Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Self Taught Decorators Club


Self Taught Decorators Club

For the free spirit cake decorators who had no formal training. Share you journey and what new things your still learning. What resources do you use to gain knowledge?

Members: 674
Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2016

Discussion Forum

Introcuding Myself-Laura

Started by Laura Guynup. Last reply by Laura Guynup Aug 23, 2016. 2 Replies

Hello my name is, Laura.  I am a stay at home mom with two sons ages 10 and 13. One grown daughter age, 34 and one grand daughter age 8. I have been learning about baking and decorating cakes for…Continue

Carving Problems

Started by Lydia Beier. Last reply by Laura Guynup Aug 21, 2016. 15 Replies

I am so glad I am doing a practice run of my purse cake.  I am following a video tutorial (using my own pattern), and that doesn't seem to be the problem.  I used my chocolate cake recipe and have…Continue

Victorian plastic cake stand??

Started by Melanie. Last reply by Melanie Nov 19, 2013. 5 Replies

Ok Ladies! I need some help! Anyone know where I can find this stand or a stand like it? I tried to search eBay, but didn't know what to type in to search it? Check out attached photo! Thanks!!

Favorite fondant

Started by Deborah Martin. Last reply by Ricardo Cancino Nov 18, 2013. 13 Replies

I want everybody's thoughts on what their favorite fondant is and why.  I have done Satin Ice, Duff, and I recently saw a video on utube which adds Wilton to MMF.  Just want to hear some opinions. …Continue

Comment Wall

Comment by Joann Gottermeyer on July 25, 2013 at 1:21pm

its awful Katie! thank goodness my husband bought me a kindle a while back. at the time, I thought he was crazy because I never had time to read, although I really enjoy it. lets say that I am now making up for lost time!!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on July 25, 2013 at 1:40pm
Well Joann
I believe the good Lord sometimes uses a situation like this so we can be "still". Amazing what a few months of quiet reflection can produce. I went through something similar for many months. Thought I would go crazy cause I am a go go go type of person. But I survived, got well & went back to work. I did learn some valuable lessons tho. Don't know if I would have in my busyness. Take care & will pray you have complete recovery.
Comment by Melanie on July 25, 2013 at 5:27pm
Well, my cookies made top 4, I find out at 7:00 tonight what place I actually got. This cake lady still can't seem to win in the cake division!! Lol! It looked really yummy too :/
Happy to be winning something though. You're right Katy, I love the competition of it! It's what keeps me inspired!
Comment by Joann Gottermeyer on July 25, 2013 at 5:39pm

thanks june - you're absolutely right......I do need to learn how to appreciate being still....but it's so hard!! good luck Melanie!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on July 25, 2013 at 8:02pm
Good luck Melanie.
Yes Joann... I am still learning. Now retired, 1st 2 yrs were great. But I was so use to busy....I am still adjusting. Feel guilty if I don't "accomplish" something every day. I am re-learning to sit , relax & enjoy. Hard... I am going to re-join my local library cause I love to read & now I have time. Have to give myself permission to do as I want & please. :o)
Comment by Melanie on July 25, 2013 at 11:21pm
My cookies got 4th! Not disappointed, the cookie division had the most entries. Just happy to have won something :)
Comment by Lydia Beier on July 26, 2013 at 1:47am

I'm about to carve my first purse tomorrow.  It is actually a trial run for a cake I will be donating for auction at a fundraiser for our youth group.  I want the real one to be perfect so figure it is best to practice first.  There are a lot of techniques I will be using that I haven't done before so am excited and a little nervous!  Also, other than a volcano, I haven't been doing much carving or decorating lately.  Any tips?

Comment by Lydia Beier on July 26, 2013 at 1:49am

Congratulations, Melanie.  :-)

Comment by Mandy Nel on July 26, 2013 at 2:27am

Ahhhh June - congrats on the grand baby - best Christmas gift ever :-)

Comment by Mandy Nel on July 26, 2013 at 2:37am

@ Joann - wishing you a complete recovery and by the time you get back to caking you should have so many new ideas - wishing you well xxx

@ Melanie - well done you!  Now don't think that cookies are lesser beings in the scheme of sweet things - I reckon they are the mainstay of happy families throughout the world so if you can do a beautiful tasty cookie, you can put an instant smile on many a dial :-)

Happy weekend all - I have a wedding cake and an eeyore cake to do for tomorrow and a Jake and the pirates cake for Sunday, so will be pulling all the creative juices out to make them as beautiful as I can.  Just to get the periwinkle blue colour right for eeyore cause my first attempt has turned to denim ........ arggggggghhhhhh :-)


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