Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Here's an idea and I'm just throwing it out there.

Since the pricing question comes up over and over and over again and the answer really does depend on where you live, what does everyone think about creating a pricing discussion in the groups?

For instance, in the California group, people from different areas can post how they do pricing.

I think this might take some of the guesswork out of it for people. Long Island is very expensive, so I can't answer for someone living in a small rural community in Alabama. The same holds true whenever people suggest what to charge and they live in a completely different type of area than the person answering the question.


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Good idea!
I think it's a really good idea. Although I am way out in eastern Canada I could have an idea by seeing what the prices are like in other regions. I haven't really found many members from my area :( maybe I will start a group... BTW thanks Diana, I have finally tried out a topsy turvy last night. It was real humid but for a first one I like it. I saw a post from you where you had mentioned that you would be trying one ;)
Great idea!
Suzanne, I'm in Vancouver!
Hi Cynthia,

It's nice to have someone on this side. I'm all the way in Montreal. What do you do for supplies?

Cynthia Jones said:
Great idea!
Suzanne, I'm in Vancouver!
great idea girls!I live near Sarnia,(southern ontario)There are only a few around that do cakes,but I havent seen anyone that does 3D cakes,thats my niche.I usually dont do cakes under $100,unless a close friend or repeat customer.My wedding cakes start at $300,fake or more for real.It's a small community so it's tough charging what the cakes are worth,I usually tell them to check out Cake Boss or Ace of Cakes,they start at $500 for small,if not more.Unique is worth the extra money,after all your doig it for a SPECIAL occasion,the cake should be special too!As for supplies we're close to the border so I shop at Hobby lobby alot,other then that London(1 hour) or Toronto(3-4 hours)are the only places to get good stuff.
I'm from the Windsor On area and was wondering where in London you get your supplies. I usually hit a place in Mississauga when I'm in the area...but London would be so much closer

Ruth Dunlop said:
great idea girls!I live near Sarnia,(southern ontario)There are only a few around that do cakes,but I havent seen anyone that does 3D cakes,thats my niche.I usually dont do cakes under $100,unless a close friend or repeat customer.My wedding cakes start at $300,fake or more for real.It's a small community so it's tough charging what the cakes are worth,I usually tell them to check out Cake Boss or Ace of Cakes,they start at $500 for small,if not more.Unique is worth the extra money,after all your doig it for a SPECIAL occasion,the cake should be special too!As for supplies we're close to the border so I shop at Hobby lobby alot,other then that London(1 hour) or Toronto(3-4 hours)are the only places to get good stuff.
Theresa ! im so jealous ! your in Long Island ! thats where my family used to live ! (most are in conneticut now or passed away)
i love it there, i grew up in tucson and my whole family accept one set of cousins and my grandparents were in tucson, everyone else in long island. i visited ALOT when i was younger.

now i live in cleveland , and there are NO good italian bakeries to be found, the bagels are terrible, and i was really bummed when i went to little italy here and it was kind of deserted.
there arrnt any cake decorating supply stores here either ( i really miss the giant one in tucson )
so i have to get everything online

and living in tucson my whole life i knew a TON of people, now i dont know a soul in cleveland so my decorating business has come to a complete hault =-/

we may move to either salt lake or denver in a couple years, so im hoping things will be different out there.

anyways, great idea on the pricing =-)
Colleen, there aren't any good bakeries out where I live either. That's why I've baked all my life. But, no place is the same once family moves away. My folks moved upstate.

Colleen said:
Theresa ! im so jealous ! your in Long Island ! thats where my family used to live ! (most are in conneticut now or passed away)
i love it there, i grew up in tucson and my whole family accept one set of cousins and my grandparents were in tucson, everyone else in long island. i visited ALOT when i was younger.

now i live in cleveland , and there are NO good italian bakeries to be found, the bagels are terrible, and i was really bummed when i went to little italy here and it was kind of deserted.
there arrnt any cake decorating supply stores here either ( i really miss the giant one in tucson )
so i have to get everything online

and living in tucson my whole life i knew a TON of people, now i dont know a soul in cleveland so my decorating business has come to a complete hault =-/

we may move to either salt lake or denver in a couple years, so im hoping things will be different out there.

anyways, great idea on the pricing =-)
It's so funny to read this post this morning, because I am delivering a cake today (11x15) and am charging $65. On one hand I feel like I am charging entirely too much (especially if I don't think the cake looks perfect) and on the other hand, I was up ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!!!!! I think your suggestion, is a great one! The Pricing question does come up a lot and setting up a group would be awesome (although, I haven't met any others from Arkansas...) I'll be on the look-out for it! I still have questions about pricing, myself! I think we all want to be fair to our customers but at the same time, not feel like we aren't getting reimbursed for all the hours of labor!
Just make sure you use a calculator when figuring out prices....the cost for 1/2 cup with these figures is $.17
and 1/4 cup is $.085. The more accurate way is to weigh ingredients and use the per oz. cost. Sugar can vary from 5-6 oz per cup depending on the size of the crystals. And powdered sugar is more like the weight of flour at about 4 oz per cup.
Denise said:
Actually, I feel that the only DIFFERENCE in pricing anywhere would be what to charge for labor. The basic formula is going to be the same no matter where in the world you are located.

Price of Goods + Labor= Price

To get your "Price of Goods" you need to sit down and figure out HOW MUCH it costs you to make your product. There are some pricey software programs out there that will do it for you. However you still have to enter in your prices and recipes. Or you can do it the old fashioned way by keeping a "Price Book". This book will list all of your ingredients and prices per ingredients.

For example:

Pure Cane Sugar (5lb bag) $4.04 (.81 per lb)

.34 per Cup .04 per 1/2 Cup .02 per 1/4 Cup or less

Do this for every ingredient that you use. THEN sit down with your recipes and figure out how much it cost to make the recipe. Then all you have to do is determine what percentage you want to add to that cost to cover your labor.
Another thing I noticed is that I don't see you gals adding in cost of overhead...electric, water, phone, mortgage or rent, packaging, get a more accurate price it is a good idea to add up the cost of ingredients along with packaging then multiply by 4 to get a basic price. Then add the cost of labor..I dont know about you but I won't work for less than $12.00 an hour and that is CHEAP!

So to answer your question...yes Theresa!! :D
Great Idean Theresa!!! I know it really does depend on where you live... how experienced you are... the quality of your work... How your product tastes... lots of factors included. Even within a particular state the prices can vary on where you live in that state! There is not an accross the board pricing structure.

And in agreeing with Karen Marie... my husband is always telling me that I burn my ovens out way before they should. He is probably right but hey... I do get a new oven every so often!!! Many do not take in the cost of the foil... the cake boards, the boxes... and the clients never take in consideration for hours you put in.

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