Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

A few weeks ago, I said myself- never ever and now, I did it again. I took too many order for one day and end up with ugliest cake ever. Needless to say, I was so ashamed and disappointed in myself.

How do you deal with multiple orders?

I am just hobby baker but people demand cakes from me more and more and I still do not know how to say no.

Then I end up with 30 hours in kitchen, no sleep, hurting body and mess in the house like no one could produce but me.

How do you handle that?

When I start to bake, everything is fine first couple of hours, but with time ticking, my kitchen is one big mess, I cannot find a thing and free space to work.

How do you manage your cake baking and overbooking? Help please. :)

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Why don't you make all the icing you are going to need a few days ahead and put it in the fridge, when ready to use bring to room temp. and re-whip.  Bake the cakes a day or two ahead and wrap it well and store in the fridge.  If you are making fondant pieces that can be done weeks in advance so the day of assembly you are doing just that.  Try not to book too many cakes.  Good luck! Let me know how it works for you.

Majka, every Christmas I get this problem.  Anything between 5 and 11 cakes, plus doing Christmas dinner for the family!  I have it down to a fine art now.  I bake the cakes in advance and freeze them.  Make shed loads of icing and either refrigerate it, or freeze it (butter cream freezes fine).  Fondant decorations make one or two weeks ahead and keep in an airtight container covered in greaseproof paper.  Then, as Lorie says, on the day before delivery, all you are doing is assembling.  Of course, it is easier for me probably as I am making the same cake for everyone - I am known for my chocolate logs.  So there is not so much detail to worry about and you can 'factoryline' them.  But you should hopefully be able to work something around those lines.  If your cakes are sponge, don't be afraid to freeze them, they will be fine - just get them out of the freezer the day before they are needed.  Of course, the other thing is to learn to be firm - get the hang of saying, sorry I can't do that!

Why bake that many when you just resent it?  Doesn't sound like a fun hobby that way.  Just figure out how many cakes you want to make a week or month.  If you decide one a week, when you have that one then you just have to say no, you are booked.  All the organizing and planning won't keep you from feeling overly tired and taken advantage of and resentful if you take on too much.  Remember it should be FUN.  Or since it is a hobby, just take cakes that interest you or that you offer, not ones that people ask you to make.  Then you could use your time doing techniques that interest you.

I am a hobby baker also, and my friends and family love my cakes.  I love that they ask me to make them for them and they are always challenging me to make a cake they saw online and I always say yes and I have the same problems as you.  I feel the excat same way.  I seem to have such a relief when that last cake for a weekend is gone out of my house, it takes me two days to recover and on Wed I am baking again.  Last night I baked enough layers for 4 cakes.  And that is how the about the last 5 weeks have been.  I have a mess by Sunday and I don't want to do anything else.  I really wish I could get started earlier, make things in advance but it never happens.  Tonight I will be mixing Icing while I try to ice them.  I do try to prioritize them and do what I can.  It seems to that about 10pm is when I get into a grove and the next thing I know it is like 3am. 

When May is over I will have made 16 cakes.  that is alot and I have a full time job I work all week and have a very active 12 year old who goes to dance lessons 5 times a week.  Some times I wonder why I do this, but I always feel so good when I post the cakes online and people love them or the person who it was for tells me how much everyone loved my cake.  I might be tired, but I am loving the challenage.  My grandmother had some of a cake I made the other day for our family reunion and she told me how good it was, really made me feel like the rushing, sleepless nights, and mess was all worth it.


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