Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi newbies, 


Welcome to Cakes We Bake. Please introduce yourself here.

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Hi, my name is Bethany, I joined about a month ago and am loving seeing what everyone else is doing and getting inspiration for my own creations. I'm what I would call a 'passionate amateur' ;o). I've always liked cake decorating but it wasn't until this year that I really have had the time to explore baking further and learn that I love baking itself as well. I really love the decoration part still, though, and am looking forward to connecting with the folks on here for tips and idea exchanges! I'm doing the cake for my nephew's first birthday in a couple of weeks so I'm looking forward to searching this site for inspiration ;o)
Hi! I joined a week or so ago.

I dont bake for a living but i wish i could! I have been practicing gumpaste flowers for a few years now, as a hobby, and have gotten pretty good at making them botanically accurate. I joined to learn from others and for the comradere with others who love the art too. I have to admit that i am not too fond of the " baking" part but sure do love the decorating piece! I am always looking for tutorials and tips so this site is awesome for me!

I enjoy this site quite a bit and look forward to learning from as well as contributing to conversations going forward!


i is so good to see this site grow by leaps and bounds! With more people, it brings more inspiration from each and everyone of you. We can all learn from each other. I know I have learned so much from this cake site and other sites as well. Being on a cake site tends to 'push' each and everyone of us up to the next level, so to speak. I have been dabbling in cake decoration since my daughter was one year old (that was 39 years ago) but I seemed to be stuck in the same old rut of using character pans and butter cream icing. Once you join a group such as this, it pushes you to experiment and grow. You realize that if other people can achieve fondant and gum paste, along with other mediums, like modeling chocolate, etc., then it is attainable to all of us. I truly am glad to see so many new people joining and look forward to seeing your creations and learning from you, just as I hope I can share things with you as well. Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Many hugs to you all!

I'll be looking forward to seeing your creations! European cakes have a different flair to them than American. My husband and I lived in Germany some 39 years ago and while there we got the chance to go to the Netherlands. (Of course, being Americans, we never gave a thought to brushing our teeth straight from the tap water, and we both got sicker than dogs). The country was beautiful, though, and we still have our wooden shoes! Welcome!

Tineke said:
Goodmorning you all,

I am Gertiemeke from the Netherlands
Surfing around I found this interesting site and I hope I may join you
My English is not very good, but I hope you will forgive my mistakes
I am married, have 2 grown up children and a husband
Home baking is my hobby, I have a lot to learn, hope to find ideas and inspiration this site
Edit : thanks for the ebook
Thank you so much Linda
I do live in an adorable little country, and we all drink from the tap here. Its really a pitty that you became sick ;(
Wooden shoes can stay a lifetime ;))) Germany is almost the same , I have some family there to
I uploaded 2 pictures, but it is not possible to upload from my iPad I will try from my laptop
I think we do thinks a little different here, we dont use buttercreme on the outside of the cake very often, we use marzipan or fondant
Going to try and upload some pictures, I am not that good of a decorator, but I love doing it a lot
Have a great day


I'm Zeeniya Zulfikar. I just joined this group. I love baking, especially cakes, cupcakes, cookies & muffins. I've been baking since I was 10. I like to share & get more ideas through this site. Thanks


I uploaded some of my pictures, hope you like them

Linda Wolff said:
I'll be looking forward to seeing your creations! European cakes have a different flair to them than American. My husband and I lived in Germany some 39 years ago and while there we got the chance to go to the Netherlands. (Of course, being Americans, we never gave a thought to brushing our teeth straight from the tap water, and we both got sicker than dogs). The country was beautiful, though, and we still have our wooden shoes! Welcome!

Tineke said:
Goodmorning you all,

I am Gertiemeke from the Netherlands
Surfing around I found this interesting site and I hope I may join you
My English is not very good, but I hope you will forgive my mistakes
I am married, have 2 grown up children and a husband
Home baking is my hobby, I have a lot to learn, hope to find ideas and inspiration this site
Edit : thanks for the ebook

Hi every one joined a couple of weeks ago . I have made one cake and have a picture of that on my site . Decided i needed to do something new so i am self taught from the internet,not far from finishing my second cake. Which is going to have a lot of hand made roses. and other flowers.


I do have a Question. ?. iI have started using rolled fondant to make my flowers with i am finding its cracking around the edges sometimes can anyone help with that. ......? thanks

Greetings all,


Baking has always been a passion and a hobby. In between working and raising a family I always found time to bake; whether it was cupcakes, pies or cakes I looked forward to making someone happy with my specially made custom bake goods.


Every position I was blessed to hold was a grass roots project advancing the companies and orginizations I was employed with. After weighing my options, long careful consideration; and after fourteen years in the field of Property Management and Health and Human Services on July 24, 2010 I decided to resign from my position and invest time energy and money in my own grass roots project which is to make a long time dream a reality. Here I am


Sweet Dreams start here. You can have your cake and eat it to!



Hi Sharon,

Are you using normal fondant that you would cover a cake with? You need to use gumpaste or flower paste for flowers really. It is a much stretchier paste that you can roll very thin and mold without it cracking at the edges. It also dried really hard & it doesnt break apart so easily, unlike most regular cake covering fondant. I use a little vegetable shortening on my hands before I start to mold the paste, its what I find works for me. Hope this helps. Tracy x  

sharon hunn said:

Hi every one joined a couple of weeks ago . I have made one cake and have a picture of that on my site . Decided i needed to do something new so i am self taught from the internet,not far from finishing my second cake. Which is going to have a lot of hand made roses. and other flowers.


I do have a Question. ?. iI have started using rolled fondant to make my flowers with i am finding its cracking around the edges sometimes can anyone help with that. ......? thanks

Sara, this is a very great place to be. Everyone is very friendly and from what I can see, most everyone is very willing to share their ideas. Welcome!

Sarah Marchino said:
Hi! My name is Sarah Marchino. I have been decorating cakes practically my whole life. My mom is a home baker, and I spent a great deal of my childhood sitting on the kitchen table helping her make all sorts of baked confections for family and friends. I just joined Cakes We Back a couple of days ago. I am finding that the wide variety of ideas and talented artists is just what I was looking for. I recently opened my own shop called Patterns Optional Event & Design in Terre Haute, IN. I jumped in with both feet and have been lucky enough to enjoy this adventure with my business partner Kathy Dillon. I love learning new techniques, as well as sharing old ones. I am looking forward to bouncing ideas off of other baking artists, and I am completely excited that I found you through Twitter.

Hey guys. My name is Tracie and I just found this site today.  I've taken some classes, attended ICES, but mostly learned by trial and error.  I teach Wilton and also private classes.  Cake decorating has always been my way of relaxing and getting to be creative after coming home from a repetitive and mind-numbing job. 

I'm always looking for new techniques and ways to challenge myself.

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