Cheryl Adams Kier

Smithville, TX

United States

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  • June Kowalczyk

    Just saw your reply Cheryl. Much easier to add the names & info when upload your pics then to go back & do after.  Remember,  once you add your info you click... apply to all, then each pick gets all what you typed. Gotta say, you are one crazy busy lady. Makes my head spin!!

  • Betty

    Cheryl, I just love looking at your cakes they are always so colorful and your butter cream technique is amazing.

  • Raquel

    Doe's anyone know Cheryl's number or the number we are suppose to have in order to place a order. She made a cake for my daughter two years ago and it was the best cake that we had ever had. It was beautiful and delicious, so I was really hoping to find her number again to be able to place a order this year for my daughters birthday. Thank you all so much for your time. Have a nice day.