To be absolutely blunt, I hate fondant!!! Marshmallow fondant isn't bad, though.
I have taken the mini flavored marshmallows and seperated each flavor and made fondant out of it and it taste pretty good.
Fondant is SWEEEEEET...sometimes toothachingly sweet. I hate marshmallows as a rule...but I like marshmallow fondant. I add up to a tablespoon of diluted saltwater sometimes to my batch of mmf, that helps to cut the sweetness some. For me its not so much about the taste as the texture..usually pretty chewy. As an interesting side note I saw these articles recently
Buttercream may be on its way back in.
Happy Caking
I like to add almond flavoring to my marshmallow fondant, however some eat it some don't. I am not sure if I am doing it in vein. My neighbor loves my almond fondant, so i go with that.
I think spending more time on the butter cream is worth it, as if the fondant gets taken off the underneath is delicious!
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