Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I am pretty new to this whole cake thing...I have been making cakes for friends but I am trying to branch out and sell them and I have no idea what to charge? Can anyone out there share some tips on this?

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you should calculate how much it costs to buy your ingredients and figure your prices per serving, then figure out what your work is worth. i charge $2.50 to $3.00 per serv. and between $30 and $200 extra depending on the design of the cake. check out my site.

i hope this helps.


Thank you, that was helpful. I checked out your website, you have a beautiful family. I am attending college and studying computer science. I started doing cakes over the summer because I have always been very interested in cake decorating but didn't think I could do it. Now this is all I think about. I would like to start my own business but I have no idea where to start. Any info you could help with would be wonderful.


you should calculate how much it costs to buy your ingredients and figure your prices per serving, then figure out what your work is worth. i charge $2.50 to $3.00 per serv. and between $30 and $200 extra depending on the design of the cake. check out my site.

i hope this helps.

Well, first off congratulations for your success on your baking creations!^^ Your cakes must've definitely been great, cus hey, it got you thinking about selling em!:)
Not many people have the courage to start a business, really. I once thought about it too! I could've earned some good money on the LemonBars I made so well, but that's not where my heart was.^^ I was too busy I guess.~~
If starting a business is the ONLY thing in your mind, you might as well give it a shot. And give it all you got!:)
Who knows, you might be the happiest baker in the world.^^ Cus you listened to your heart and were brave enough to follow it.
Don't talk yourself out of it, nor listen to anybody else who says it's impossible. After all, it's all about you, right? It's YOUR heart that's suggesting you this, right?

Well, for me, it looks like you're thinking of starting a small-scale business, right? You could be your own boss, bake cakes as and when you liked, tinkle around with new skills you might've learnt, sell your best cakes to your friends telling them 'Hey, it's a discounted price, just for you".
Maybe you're thinking of establishing base in your home?
Starting a cake business at home is a pretty straight-forward and inexpensive process compared to starting a commercial bakery or buying a franchise and so on. The process is still time consuming and intimidating. There are legal issues as well. Simple mistakes or trial and error could cost you in time and money. Not an easy thing to start on your own if you have no previous knowledge about starting a business, right?

I thing, at this point, what you require and need is some good advice and tips and good information from people who have already started a business and do well in it!
Professional advice not only on the "what to do", but which will also guide you for crucial help on the "how, when, where, who and why" of starting your business. Help from people who'll get you started up with just the right step.

Now, to be honest, there are many help books and guides on how to start your own business. Some information is free on the internet. (Lots of Forums and sites!) But they definitely don't cover all the gearing up you need.
You're a computer science student, so I don't think you're thinking of establishing a BIG and MIGHTY business?:) or hey, maybe you could flick off the computer science stuff after watching your small business grow into an EMPIRE? lol.

Here's a good guide that'll help you with exactly what you're looking for~:) Great advice and very good help! They'll also help you with putting up a free website for advertising your creations! Also included advice on Pricing, Packaging, Equipment, Book Keeping, Taxes and so on.:)
You can download in a simple e-book format, right away.

I know. I'm advertising. But hey I'm telling you about what I believe in.:) I believe in our Hearts. Sometimes, our Hearts just TELL US what you'd LOVE to do! And they're always the right things, no matter how stupendous they seem!
If you give in to what the WORLD says what THE WORLD thinks might happen to your bakery, fine. But I think you'll regret it.:)
If you give in and believe in what your HEART tells you about WHAT IT THINKS WILL BE GREAT for you, you'll be happy and success will just flow in. Take Bill Gates for example, he's RICH, he's definitely got enough on his plate, but he still stays true to his heart - make the world a better place with new computer innovations!

All I'm saying is " Hey, great that you're thinking of starting a business! I wish you follow your heart! I know a couple of guys who can help you with exactly what you need. Here's their number" lol.

Lisa, I wish you good luck^^
Hope your dreams come true. They will. If you let them!


In South Carolina even Publix is even charging $355 for a 100 servings fondant wedding cake. Call local bakeries and grocery store bakeries in your area to obtain quotes on a wedding cake. You will get different prices from bakeries. You then can set your prices. Consider if you will deliver and set up free or charge fees for the services.

I have some hints and recipes on my site that may be helpful for you.

Good luck with your new business venture!



i know i fel the same way i feel bad charging them the same price but there getting the same to.

I too, am considering a side business.  The cakes I have made thus far have been quite challenging.  I understand the method of charging by the serving.  But, how do i determine how much extra to charge for complexity of design.  If someone could look at my past cakes on my blog and give me an idea of how to determine a price, I would be very grateful. I don't want to overcharge.  But, I don't want to screw myself either.  Thanks in advance




I'm a single mom who's unemployed at the moment. I have never charged for my cakes. People don't realize how much time and cost are put into cakes. What would you charge for a fondant figure? I was unable to access your website.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions,

Kimberly Brooks


you should calculate how much it costs to buy your ingredients and figure your prices per serving, then figure out what your work is worth. i charge $2.50 to $3.00 per serv. and between $30 and $200 extra depending on the design of the cake. check out my site.

i hope this helps.


Hi Lisa, 

I read your post.  This is Jay from TLC's Next Great Baker and Maples Wedding Cakes in Murfreesboro, TN.  I have owned a commercial shop for 7 years, almost 8 and I have been doing cakes for almost 20 years.  I obviously love what I do.  


I offer business consulting to new shop owners or want to be shop owners.  There are a lot of things that are very different when owning you own shop and doing it from your kitchen.  From creating the proper legal entity to tax laws and equipment.  Not to mention capital, inventory, advertising, lease, and the most variable expense, LABOR! 


My background is in healthcare as a profession and a baker/decorator on the side until 8 years ago.  My degree is in written business communication.  My best advice to anyone interested in running their own cake shop or bakery, is to first and formost write a business plan and a marketing plan.  Be brutally honest with yourself when collecting data.  Don't romanticize this process. You will set yourself up for failure out of the gate.  Also, you should not, nor do you need to take every cake order that comes along.  "Just because you are super busy, doesn't mean you are making money"!  All of your fixed and variable expenses should be figured into every item/unit that decide to sell and market.  Not just your raw materials or cost of goods.  Those are the cheapest of them all.  You can't just arbitrarily say, $2.50 a serving or $3.00 a serving because that is what you feel.  You will go broke very quickly and work 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Trust me, i've been there.  

There are two great sites that I send people to who want to start a business: and


There are great templates and many resources on these sites and they are reputable sites for entrepaneurs.  


I wish you much luck!  Private message if I can help in any way.  My email is  



Lisa Dedeaux said:


Thank you, that was helpful. I checked out your website, you have a beautiful family. I am attending college and studying computer science. I started doing cakes over the summer because I have always been very interested in cake decorating but didn't think I could do it. Now this is all I think about. I would like to start my own business but I have no idea where to start. Any info you could help with would be wonderful.


you should calculate how much it costs to buy your ingredients and figure your prices per serving, then figure out what your work is worth. i charge $2.50 to $3.00 per serv. and between $30 and $200 extra depending on the design of the cake. check out my site.

i hope this helps.

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