Timothy Jansen

Saint Louis, MO

United States

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  • Emi

     HI Tim, thank you so much for your comment. I adore Lambeth, it’s so pretty! Do you use piping gel in your Royal icing recipe?   

  • Emi

    Thank you!

     I did try with piping gel someone told me that, the consistency it’s very nice but then it doesn’t dry as hard and is very breakable. Thanks again!              

  • Leslie Foster

    Timothy, Thanks, I love your Lambeth Work.  I just took the mini bootcamp with Kathleen Lange.  That is where I met Connie Walker.  I have taught gum paste flowers but it is not something that I schedule to do.  I taught at a local cake decor supply store and did not like having to push the products so I stopped doing that.  If you are ever in the area we can exchange talents--Lambeth for Gum Paste!  :-)  If I can answer any questions online I will try.

  • Leslie Foster

    Timothy, Sure think.  Kathleen will probably be here in Portland Oregon next spring.  I am thinking it was April.  A lot of us want to take the full boot camp from her.  I only took 101 and 201, there were too many classes to choose from and well, I compromised.  It is an art to be able to pipe like that.  I have never been much of a "piper" but in the spirit of trying to be skilled in many facets of decorating I am on a mission.  I even opened my big mouth and said I would enter a cake at the Washington Sugar Art Show...I have never entered a competition before.  Should be fun!

  • Tracy Deadman

    Hi Timothy, always good to make new friends :) love your Lambeth work...stunning.
    Happy caking,
    Tracy x
  • Linda Wolff

    Timothy, you are much too kind with your words. I cannot believe that our good Lord would bless you not only with the artistic ability to put out these exceptional cakes, but to also give you the gift of music as well! I'm envious! I have always wanted to be able to sing or play the piano or violin...but that isn't an area where I excel, so I am just very blessed to be able to be in the audience of such talented people that can...and it is a blessing. I cannot imagine that my poor old cakes could possibly bring you pleasure, but I am glad that you have said so. It is the encouragement that I need to hear, especially during this time of year when it seems to hectic. Thank you for the kind gift of your words. May God bless you for them a hundred fold! =O) Linda

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    Timothy,I have just viewed your fantastic work.Absolutely lovely.Your lambeth work are fabulous.What talent you have!

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    Thanks Timothy for the wonderful complements.

  • Linda Wolff

    Tim, I just listened to the last one on your list.......beautiful....just beautiful! Thank you.

  • art deco cakes by galidink

    to you also , happy holiday s

  • Linda Wolff

    Tim, there were two that I absolutely love: The first one below, because my husband and I lived in Germany and my husband was also born in Germany, so that one reminded me from when we lived there in 1971-1972, and also from my husband's parent's stash of Christmas music,

    E'en so, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come by Paul manz

    Kansas City Choral singing at the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany

    And then the one below. Just unbelievably beautiful!

    Salvation is Created

    National Lutheran Choir performing at the Basilica of St. Mary's 

    in Minneapolis

  • Eileen S

    Your Lambeth is amazing! such attention to detail! 3 hours is a lot of time at one task. So gorgeous.

  • Linda Wolff

    So, is the Lambeth method always done with royal icing? I have been searching off and on all day long and there really isn't a whole lot out there on the Internet. I know it is a very time consuming art form, but it is still to me, the ultimate of the ultimate in cake decorating. Do you have your own shop, and if yes, do you charge extra for a cake done in this method? (I'm more of a hobby baker with an occasional wedding cake/birthday cake order).

  • Linda Wolff

    Thank you Tim! I am practicing using royal icing this week, and I will be trying this recipe out. I've always used just the meringue powder before, and my strings always break, so having an alternative recipe is something I have very happy for. I have seen that book and had wondered if it had good pictures in it. Now I know! I did a search this week for one but it was around $300.00. That is a little out of my price range at this time, so I'll keep my eyes open. What is the topic of your book that you are writing? WOW! God really did dump out all of the creative juices on you when you were born!!! Music, writing, composing, decorating....are there other talents that you are keeping under the wraps? lol

  • Tracy Deadman

    Thanks Tim - what a great way to start the day on a wet, grey London morning :) 
  • Anne M

    Thanks Tim for your tips on the bc, I am going to try this for my next batch and try the Lambeth method.

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    Tim,At this moment I have some problem so I can not work too much .I just look at the others beautiful cake .

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    I Thank you too Tim,That is kind of you.

  • Linda Wolff

    What are you making Tim? What about a German Chocolate cake? It's a little sweeter than regular chocolate cake but it is lighter in chocolate. I also have a Black Forest Chocolate, cherry, and whipped cream recipe that I have in my German cookbook that I got when we lived over there. I'm not that crazy about the recipe, but it may be what you are looking for. It is so light that I have contemplated doctoring it up some and adding more chocolate. Give me your input on what you plan on making.

