Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Here's just one of many!

Back in college, I was baking my roommates birthday cake at 1:00 in the morning. I went back to my room while the cake was in the oven and the next thing you know, the fire alarm went off and the whole dorm had to evacuate. Needless to say, the oven was faulty and the cake was fried to a crisp. Plus I pissed a whole lot of people off!

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I attempted to bake cupcakes in our first home (years ago) and it was a disaster. I set them in the oven and went about doing house chores. When I checked on the cupcakes something seemed "not right" and I was really upset that the oven was not working properly until my husband pointed out that I set the oven to "broil" by mistake...
My first and by far not the last disaster was my first carrot cake for my daughters fifth birthday party with the family. I can not remember the quantity but it called for "Grated" carrots. I did question that (for my other recipes called for shredded carrots) but I said you must follow the recipe. The cake turned out as orange as a carrot and it weighted a ton....that was alot of carrots - I did not know better for I was not into baking then, and with the Cream Cheese icing, wow that really added to the weight of the cake.. My in-laws, to say the least, were NOT impressed. To this day "Grated and Shredded" really confuses me, so from then on (for a long time after this disaster) I made only the carrot cake that called for jars of Baby food carrot...LOL
I picked the kids up from daycare on a Friday night. I had baked the cakes for a Saturday party, and was in the process of putting the fondant on. I had the cake domes on the counter, so asked the kids if they wanted some cake. I put some in bowls on the table and went about my business. The kids ate and left the room, so I moved the empty bowls to the counter. A few minutes later my three year old came in and asked for more cake. I said sure, it's on the counter. I was busy, deep in thought and not really paying attention (call me a bad mom). I heard her brother say she "broke it". I turned around a let out a blood curdling scream that sent them running. She had pulled over a chair and took a handful of fondant covered cake out the bottom tier of my cake, not the bowl of domes sitting right next to it. Poor communication and lack of attention on my part does not make for a happy three year old. She felt so bad. The cake was beyond repair. I tried....
So my brother-in-law ans sister-in-law were getting married in Vegas. They came back and we had a HUGE reception for them back here in Mass. they asked me to make the cake....(3 tiered round on pillars over a fountain) Since this was my first wedding cake ever, I had no idea how to get it there fully assembled. I have a friend of mine drive me the 45 minutes to the location while i sat in the back holding the cake in my lap. On route, we ended up in an accident and the cake shifted totally to the left. When we got to the location, I tried soooo hard to fix it. It looked like the leaning tower of Pisa. Yup, everyone commented on how crooked it was. I was visibly upset and it really pissed my husband off to the point where he heard a group of people making fun of it. He got up, and basically bitched them out. When they heard we were inan accident, they came over and apologized up and down. Needless to say, the birde and groom were just happy I was ok. The cake, BEST THEY EVER ATE!
That cake should have gone in their faces!

