Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Self Taught Decorators Club


Self Taught Decorators Club

For the free spirit cake decorators who had no formal training. Share you journey and what new things your still learning. What resources do you use to gain knowledge?

Members: 674
Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2016

Discussion Forum

Introcuding Myself-Laura

Started by Laura Guynup. Last reply by Laura Guynup Aug 23, 2016. 2 Replies

Hello my name is, Laura.  I am a stay at home mom with two sons ages 10 and 13. One grown daughter age, 34 and one grand daughter age 8. I have been learning about baking and decorating cakes for…Continue

Carving Problems

Started by Lydia Beier. Last reply by Laura Guynup Aug 21, 2016. 15 Replies

I am so glad I am doing a practice run of my purse cake.  I am following a video tutorial (using my own pattern), and that doesn't seem to be the problem.  I used my chocolate cake recipe and have…Continue

Victorian plastic cake stand??

Started by Melanie. Last reply by Melanie Nov 19, 2013. 5 Replies

Ok Ladies! I need some help! Anyone know where I can find this stand or a stand like it? I tried to search eBay, but didn't know what to type in to search it? Check out attached photo! Thanks!!

Favorite fondant

Started by Deborah Martin. Last reply by Ricardo Cancino Nov 18, 2013. 13 Replies

I want everybody's thoughts on what their favorite fondant is and why.  I have done Satin Ice, Duff, and I recently saw a video on utube which adds Wilton to MMF.  Just want to hear some opinions. …Continue

Comment Wall

Comment by Ruth Cropper on April 2, 2013 at 10:26am

My goodness!  All of my children are grown and one can forget all the interruptions when trying to get your work done.  I am not sure if I were in your shoes that I would take on so many cakes.  I don't do anymore than 5 myself - and that's all birthday cakes and all I have to worry about is a husband - but I do have other activities that I am involved in, like violin and then there's housework.  The first week of May I have 5 cakes scheduled.  Two wedding cakes, two groom's cakes and a baby shower cake.  That will be a very busy week.  My whole month of May is booked. I don't have an assistant, nor does my husband help me in any way (except perhaps if I need him to carry a large cake to the refrigerator or when helping to deliver wedding cakes). I am thinking of getting some things done at the end of this month, like boards, frosting that I can freeze so there is not so much for me to do in May.  I too when I have a full calendar have a schedule for each day.  I make all my figures, decorations on Monday, make frosting on Tuesdays, bake on Wednesday and Thursday, decorate on Fridays.  With 5 cakes though I will decorate some on Thursday afternoon because I can't possible decorate 5 in one day.  All my cakes get picked up by noon on Saturdays (except Wedding cakes, which I deliver on their schedule) so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend with my husband.  He works long hours during the week and wants us to have time together on weekends.

Comment by Joann Gottermeyer on April 2, 2013 at 10:31am

I'm lucky with my husband - he'll do dishes and try to help me keep my work areas clean, take are of dinner and even do laundry on busy weekends. He'll even take our daughter out on day trips or take my father - who lives with us - on a long car ride so I can have a bit more peace while I'm working. He's very supportive of my little 'hobby'!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on April 2, 2013 at 10:31am


When I read this.... SOoooo glad I am only a hobby baker.  Too stressful... wouldn't be fun anymore if I had to do fruit loops like this to decorate.

Comment by June Kowalczyk on April 2, 2013 at 10:36am

You have a great hubby Joann.  My hubbie was SOoooo into my now grown children's sports, no way would he have "helped".  He thought it was a silly waste of time.  Fast forward.... made my niece's & daughter's wedding cakes... big change of heart.  Now both retired, and just a hobby, he gets a little annoyed at times when I spend hours... "fiddling",  as he calls it, with my caking.  Hee Hee

Comment by June Kowalczyk on April 2, 2013 at 10:37am

Gee Joann

You better get baking and less typing..... hee hee

Comment by Sandra Walston on April 2, 2013 at 10:46am

I completely understand the all nighters, as I to work full time.  I do my prep work during the week, whatever can be done in advance gets done.  I usually save all the decorating until Friday night, so, I have all the cakes crumb coated, iced and covered. Friday I wake up at until 4pm..home by 5:30 and start working on my cake orders..wait for pick-ups or I deliver and then off to finally sleep after 24+ hours.  It's exhausting but I LOVE WHAT I DO!! lol 

Comment by Ruth Cropper on April 2, 2013 at 10:52am

My husband would be more than willing to help, if he were here to do so.  He goes to work at 6 am and doesn't get home until around 4 pm.  I usually have all my work completed by then.  If not, he would help with supper or go get us something, because he wants to eat. Ha!  Those times are few.  

Comment by Goreti on April 2, 2013 at 10:55am

I have to give you all lots of credit.  I only do about 1 cake a month if that since it is always a gift for a family member.  My hubby is totally against my making cakes for anyone else.  He HATES the mess.  I've had some inquiries thru facebook but always turn them down.  As most of you know, I love to make gum paste flowers and have them on display in my china cabinet and he has been hinting for me to "get rid of them".  The funny thing is when I go to the family parties with the cake in hand he is so proud.  Don 't get it.  He also does not mind the money I spend on "my toys".

Comment by June Kowalczyk on April 2, 2013 at 10:56am


Also, in all fairness to my hubby. When he worked, he left at 5.30 am, came home at 6pm or later.  HE had every other friday off, so he liked us to spend it together. And he traveled.... A LOT.  So when my  both kids were in sports.... who ferried them around? .... ah me!!!  No time for cakes. But I wouldn't have changed those sports years for anything. Son eneded up with a Lacrosse scholarship... so it was worth it.  But if I do have a cake to do now .... he is onboard now to help.  Think he now realizes the work that is involved.

Comment by June Kowalczyk on April 2, 2013 at 11:08am

Your Hubby is quite a paradox Goerti????

  But I think it is the Euopean Male. Love my hubby, but I know if I decided to really go "Full Time".... I can tell you his patients would wear very thin. And his help would most likely vanish. But since I am not interested in doing that.....  doesn't matter. I have a sis-in-law that could have been in full time business making silk flower arrangements, even wedding planner. SOooo talented, her bouquets were amazing. She did the arrangements part time for several years.   Her hubby really put the ki-bosh on that I can tell you.  Now she doesn't even do it as a hobby.  He & my hubby, as brothers, are the closest in ideology and temperment. Don't like anything that will take the attention and focus off of them.  But I must say, since my hubby has retired.... he has relaxed a lot more.  All my friends have noticed.  My bro-in-law.... just the opposite.  Watches every single penny,  especially what she spends!!!   ... my poor sis-in-law.


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