Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Self Taught Decorators Club


Self Taught Decorators Club

For the free spirit cake decorators who had no formal training. Share you journey and what new things your still learning. What resources do you use to gain knowledge?

Members: 674
Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2016

Discussion Forum

Introcuding Myself-Laura

Started by Laura Guynup. Last reply by Laura Guynup Aug 23, 2016. 2 Replies

Hello my name is, Laura.  I am a stay at home mom with two sons ages 10 and 13. One grown daughter age, 34 and one grand daughter age 8. I have been learning about baking and decorating cakes for…Continue

Carving Problems

Started by Lydia Beier. Last reply by Laura Guynup Aug 21, 2016. 15 Replies

I am so glad I am doing a practice run of my purse cake.  I am following a video tutorial (using my own pattern), and that doesn't seem to be the problem.  I used my chocolate cake recipe and have…Continue

Victorian plastic cake stand??

Started by Melanie. Last reply by Melanie Nov 19, 2013. 5 Replies

Ok Ladies! I need some help! Anyone know where I can find this stand or a stand like it? I tried to search eBay, but didn't know what to type in to search it? Check out attached photo! Thanks!!

Favorite fondant

Started by Deborah Martin. Last reply by Ricardo Cancino Nov 18, 2013. 13 Replies

I want everybody's thoughts on what their favorite fondant is and why.  I have done Satin Ice, Duff, and I recently saw a video on utube which adds Wilton to MMF.  Just want to hear some opinions. …Continue

Comment Wall

Comment by Landi M on July 15, 2010 at 3:47pm
Hello, my name is Landi and I live in Central, FL just west of Orlando. I have been baking and decorating cakes for a number of years but only getting serious about it a couple of years ago. I worked as a cake decorator at Super Target and learned a lot from the young woman who trained me. Other than that, I am self taught, book taught, and internet taught. :)
Comment by Daisy Brown on July 15, 2010 at 4:12pm
We are so glad to have Landi welcome!!!
Comment by Daisy Brown on July 21, 2010 at 11:31am
Hi everyone I'm back from my "Extreme" adventure! Oh I have so much to share with so stay tuned! The cupcakes came out fabulous!
Comment by Daisy Brown on July 21, 2010 at 7:57pm
Ok so I can't say much until after the show airs. I can say that the cupcakes will be seen clearly in the house. We were treated very well and had a chance to meet the Mayor and Governor of our lovely city. I want say so much but I'am under an agreement. As soon as I get more details I will let you know when the cupcakes make their debut :).
Comment by Daisy Brown on July 22, 2010 at 10:00am
Wow!! Linda Church is our 100TH member! Welcome :).
Question of the day: Who inspired you to be a baker/decorator?
Comment by Jeannine Sikora on July 22, 2010 at 10:45am
My grandma inspired me to be a baker. I remember when I was little I'd sit in her kitchen for hours watching her bake. She would make the best chocolate cupcakes from scratch (using sour milk even!) and would always make a bigger one just for me. And of course her homemade mocha icing to top them was amazing. I make them for my daughters now. As far as decorating, I used to make donuts in a local grocery store. One mortning after my donut shift had ended, my boss asked me if I would stay and decorate a few cakes for the case (and god forbid there were 2 orders due also) because the cake decorator called in sick. Well, that was all it took for me to get bit by the bug. :o) Bought my first Wilton cake book (oh so many years ago!) and have not stopped decorating since! Now my 8 year old wants to follow in my footsteps, she always watches me do the cakes and on small things I let her help me. I love knowing that I'm passing something special on to her that I got from my grandma!
Comment by Stampinsher on July 22, 2010 at 11:09am
Question of the Day (QOTD) by Daisy Brown:
Who inspired you to be a baker/decorator?

Sher's response: My Mom! She used to bake all sorts of things and cooked too, I will add she was fabulous at it, extremely encouraging, patient and made everything fun.
She was a natural and was able to do anything! I really loved being with my Mom and my brothers also enjoyed cooking. Dad cooked too when he needed to no baking.
To this day, my brothers love to cook but baking is not on their top list to do.
Me, I'm different. I do everything because of my Mom. We went to a cake decorating class together so many years ago. Mom did great and I wasn't so good it was about 37 years ago when I was a teenager . My Mom would make specialty Cakes and Decorate them free hand for all of the Grandkids! She still continued to do the decorating for years! My son also received a beautiful cake that would feed 50 people at least! She would free hand Superman, clowns, Barbie cakes or so many different cakes for the grandkids. OMG, you should have seen my 21st B-day cake and holiday cakes! Mom stopped all cake baking but rarely does cookies (once a year) and most cooking these past 10 years.
Years later, I'm retired now and I am attempting to do cake decorating. Funny it has taken me all these years to go back to decorating!
Thank you Mom!

Oh - Jeannine, your story is terrific! It is just so wonderful that you are sharing with your daughter. It is similar to mine. Have fun!
Comment by Daisy Brown on July 22, 2010 at 11:12am
That's a great story Jeannie! I watched my mother and other woman in my family. I was mainly a person that love, love cooking. Then The Food Network had to start having these cake competitions and that was it for me. I combined the recipes from my family and combined it with cupcake baking and now cake decorating :).
Comment by Daisy Brown on July 22, 2010 at 11:20am
Hi Stampinsher! Welcome and thank you for sharing your inspiration. It's never too late to learn something as wonderful as cake decorating. You really have to love doing something like this because it shows in the finished product :).
Comment by Jeannine Sikora on July 22, 2010 at 11:20am
Thanks!! It's funny cuz my older daughter loves LOVES to cook. She'll help me a little baking but mostly it's my 8 year old that really gets into helping me. My sister bought Paula Deen's 'My First Cookbook' for my oldest for Christmas last year and I swear she has made everything in it! (and quite good I might add..for a 10 year old!) Plus last Thanksgiving she made the entire turkey dinner (I helped a little but she even cleaned out the turkey!) I (really 8yo and myself) love watching ALL the cake shows, and now the newest ones DC Cupckaes and Fabulous Cakes....some day I hope I can be good enough to compete like that!


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