Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi newbies, 


Welcome to Cakes We Bake. Please introduce yourself here.

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Laura Daley said:

Thank you all for welcoming me... So far I can say I do love it... This site, my husband, and my best friend gave me the confidence to enter one of my cakes in the animal cake contest... I can wish really hard to win... I would love to be able to have better tools to work with(hence the winning part)... Is there a way to link my cake folder I have on facebook to this site... I would love for people to give me feedback( Good, bad or indifferent)...

Thank you Linda! However it will not let me I must be doing something wrong... Here is the link to the folder anyways...

Feel free to give me any advice or tips that you would like...

Thanks Laura... I roll it by hand (I do plan on getting a fondant sheeter to be more accurate however) and I'd say it's usually about 1/4 of an inch....

Laura Daley said:

Donna McCrady said:

Hi everyone. My name is Donna and I just joined here the other day. I am in the process of opening my own bakery and I'm here to share ideas and get suggestions and just converse with others that have the same love of baking as I do. Heres a link to my business facebook page...  I'd love for you all to take a look and like the page if you like my work. Thanks!

Donna I love your Hello Day of the Dead Kitty cake... How thick do you roll your fondant out to?

Thank you for the info Donna! Do you use powdered sugar or corn starch when rolling it out? I roll mine out by hand also... I would love to have a sheeter, stand mixer, and a air brush system... However I must say I do pretty well( or so I have been told) by hand... I do appreciate all of the tips.  Sorry to ask so many questions, but as I have said I am self taught and really have noone to ask for tips... ~Pinky~

Hello everyone. My name is Jackie (aka Susieq). I am very new to cake decorating. In fact, I was somewhat ashamed of my first attempt last week. But, knowing who my worst critic is (me) it probably wasn't as bad as it seemed - maybe. My husband, Danny, and I have been happily married for 38 years with three grown children and are very proud of them. No grandchildren yet. Phooey!!!!

Anyway, I was a first grade teacher until December 29, 2010. Danny and I were on our way home from my sister's house after Christmas when a woman decided to pull out in front of us in a 65 mph zone. We were doing 65 because my husband does not speed. We t-boned and hit for us head on. My husband had two broken ribs. I suffered a very badly busted leg and ankle. There were many busted pieces of bone the trauma surgeon didn't know what to do with them. They had to put in new bone to replace what was gone. There are now 5 plates and numerous screws attached to my tibia, fibula and ankle. I also had a fractured wrist and my back was broken in three places. Thankfully it didn't bother me. During the three weeks I was in the hospital I had an external device for a week and two major surgeries. I have little memory from December 29 until January 8. My brain's way of protecting me.  She walked away from the accident unharmed for which we are grateful but it sure does suck for us especially since the accident wasn't our fault. 

I had a recent surgery on November 4th, 2011 (the day after our anniversary) on my ankle and toes. The orthopedist said my ankle was a mess with a lot of scar tissue and now have arthritis in my ankle.

There is a pin in all five toes and a dead nerve in the arch my foot. The pins come out December 22nd. Since the pins are all the way in my foot it won't be pleasant getting them out.

Believe it or not we still feel blessed. It could have been a lot worse. That is what has gotten me through all the lonely days for a full year. I am still wearing a walking boot and at this point nonweight bearing again. A leg brace or special shoe will be next. Still using a wheel chair for more than a short distance. There have been four trauma orthopedist who has continually stressed my life will never be the same again. My current doctor says I will walk again but how well is uncertain. It was my right leg, foot and ankle so no independence for me. Not sure that will change or that I will ever be able to drive again.

I had to turn in my letter of resignation to the school a couple of weeks ago where I had taught first grade for 14 years in the same classroom. I am now facing cleaning out my room in June 2012. It broke my heart to have to leave and it still bothers me a great deal. By the way, my husband and I taught at the same school. It has been a difficult time for him because he faces everyday being there without me there. 