melissa pappalardo said:
So my brother-in-law ans sister-in-law were getting married in Vegas. They came back and we had a HUGE reception for them back here in Mass. they asked me to make the cake....(3 tiered round on pillars over a fountain) Since this was my first wedding cake ever, I had no idea how to get it there fully assembled. I have a friend of mine drive me the 45 minutes to the location while i sat in the back holding the cake in my lap. On route, we ended up in an accident and the cake shifted totally to the left. When we got to the location, I tried soooo hard to fix it. It looked like the leaning tower of Pisa. Yup, everyone commented on how crooked it was. I was visibly upset and it really pissed my husband off to the point where he heard a group of people making fun of it. He got up, and basically bitched them out. When they heard we were inan accident, they came over and apologized up and down. Needless to say, the birde and groom were just happy I was ok. The cake, BEST THEY EVER ATE!
About 6 years ago my husband asked if I would make a baby shower cake for one of the guys in his office - I hadn't made very many cakes, but I had the "basics" down - or so I thought. I baked a 9x13, made the frosting, filled the cake and started to try and crumb coat the cake - only I hadn't thinned the frosting down after making the icing "dam" in the center! The buttercream was of medium-to-stiff consistency and when I lifted the spatula a HUGE chunk of cake came out - I tried patching it, but it only made it worse. I told him he'd need to go to Wal-Mart and get a ready-made cake. All I could do was laugh (or cry), so I took the cake, mashed it up in a bowl with the frosting, it had chocolate mousse filling in it already, and today my kids will occasionally ask for "bowl cake" instead of a regular cake for special occasions. :)
third wedding cake I had ever made...covered the boards with contact paper like I had read about and assembled five tiers except for the cascade of blue gumpaste flowers. during the delivery we went around a corner and the top four tiers slid off of the bottom base and tumped over in the back of the van. Luckily onto a clean sheet that we put down. My son said the cake fell over...we stopped...set them upright and then went on to the reception hall. Walked in...the caterer started yelling at me...superman stepped in and told her to let me finish my job. I took them all to the kitchen...scraped off the icing after I peeled off the fondant lace boarders. Re-iced four of the tiers only one was broken beyond repair. Superman ran to a local grocery store and bought a couple of sheetcakes for extra servings. I replaced the fondant borders (which held together fine) Cascaded the flowers over the one crevice in the cake and then we carried it out into the reception in front over all the guests...who then started to applaud because they heard the cake was ruined and it was beautiful! I offered the mother her money back but she said "No girl, you worked for that twice!" I never used contact paper on the boards made them too slippery with the dowels and buttercream icing.
Theresa, I totally agree.
One disaster that I had I was able to fix. We live in a rural area and a lot of wedding cakes that I deliver are at ranches etc... well one a couple years ago was at a ranch that required being on a dirt road for about 30 miles... and a bumpy dirt road too boot. I knew it would be a rough delivery so I took an old egg crate mattress and put it in the trunk of my car and put the cakes on it (I was assembling the cake on site) Well... I had no more left the highway onto the dirt road about 5 minutes and there was a CATTLE DRIVE headed down the road! They waved me on and I had to drive right through the middle of all the steers that they were moving... I was thinking no one would ever believe it so I took pics! Then once I got there one side of the cake had a big crack in it so I put it to the back and covered it with decorations... it all worked out but what a day that was!
My First cake disaster just happened a few months ago. I was taking a 3 tier cake for a 50th anniversary on a delivery to a church. I always see so many people deliver assembed cakes so I thought I would give it a try. I placed it in a large box in my van and off I went. I only had to go 20 mins away. I got there to be greeted by the couples daughter who had ordered the cake. When I opened the back of the van the cake had tipped backwards in the box. Well needless to say I was upset. I got the cake in and realized that the bottom teir have given way. I was in panic mode but I repaired the back side best I could and set it up. The front still looked great but the back was a hot mess. I refused to take anymore money for it and the family was really gracious but I still cryed all the way home. From now on all my cakes will be assembed on site. ;P
I have seen those and have thought about purchasing them but alas I don't make enough money yet either.

April said:
Oh So sorry that happened to you too. I agree with on site stacking too. Unless you have the $200+ to put out for the Stress Free supports. Check it out here Another caker uses these and has no problem traveling with stacked cakes. I don't make enough cakes for something like this though.
Here is wishing you many happy baking experiences from now on.

Fran Quarles said:
My First cake disaster just happened a few months ago. I was taking a 3 tier cake for a 50th anniversary on a delivery to a church. I always see so many people deliver assembed cakes so I thought I would give it a try. I placed it in a large box in my van and off I went. I only had to go 20 mins away. I got there to be greeted by the couples daughter who had ordered the cake. When I opened the back of the van the cake had tipped backwards in the box. Well needless to say I was upset. I got the cake in and realized that the bottom teir have given way. I was in panic mode but I repaired the back side best I could and set it up. The front still looked great but the back was a hot mess. I refused to take anymore money for it and the family was really gracious but I still cryed all the way home. From now on all my cakes will be assembed on site. ;P
i'll let you all know tomorrow!!! today i am going to do my first cake.....wish me luck!!! sigh!!!

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