Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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WOW, this is so great.
Thanks ladies for the comments, I certainly appreciate it. This was a really fun cake to do. The girl I made it for asked me months ago if I would make her a chicken cake for her birthday. I raise chickens for a hobby and eggs. You go through alot of eggs making cakes, so if you can I recommend that you build you a little coop, get some hens, and have some good old farm fresh eggs for your cake baking.

Bake on!
That is a hoot!
That's funny Sherry. might be able to cluck alot but I bet you can't lay an egg! Everyone ought to have some backyard chickens you know. Anyway, it is a fun hobby.

Sherry Qualls said:
uhmmmmm Sam, I am sure if you could talk to my husband he would tell you I do enough clucking without having a single chicken in sight ;D

Sam The Cake Man said:
Thanks ladies for the comments, I certainly appreciate it. This was a really fun cake to do. The girl I made it for asked me months ago if I would make her a chicken cake for her birthday. I raise chickens for a hobby and eggs. You go through alot of eggs making cakes, so if you can I recommend that you build you a little coop, get some hens, and have some good old farm fresh eggs for your cake baking.

Bake on!
Thanks Deah, I appreciate the comment. It is one of my favorites now.

Deah Aldridge said:
That is a hoot!
wow, this is so cool! how did you make the little chicks?
nice job and my best friend has chickens and keeps me in eggs thankfully! brown eggs have better flavor if you ask me
Love the baby chicks!!!
Thanks Kathy for the response. The chicks are just marshmallows that I covered with frosting and did little bead like decor to represent a fuzzy chick look. One two of them I took scissors and cut off a thin layer on both sides and front to make the body a little different than just the shape of the marshmallow. You can also dip them in water with yellow food coloring, and then let them dry and then put eyes and a beak. It was indeed a fun project. Thanks again.

kathy hoffman said:
wow, this is so cool! how did you make the little chicks?
Thanks Renee for the kind response. It's nice to have eggs from your friend. Make sure you reward her chickens every once in a while with a treat. Mine like cheese, yogurt, worms, bread, etc. Thanks again for responding.

Renee' Minard said:
nice job and my best friend has chickens and keeps me in eggs thankfully! brown eggs have better flavor if you ask me
Love the baby chicks!!!
wow that looks really good how have you done all the little feathers?
Thanks Rach for the response. In regards to the feathers, I just had a small tip and just made a small leaf type shape going in rows. I had yellow and brown frosting to work with, some was mixed together and some put on separately. It was a fun cake to do.

Rach said:
wow that looks really good how have you done all the little feathers?

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