Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi newbies, 


Welcome to Cakes We Bake. Please introduce yourself here.

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Hi Giovanna, first off welcome to this site. To add a question, look at the top of the HOME PAGE and you will see a typewriter over to the right at the top of the page.  It's a bold picture of a typewriter, so you should be able to see it right off, and it will say: Add Content. You should be able to put your question out there on the discussion topic. It just takes getting used to how the site works. If you are looking for something, use the search button in the discussion section by typing key words and then searching. Hope thi9s helps!

Giovanna Dibenedetto said:

thanks for the welcome, and i will be glad to share what i do. i am hoping to get some pictures posted by next week, right now i'm working on a cake for my bf's work for next week that has become a huge challenge.  Mostly im looking forward to learning from all of you.

question for you guys, i saw a discussion and now cant remember where as to how to make sugar flames, there were several ideas including using the cookie stained glass method but now i cant remember where so would like to post a question about it but dont know where to do it? thanks

Julie, I also wrote to Theresa about this person. No need for spammers to be bothering people.

I Dream of Cakes! said:

Oh, i just want everyone to know, that you have a person pretending to be a cake person on here, that is sending out friend requests to new members like me, and trecie, the name is pascalina abakarim,, they are sending out scam letter to us ,, the ol we have a million or two and need you to help us get it over here to the states sorta scam,,, it is annoying that these people honestly think that we are stupid enough to say "yes, let me give you my account number so that you can do what you want with it, because i know you will pay me millions in the end, because i just met you and i trust you fully with all my heart.. babawbabahhahaha


I booted her

Treciescakes said:
I was wondering about Pascalina Abakarim...
Good  for you Theresa.   We all need to all look out for one another

Hi my name is Martha. I'm a newbie in every way. Just getting started in cake decorating. Looks like alot of fun. Looking forward to trying this. Will definenitly be asking for tips and advice. Will post a photo of first cake (yikes!) lol

Welcome to the site, Martha! This is one of the best sites ever. I look forward to seeing your creations!

Martha Aguilar said:

Hi my name is Martha. I'm a newbie in every way. Just getting started in cake decorating. Looks like alot of fun. Looking forward to trying this. Will definenitly be asking for tips and advice. Will post a photo of first cake (yikes!) lol

welcom i am new to this only been doing it a year im sure you will have lots of fun and lots of cake lol

Hi Martha,
Welcome to a wonderful site - everyone is so friendl, you'll love it.
Happy caking. hugs, Tracy x

Martha Aguilar said:

Hi my name is Martha. I'm a newbie in every way. Just getting started in cake decorating. Looks like alot of fun. Looking forward to trying this. Will definenitly be asking for tips and advice. Will post a photo of first cake (yikes!) lol

Thanks all :) i am a beginner so this should be intresting. I started taking the Wilton course locally, but never finished. I still have all of my stuff, so i believe i can do it with that and the help from here. i just have to practice.

Looking forward to it.

search the files on decorating in the forums, Martha. There is a wealth of information in them. Also, the video section is good too. Keep in mind also, to do searches on Google for cake decorating tutorials. You'll be sitting at the computer more than decorating!

Martha Aguilar said:

Thanks all :) i am a beginner so this should be intresting. I started taking the Wilton course locally, but never finished. I still have all of my stuff, so i believe i can do it with that and the help from here. i just have to practice.

Looking forward to it.

Hey Martha


I thought I posted this yesterday, but I have been having trouble with our new router we intalled in our computer.

This is the best site & best members!!

Martha Aguilar said:

Hi my name is Martha. I'm a newbie in every way. Just getting started in cake decorating. Looks like alot of fun. Looking forward to trying this. Will definenitly be asking for tips and advice. Will post a photo of first cake (yikes!) lol

I met Buddy Valastro the Cake Boss last weekend in Raleigh North Carolina and he is a very nice person very family oriented and dedicated to his business and family Really enjoyed it.

Nice to meet you think you won't have any problems

June Kowalczyk said:

Being Canadian...Eh,...... not sure where in North Jersey you are.But aren't you afarid of Buddy Valastro????? THE Cake Boss.
Ha!! Ha!!
I'm sure, Jersey is a BIG place, and has lots of room for cake shops. It is like someone finding out I am Canadian, and asking,
oh, I have a friend in Vancouver, would you know them? Ah, dah, I'm in Ontario, it is kinda 2-3000 miles away from Vancouver!!
Welcome to Cakes We Bake!!

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