Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I've recently entered the beautiful, exciting and challenging world of cake decorating. I absolutely love it. I've also started to have trouble with my joints. These past few weeks I haven't been able to even bake a cake. I'm waiting for some bloodwork to see if we can find out what I have that is causing very crippling joint pain.*

*Found out yesterday the results RA & Lupus*
I would like to know if there is anyone else out there suffering from arthritis or some other debilitating joint disease that is still able to decorate and how they do it?
I have my son's 1st birthday coming up and I pretty depressed that I may not be able to bake and decorate his cake.

Suffering from major cake decorating withdrawal


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I don't have the hand strength and my joints and muscles hurt. They are stiff, swollen and painful. There are times I can barely close my hands for hours. Can't brush my hair or even zip up my pants. My husband has to help me to dress and get ready for work on the really bad days. Our son will be 1 on the 14th. A few days ago I was trying to change his diaper, he stood up on the changer and almost fell. My hands didn't close fast enough to grab him, luckily I moved my arms under him and caught him before hitting the floor.
Kathy Kmonk said:
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you ladies find a solution to your health issues. As for piping, is it just that you don't have the hand strength or that your joints hurt? I have fibromyalgia and when I worked as a cookie decorator I thought I was going to have quit my job after my first Christmas there because my hands hurt so bad. I couldn't bend my fingers in the morning. Then I found ACE compression gloves...they changed my life. I started wearing them when I decorate and they really helped.

Here is a link to Walgreen's

I'm not sure if these will help you in anyway but they sure did help me. Wal Mart sells a different brand. They actually give you two in a box for less than $9. You find them where you would buy ACE bandages. I don't decorate without them. Also when my hands hurt at night, I'll wear them to bed and my hands aren't quite as sore in the morning.
I will say this, cause I know about this so well. Excersice...It will hurt a lot at the beginning. It might seem impossible to do.
But the more you get your body used to it the easier it gets, the stronger you will get. I can't tell you how much
of a difference it will make in your life.

I won't life. Starting to excersice will be painfull and difficult, but it gets easier. You need to start slow and do it everyday.
And you need to start pushing yourself as soon as you feel you can do more.

Dont let this control your life..
Windy, I got mine at Wal Mart, they sell a pair for around $9. I recommend them to anyone who decorates. Like I said, I thought I was going to have to quit my job. I used to have what we called "the claw" in the morning...couldn't close my hand around my toothbrush much less brush my hair. I bought a couple pairs of the gloves and wore them around the clock for probably a week until the pain and swelling in my hands calmed down and then I just wore them when I was decorating at work and sometimes to bed. They really saved me. I know what you are going through is way more than I ever did but I hope they can help you in some little way.

Windy Jimenez said:
Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. I'm glad I posted this question for discussion. The replies not only help me but others in our Cakes We Bake community. There are some that have posted replies that I would have never thought they had any of the illnesses mentioned. Edna, I and I bet many others would never have imagined you had chronic pain. Your work is so beautiful and simply flawless. Your work is proof that once the pain is being managed, all is possible. Thank you and all the others for coming forward and telling us your story.
Kathy-I'm going to ask my hubby to check out the prices on the compression gloves for me right away (I'm at work)!
I too have a similar problem which started nearly 10 years ago, but chiropractic has helped. Infact I got into decorating around 6 years back, and from baking till completion of the cake deco I do it myself. I agree with Edna, you need to keep moving those joints,otherwise they turn worse. Wish you all the best
Thank you so much ladies! As soonas I got home yesterday I asked for a little help from my hubby to color some gum paste and fondant for my son's birthday cake. I asked him to help me knead the gumpaste fondant mix. I ended up doing it myself! I couldn't use my fingers but my palms are pretty strong and not feeling pain. As long as I didn't fold my fingers when I kneaded I was fine. It felt great! I paid the price afterwards, but the satisfaction of doing it out weighed the pain. Every day I'll do a little bit more and I'll have his cupcakes tower and cake completed for his party.
I also have arthritis and since it is in my hip I am in a wheelchair but that doesn't stop me either...I have a touch of it in a few of my knuckles in my right hand but I am a lefty :D...I take a non steriod anti inflammatory called diclofenac and it takes that sharp pain away and reduces the swelling. Also moist heat helps steam or a good hot Edna said dont give up...she is such an inspiration!
Hi, my name is Joyce, I also have RA and Lupus. I been on Enbrel for 10 yrs. My hands are turnig side ways but that has not stoped me. I find it is easyer to do icing than the fondant. I love doing cakes and I am not going to let this problem get in my way. God helps me and god will help you get through this. It takes me 2 days to do a cake, so what. Least I can still do it. I hope this helps out knowing that their is someone else out there that has the same problems you do, I know it helps me.
Take care and God Be with you and God Bless You. Keep up the good work. Miss Joyce
I have had 17 surgerys and now i am in a power chair and on crutches. i have been were i couldnt do any thing by my self, had to have help 24 7. i know what you are going through been there.

