Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone!  I'm relatively new to the group, and I have a question I'm hoping to get some input on.  An aquaintance of mine has asked me to make a 2 tier Princess and the Frog cake for her 3 yr old.  The bottom tier would have fondant flowers (the kind you could make with a cutter), and the top would be quilted fondant with a plastic crown on top, and a sculpted frog with a crown on it's head. It needs to feed 35-40 people.  I generally give my cakes as gifts, or trade a cake for babysitting with my friends, but she asked what I'd charge.  I don't really know her, so I feel I should charge her more than just cost, but I have no idea what to charge! I researched local bakeries, and for a sheet cake of that size, they start around $65-70, with custom cakes of course costing more.  I don't know if I could ask for that with a straight face.  lol  Thoughts?

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When it comes to friends and family it's your call.  I think your first step is to calculate your costs.  Sit down and determine how much cake batter you'll need so you can think of all your ingredients - eggs, pudding mix, oil, powdered sugar, shortening, butter, vanilla etc. Also price your cake board and foil to cover it, fondant, rice crispy treats, cutters you may need to buy, meringue powder or luster dust for the crown.  All these things add up, believe me.  My cake spreadsheet I use calculates it'd be about $38.00 and that's figuring low.   So if she pays you  $65 or $70 you're profiting maybe $25-30 for a cake that will easily take you at least 6 hours - most likely more due to the crown and the frog and flowers. I bet this cake will take you about 10 hours when it's all said and done (including the baking time).  So that's about $2.50 - $3.00 an hour.  So maybe think of it in those terms as you decide.  There's a reason cakes like this cost more. They are labor intensive and require more expensive materials and ingredients.  Your friend is getting a deal, just decide how much you want to tack on for your trouble.
Thanks Carla!  You're absolutely right!  It just feels weird asking for that amount, but I know if I walked in to a bakery, I wouldn't think twice about paying that amount.  You have a spreadsheet!!??  I'm impressed!  Is it one you created, or did you download it somewhere?
No, I got it from someone else. If you want I can send it to you.  It's excel - very handy! PM an email address if you'd like and I'll send it your way.
I'm interested in the spreadsheet as well Carla, if you don't mind. I'll PM you my email address, if I can figure out how to do it. I'm new to this site.
i would like the spreadsheet too please. email:

i know what you mean i have a had time charging  what i should for cakes.

can you send me the spread sheet as well please email address is


Hi folks,


Okay, I'll send out an email asap.  For Gcat, Carla and Rachel, read your PM's. I lost your addresses when I accepted your friend requests.  So sorry guys!

Alright - email sent to Ceclilia & Dorothea.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Gcat, Carla & Rachel, reply to the PM I sent you and I'll send it your way too.
thanks so much! 
No problem. Happy to share. I got it way back when from someone online too. Can't remember who  -wish I did so I could give them credit!

Dare I poke my nose in and ask for the spreadsheet as well?  I've started one myself, but it's going to take time to build it up to what you've probably been blessed with!  Thanks so much!


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