Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Nothing like having to do things last minute, but I didn't have enough white Satin Ice, so I ran up to Michaels to get white fondant just to cover a dummy cake for the Mass. ICES DOS class. So, I bought Wilton, figuring if the formula was the same, it didn't matter because it was going on a dummy cake.
The Michael's cashier was clueless, so I just bought it anyway.

The first thing I noticed is that it wasn't hard as a rock when I opened it. How about that! So, I knew it had to be the new formula. I tasted it and it was pleasant enough. I wouldn't say it has that creamy vanilla aroma and flavor that Satin Ice does, in fact, it didn't have much flavor. But, it does allow you to flavor it any way you want.

It rolled out easily and had a good consistency. It's pretty hot here today and no air bubbles. It had a perfect finish. I would also say it doesn't dry out as quickly as Satin Ice does.

So, I had a quick experience with it and have to say I don't mind using it in a pinch.

Feel free to put your two cents in...

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I gotta try it!..I haven't used it in years. I got to try it!
Gosh, that is good to know. I have a package of it in my storage area since the beginning of this year. I haven't used it because I've only heard it tastes yucky. Perhaps I will "play" with it and be brave enough to taste it. I've not bought Satin Ice yet. I've made my own MMF only (Sherry's recipe) and I like that taste a lot both chocolate and vanilla then I tried almond, yummy. My friends and family enjoyed it too.
If it's the old version of the fondant you have, it may very well be the yucky one. But, you can try the old and the new and then you'll see what a big improvement it is.
The Satin Ice is nice. Though there is a group here on CWB called FONDARIFIC. This company actually makes flavored fondant, and by flavored, I mean Chocolate Mocha, Strawberry, Lemon and a few more. I just ordered some samples as was suggested to me in the group, so I'm excited to try them out.
I'm guessing the Wilton fondant with which I am familiar is the OLD stuff because it tastes nasty and smells like Elmer's Glue as soon as you open it. I quite using it during class and started making my own MMF which is a big hit.
I ordered the Fondarific sample pack a month or so ago and it's excellent! Chocolate tastes like Tootsie Rolls and Orange cream tastes like orange sherbert. Mocha is yummy (stronger smelling than it tastes) and the BC and Vanilla's are good too. Definitely considering for future projects (once I can get people into paying for fondant work...that's the hard part.
Gonna have to check out the new Wilton though :)

Jenifer said:
The Satin Ice is nice. Though there is a group here on CWB called FONDARIFIC. This company actually makes flavored fondant, and by flavored, I mean Chocolate Mocha, Strawberry, Lemon and a few more. I just ordered some samples as was suggested to me in the group, so I'm excited to try them out.
I bought mine directly from, very quick ship too.

Denise said:
Who is selling the Fondarific Sample packs? I usually buy from SugarCraft when I buy Satin Ice

Stephanie Hoffman said:
I'm guessing the Wilton fondant with which I am familiar is the OLD stuff because it tastes nasty and smells like Elmer's Glue as soon as you open it. I quite using it during class and started making my own MMF which is a big hit.
I ordered the Fondarific sample pack a month or so ago and it's excellent! Chocolate tastes like Tootsie Rolls and Orange cream tastes like orange sherbert. Mocha is yummy (stronger smelling than it tastes) and the BC and Vanilla's are good too. Definitely considering for future projects (once I can get people into paying for fondant work...that's the hard part.
Gonna have to check out the new Wilton though :)

Jenifer said:
The Satin Ice is nice. Though there is a group here on CWB called FONDARIFIC. This company actually makes flavored fondant, and by flavored, I mean Chocolate Mocha, Strawberry, Lemon and a few more. I just ordered some samples as was suggested to me in the group, so I'm excited to try them out.
i've used it also and i agree about the flavor but it does roll out nice!!
I had the same experience with it.
I've always liked Wilton for workability, but never for taste....until I tried it again recently. It's still not what I'd call "delicious" but at least now it doesn't smell and taste like industrial wallpaper paste. It's at least edible now. If you mix a little white modeling chocolate in with it you get a wonderful flavor and the workability improves even more!
yep, tastes A OK now. I am back to using it regularly again....
You mean candy clay? How much do you mix in....about half a batch?
Julie Reis said:
I've always liked Wilton for workability, but never for taste....until I tried it again recently. It's still not what I'd call "delicious" but at least now it doesn't smell and taste like industrial wallpaper paste. It's at least edible now. If you mix a little white modeling chocolate in with it you get a wonderful flavor and the workability improves even more!

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