Joyce Bartley said:
Hi, my name is Joyce, I also have RA and Lupus. I been on Enbrel for 10 yrs. My hands are turnig side ways but that has not stoped me. I find it is easyer to do icing than the fondant. I love doing cakes and I am not going to let this problem get in my way. God helps me and god will help you get through this. It takes me 2 days to do a cake, so what. Least I can still do it. I hope this helps out knowing that their is someone else out there that has the same problems you do, I know it helps me.
Take care and God Be with you and God Bless You. Keep up the good work. Miss Joyce
Windy: I have osteoarthritis, which is sometimes almost unbearable. I've learned that time management is the key. Mornings are not so good for me, but mid-morning through mid-afternoon works out fine. It takes more time to complete a cake, so I compensate my time by doing decorating as I feel able to complete that part of the job. If I know what the design of the cake is and it needs dried decorations or anything that can be done separately I make them at my leisure while watching t.v. I always make my cakes the night before, giving them a crumb coating, and putting in the frig. Next day I put the cake together, ice or put fondant on it. TAKE YOUR TIME! Finish decorating as you feel up to it.

I hope this helps -- Leighann
Hi Windy..... I'm sorry to hear about your results. BUT,,, keep positive. There are many things you can do and still be able to do cake decorating!
One thing is to change your eating, meaning, if based on the meds you will be or are taking, pomegranite fruit does wonders! Ginger powder is great for the digestive system and helps your hair grow. Cranberry does wonders too. You can go to lupus sites and read up all about it. Can't help you much there in the RA dept. I have "systemic lupus". I did alot of Chinese herbs and research and have pretty much not taken any meds for my lupus. I also changed my ora, from depression to positivie positive and " I " decided, I was not going to let my systemic lupus put me out for the count. I would win and keep doing my cakes. I know when to pace myself and when the lupus might flare up. But we are all here for you to cheer you on for cake decorating!!! And hopes you will get better soon!
Edna is correct it is better to keep the joints moving. By slowing down they will tighten up more. Stretch, take an anti flammatory med like advil or aleve 1 hr prior to beginning, use the gloves mentioned above. It will all help my cousin had RA and suffered so badly from it but she continued everyday. Hang in there and go see a specialist.

Edna De la Cruz said:
Don't let your brain rule your body..Yes you can. Train your body to do it. You did it before you where diagnose. Movement will ony make you stronger. When you stop is worst.
When I started I had a boss that knew I had lupus. I was working 3 hours a day and I almost started crying saying I couldn't handle it. She said yes you can, you will grow stronger. And I did. I was able to do 2 days of full work in a row.
By the third I was exhausted, I must admit. But the rewards of my work made every muscle ache worth it. It was a matter now of relaxing and getting some strenght back to do my work the next week.

Fybromialgia is a very painful thing, and people don't get it. Just as RA..but you can push yourself. Your body will give you signals to when you need to stop or when you can push yourself a little bit more.

I know it hurts..believe me I know..but pain over your life..take control..

Windy Jimenez said:
It looks like lots of fondant work for me! Piping right now is out of the question. I can probably get my hubby to knead and roll out the fondant for me. I have an italian pasta roller for small works. I guess when I need to pipe, I hope the hands can grip when the time comes. I've been thinking hard on that. Right now I'm at work and both my shoulders, right arm and hand are killing me. I can type with some discomfort, but boy are my shoulders killing me! Can't wait to leave in about an hour.
I'm still not on meds, just on 800 mg of ibuprofen 3x a day until I get my blood work done again. I'm having a really bad day, but still, I'm up, at work and looking forward to my son's birthday.
I made the cut out cookie dough last night and placed in the fridge. I've already made the fondant/gum paste foot and head board for the cake. I asked my husband's grand daughter if she was available this week for a crash course in cake decorating. She's 17 and starts her 2nd year of college this fall. She's off for the summer. She said she was available and hopefully will assist me in getting the cakes done. So much to do so little time. Her mother ( she is my son's Godmother and husband's eldest child) will be taking care of the decorations. We were over at her house yesterday to try out the Woody and Jesse outfits on the kids. My son looks so adorable! I can't wait to share the pictures with all of you.

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