Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Homemade marzipan might cost a little to make, but with this recipe, you will get a huge amount of dough to work with for filling candies, covering a cake, or making figures. My family loves marzipan so much that I notice that the batch just keeps getting smaller and smaller because there are little sneaky hands taking lumps out of my batch before I can even make it into anything! A bag of almond four can run you anywhere from around $10.00 to $15.00 per pound, but the amount of dough is well worth the cost, and it beats paying the exuberant amount for just a small little tube found in the grocery store at about $5.00 for 4 oz.!


1 pound of almond flour/meal

1 pound powdered sugar

2 egg whites at room temperature

1/2 cup almond coffee syrup

1 tsp. pure almond flavoring.

Mix the powdered sugar and the almond flour/meal together on low speed in the mixer. Put the dough hook onto your mixer and pour the syrup over the dry ingredients and on low speed combine these together. Add the remaining ingredients and go up a speed on your mixer to incorporate all of the dough. Place out onto a kneading board and work powdered sugar into the dough until it is no longer sticky and similar to fondant.  Place into a zipper bag until ready to use for candies, cakes, figures, etc. If not using right away, place into the refrigerator. With this recipe, I make small marzipan fruits about the size of a walnut shell, as some of my Christmas candy. You can make figures out of this mixture the same as with gum paste or fondant figures, but I use 'egg white glue' mixed with a bit of the marzipan to stick pieces together. This particular recipe will make approx. 2 pounds or more of marzipan. To make your fruits, you can either mold them all in the natural color of the dough first and then go back and 'blush' fruits with petal dust in the appropriate colors, or you can color sections of the dough according to the color of the fruits you are making and then use some petal dust to define details in the fruit. I have done both, glazing and non glazing with these and no one seems to notice one way or the other. The ones in this picture were glazed with a mixture of white Karo syrup and Vodka.

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Comment by Linda Wolff on December 12, 2012 at 1:06pm

I think just a tablespoon of water added in place of all corn syrup, along with 1/2 to 1 tsp. extra almond flavoring or amaretto. I've used them both and like both, so however you want to flavor it would be up to you. I've also found using Ghirardelli 60% chocolate chips found at Sam's, using 1 cup melted with 1 tablespoon Crisco mixed in once it's been melted, tastes the most like the deep dark chocolate coating that is so often found on German chocolate candies. It doesn't come out of molds worth a darn though, but if you are dipping chocolates, it has an awesome flavor to it. I'm not real cracked about the coating that we have in America as far as milk chocolate coating. It needs that bitter chocolate taste to compliment the least in my book it does.

Comment by m.r.jensen on December 12, 2012 at 11:25am

Thank you for your quick reply.

What are you thinking about to thin it down with? Just a little water? How much?

A person might have to adjust the almond flavor as well.

Comment by Linda Wolff on December 12, 2012 at 1:46am

You bet, m.r. I would thin it down just a little since the coffee syrup isn't quite as thick as corn syrup, though.

Comment by m.r.jensen on December 11, 2012 at 11:25pm

Would it be possible to substitute something else for the almond coffee syrup?

How about corn syrup?

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on December 11, 2012 at 4:46pm

This is cool.  I purchased it.   It is pricey.   I still have one roll,  but after I use that,  I will make it  : )   I mixed it with chocolate clay for blue roses.

Comment by Linda Wolff on December 11, 2012 at 4:27pm

You are welcome, Gail!

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on December 11, 2012 at 3:15pm


Comment by June Kowalczyk on December 10, 2012 at 9:57am

They had gound almonds/flour on sale at my local Bulk Barn Sunday. I bought a good sized bag because I make almond cookies.  yum  yum.....  :o)

Comment by Goreti on December 10, 2012 at 9:40am

Wow, Linda that was a great price.  I did find it for $9.99 at Market Basket and at the time thought it was a great price.  

Comment by Linda Wolff on December 10, 2012 at 2:29am

By the way, George and I went to the commissary last weekend over at Offutt Air Force base and I found the Red Mill almond flour/meal for $6.50! I bought 2 and put them into the freezer for another time. If you don't use the whole package, Goreti, you can freeze it very well. If you let it sit out for too many months up in your cupboard, it will start to smell rancid. Any nut flours can be frozen until you are ready to use them.

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