Long story but it is good for me to write it down. It helps with the healing process. So now I looking to fill a void in my life and fill the empty days and free time that I am not used to. Since I now longer teach I need a new purpose in my life whatever that my be.

I would love to work with gumpaste. The figures are so adorable but can't seem to get rid of the small lines and huge cracks to even make my first character. Cakes of course are a big part of it as well. I have invested quiet a bit of money and will probably have no profit in the future. Oh well, it will be fun learning. I have watched every video on Youtube and have purchased some dvds. No classes are taught anywhere in my area. Hobby Lobby is my best hope after the first of the year. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.

If you read this then thank you. Hope it was too boring for you. Sorry about the long story for an introduction. I am happy to be a part of Cakes We Bake.

Well Jackie

You certainly have had a very rough time. You will find friendship & understanding here. You make friends, not just "cake friends".

I am so sorry that you have ended up with such terrible injuries. All you can do is take one day at a time.  And yes it is a blessing that you are still alive & here.

Getting into a hobby like this will engage your mind & body. As far as your fondant figures, it does take practice, you have to find the right 50/50 mix of fondant & gumpaste. Of course all cake decorating takes practice, practice. Practice makes perfect, right? Did you tell your students that??? I bet you did.  You will find a wealth of information & help here.

Any questions/concerns you have, I am most happy to help you.


Welcome Jackie,
Sounds like you've been through the mill :( as June has already said this is a great community with an abundance of friendly people (all with a passion for cake - yum).
Glad you found us all here......always good to make new friends.
Hugs, Tracy xx

Welcome, Jackie, June and Tracy said it all. I especially like what June said about making friends, not just cake friends. She is so right on that one. There are genuine people on this site who really care. Hang in there with us and you will not only learn cakes...but you will heal in the process. ((((Hugs))), Linda

No problem Laura.. I could talk cake all day long... just don't have many people that like to listen!! One thing I would definitely suggest you purchase is a sweetwise mat. It's basically 2 food grade pieces of plastic that you put your fondant between and roll out... I don't use cornstarch or powdered sugar because there is no need to.. you can go to youtube and watch their video.. rolling and placing fondant is a breeze now since I found this product.. Plus no contaminations etc (I hate watching people cover fondant, like on Ace of Cake and they lay the fondant over their arms... it just grosses me out!!!) Check it out and let me know what you think...

Laura Daley said:

Thank you for the info Donna! Do you use powdered sugar or corn starch when rolling it out? I roll mine out by hand also... I would love to have a sheeter, stand mixer, and a air brush system... However I must say I do pretty well( or so I have been told) by hand... I do appreciate all of the tips.  Sorry to ask so many questions, but as I have said I am self taught and really have noone to ask for tips... ~Pinky~

Hello Everyone,

So nice to hear from you. It looks like I have already made some friends. Thanks for you words of encouragement and kindness. I look forward to being friends for a long time to come.


June Kowalczyk said:

Well Jackie

You certainly have had a very rough time. You will find friendship & understanding here. You make friends, not just "cake friends".

I am so sorry that you have ended up with such terrible injuries. All you can do is take one day at a time.  And yes it is a blessing that you are still alive & here.

Getting into a hobby like this will engage your mind & body. As far as your fondant figures, it does take practice, you have to find the right 50/50 mix of fondant & gumpaste. Of course all cake decorating takes practice, practice. Practice makes perfect, right? Did you tell your students that??? I bet you did.  You will find a wealth of information & help here.

Any questions/concerns you have, I am most happy to help you.


Hi, My name is Dawn, I live in Coral Springs,FL. I am a hairdresser and mother of 2 , son 16 , daughter 21. I am not a professional cake decorator, I love to bake and cook. I started on a mini cupcake frenzy and having fun. The mini cupcakes are so cute and just enough. I am experimenting with all kinds of flavors, red velvet, s'mores cannoli cream and even margarita minis. There are so many more I want to try and decorating them is the most fun.Hope to learn lots of ideas and tips . 

Welcome Dawn

You will find lots inspiration & friends here.

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