Had a complaint on a cake I did. First for me...and I'm not sure how to handle it. She isn't speaking to me about it but talking about it to others....just happened to get back to me. How should I handle this?
Hi Teri ,
Having just looked through your album of amazing cakes , you have a huge amount of paitience and amazing skill in what you do !!
For the life of me i cannot think what on earth this customer could have to complain about ???
As in life we cannot please everybody , and if this person willnot talk to you , don't spend another second wondering or worrying what this persons problem is !!
But just remember if they ever try to order another piece of artwork from you (thats what they are) then make sure you tell them where to go !!! Somewhere else !!!
Martin x
I agree with Martin. Dont waste your time. We all feel your pain. You want your customers to be satisfied with your work. I know you cant stop feeling bad, but it will pass. Hang in there, and keep up the good work.
Here is an update to this issue I have. The client has now gone on Weddingwire.com and has given me a poor review. The problem with this is the following: 1. First she claims that I have two different people handling my accounting and that I don't use a database spreadsheet program. (This is incorrect as my daughter who is part of our business handles all the money. I choose to do what I do best...that is decorate and design cakes as I hate handling the money. She was given a discount because my daughter undercharged her and I told her that we would not worry about it that consider it her gain.) (The statement she makes is untrue!) 2. She claims that I made her cake colors wrong. (I have a cake confirmation contract that she signed with the colors that she chose and sent back via digitally to confirm the style and colors of the cakes.) So her comment again is incorrect. 3. She claims that though I answered every email that I was too busy to contact her and that she had to contact me because I was going between two states. (I answered every email and no, I don't call my brides every week until the week of the wedding to confirm everything. And it is true that i was in another state at times but that was when I had no cake orders and was visiting my dad who is fighting cancer.) 4. She claims that I was late to her reception and had to set up while the wedding was in progress. (This is true. The cake confirmation that I requested from her that details the venue, address and other pertinent information was sent back to me with blanks. I still didn't get the answers until she finally emailed me back the night before the wedding. I was busy making her cakes and had only a short time to go and keep checking my email for the right directions.) 5. She claimed that one her guests had to wait by the phone for me to arrive. (This is true as well. However, I ask every wedding client to give me two phone numbers and people that I can contact in case there are issues or that I'm lost in transient. I got no numbers but when I emailed her and told her that she didn't give me the address of the venue and left out other information that I needed her response was to say call her that she would have her cell phone with her. (This is not what I requested because I know the bride is busy. But as i said earlier, I didn't get a return email from her until the night before her wedding regarding the confirmation questions that I require. So, I had no choice but to speak to someone that she gave the phone to when we were trying to locate her venue...which by the way was a residence way out in the country.)
I can dispute this review or comment on the review. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want any drama or problems. I feel bad that she seems unhappy. But, for the life of me...I can't understand why she can't take responsibility for her own actions that affected my ability to do what I love.
I appreciate all the advice. I have always been a people pleaser and when I don't succeed....it really troubles my heart. I almost wanted to quit yesterday.
Hi Teri... I'm sorry about this.... well certenly I have an account too in weddinwire.com by about 5 months. I received many alerts for futures brides soliciting my services but when I call them or email them... nobody answer or ingnore me... in other places a collegue put into you web what "The Brides" are allways unhappy... I don't know why but is very difficult to satisfy all.
I guest you are ok to dispute this review because you have a contract with she. But you need understand too what the people is people and is too difficult work with people.
I know you need what she reconogze your job but believe a little portion of our client take a moment to wrigh a good review.
Don't worry, Believe in Good and continue your job.
While I can see where it may be necessary (actually I don't) I hate this faceless review system in our lives now thanks to the internet. People no longer have to accept responsibility for their own actions. I will post something on YouTube just to have a lot of hate posts about whatever I did (even if it's a personal video I'm posting for family). Now I post everything with disabling reviews. It's sad. This faceless world we live in has allowed people to no longer mind their manners. You cannot take this personally.
What happened to the world where we go to the person we are unhappy with first and try to resolve the issue? She never even gave you a chance to defend yourself. Real mature.
I would copy and paste what you wrote onto weddingwire and be done with it. What else can you do?
I have also ck'd out your work Teri, and it is wonderful. I agree with all above. Tracy is correct, you got a Bridezilla. Because I am a hobby baker, didn't know that Wedding website exsisited. But I also think you should paste your comments to the site. You HAD a contract, and she made the mistakes. But we can all learn from these types of things. The 1st thing I find out from my bridess is...1.Where...2. When....3. What time & write it down. I usually phone the venue, cause I don't always trusts the bride's info.
I just went through something similar where my sis-in-lw got "involved" and said she couldn't "recommend"me as a decorator cause the shower cake I made for her co-worker didn't meet her "expectations"!!! Well, faceless is one thing, but dealing with a family member? Which, by the way, was none of her business. That was between me and my customer. Long story short, ( too much time to explain how I arrived at this info ) the customer was suprprised the cake wasn't a replica of the photo I emailed her. BUT, she accepted responsibility that she did not express exactly what she wanted. I offered her $$ back, and she flatly refused stating my cake looked beautiful, and tasted great. Stated she didn't communicate properly with me.
I agonized over this, as I am a pleaser too. I was fortunate that I did get a response. You on the other hand were "Ambushed". If someone has something to say, say it to your face. But alas, that takes courage.
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