  • Linda Wolff

    Let me see what all is in that German cake/pastry book and I will private message whatever recipes that I find. I'll have to convert the measurements first before I send them to you. I'll scan a picture or two of these cakes and send them as well. I know you will like them. They aren't Lambeth, but they are different and pretty.

  • Linda Wolff

    Tim, if you wouldn't mind me having your e-mail address, I think it will be easier to send these recipes and pics that way rather than go through the whole process of the private messaging here. If you are willing, just private message the email address.


  • Linda Wolff

    lol! ooooh, Tim, I was so tired by that time, my head was hitting the key board and I went to bed! I meant to answer the next morning and it just slipped my mind. Did you SEE how many posts we made during that conversation??? We monopolized the whole site! ha ha! What I was going to say, was that I think those cakes would be pretty stale by now if there were any left around and you might not like them, but I would like to see how you would do that because it would make for a great video.

  • Paul Joachim

    Thanks so much Timothy!   That was my goal when I first started doing cakes and it's incredibly rewarding for me to hear that :)  

  • Anne M

    Thanks Tim,  you are very kind.

  • Kathleen Lange

    Hello Tim, 

    You are doing very well!   I see you have been practicing; very proud of your accomplishments in Lambeth.  Hopefully see you in my travels in a class or just for a visit. 

    Have a wonderful day!


  • Linda Wolff

    I loved the series too, Tim. In fact, I loved it so much that I went ahead and bought the DVDs from PBS. This season is over with, now so I will have to wait until September (I think) for it to start season 3.

  • Goreti

    Thank you so much for your comments.  You have made my day.

  • Paul Joachim

    Hi Timothy, I've only painted once on a sheet cake!  here it is:  https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/854_4965582830...

  • Paul Joachim

    thanks man!  

  • Paul Joachim

    Fullsize models would be more fun :) :)  

  • June Kowalczyk

    Gotta say Timothy

    If Linda is the "piping" Queen, you are the "piping" King. I envy you 2. Piping is a chore for me. It is something I need to practice.

  • June Kowalczyk

    Thanks So much for the very lovely comment Timothy. You can't imagine how much I appreciate it.

    I literally just got in yesterday aft from a 2 week cruise to Spain. So my internal "clock" is bit messed up.

  • Linda Wolff

    Hey! I just noticed that you finally added a pic! Awesome!

  • Diane Curtis

    It's all in "cake love" :)  :) We gotta be there for each other!!

  • Cheryl Adams Kier

    I was recently re-reading a wonderful comment you send me through a email on my cake work and bright colors I use...I cherish that  message,and read it often....It makes me smile every time I read it....I have saved it ,and on low days...it picks me up ! Thanks friends!!!!!!!

  • Katy Nott

    The honour is mine Timothy.  I am in complete awe of your work - and a pianist too I gather.  No end to your talents.  I tried to learn the piano once, but I think I was too old by then (in my 30's) and just couldn't get the hang of it.

  • Rima

    Hey, thanks for letting me know. I usually put a 10" cake on a 14" bevel, but I'm still interested. I'll check them out=)

  • Laura white


         If you live in St. Louis you may want to join the St. Louis Metropolitan Sugar Art Guild. We meet quarterly. Will have a meeting  Tuesday July 24    7:00 p.m.   at the Brentwood Community Center.

  • Tracy Deadman

    Hi Timothy,

    You asked a while back what music I put to the Romeo and Juliet cake video. I checked it out just now so I could let you know and it looks like I made quite a bizarre choice for a love cake lol. It's a Walter Rizzati track "Tema Bambino" from the 1981 Lucio Fulci horror movie "The house by the cemetery". How about that. I'm not really a fan of horror films, but just loved this piece of music. I guess I just felt it fitted at the time. Maybe I should dig a little deeper into the meaning behind the music before I use it in future hahahaha. Hope all well with you. Best wishes, Tracy x

  • Lydia Beier

    Hi Timothy, thanks so much for the friend request.  Your work is so beautiful.  I may be asking for pointers as I am trying to get back to piping - I have done a lot of fondant work but really love the lambeth style.  

    Looking forward to seeing more of you beautiful cakes!

  • Linda Wolff

    Thank you Tim. No, I have never heard of the site. I'll try to find it today. I'm still much more interested in butter cream rather than fondant. Love the 'look', but not the taste-even though they have really tried to improve it with flavors. (Still doesn't compare to good old fashioned butter cream icing)

    We are surviving...my 13 year old granddaughter gave her life to the Lord about a month ago and it's been so exciting watching her grow and blossom. I think once we get into a 'normal' (???whatever that is???) routine, I'll be able to connect back with you and we can 'play' with cakes! I am not entering any cakes this year. The big one you like is down in our basement all covered in plastic for now. I keep telling everyone not to even breathe on it because one day you and I are going to use it as our cake play date sample. I just can't get into any contests this year. Can't focus on that right now.

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    Hi Tim,Thanks for all the support and encouragment.I have moved to Canada 5 days ago,  I have lots of work to do for settling down and find the job.I think it will take a time .