, still care, and want to work and pray for a peaceful world. To so many it has become just another day. That's sad.

Last evening I was blessed to hear a talk on forgiveness by Immaculee' Ilibagiza, a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. I recommend her books Left to Tell and Led By Faith as very inspiring and hopeful reading to anyone who might be interested.

May the 9/11 victims and their families have peace and may there be peace in our world.
I hesitated to comment on this discussion because a long winded, personal experience is attached to that day for me. My ex, who I was married to at the time, was working on the NYSE. We knew a lot of people who lost their lives. It changed the lives of people who lived through it. It ended my marriage... and that's about as personal as I can get.

Bunny Flowers said:
God bless you all who still remember, still care, and want to work and pray for a peaceful world. To so many it has become just another day. That's sad.

Last evening I was blessed to hear a talk on forgiveness by Immaculee' Ilibagiza, a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. I recommend her books Left to Tell and Led By Faith as very inspiring and hopeful reading to anyone who might be interested.

May the 9/11 victims and their families have peace and may there be peace in our world.

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