Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Beach Theme Cake Contest:

Enter your beach theme cake by Tuesday, August 23rd for a chance to win. Add the photo to your profile.


The photo title will be whatever you want to name your picture. To enter the contest, add the TAG 831 to your picture. We are also limiting entries to 1 per person.


All entries will be featured at the top of the photos page. 

1st place prize: $50 gift certificate to A&H Cake Design.


2nd place prize: $25 gift certificate to Cake Supplies Plus.


The top ten cakes will be determined by the number of people selecting it as their favorite with the favorite button.  Voting will take place from Wednesday, August 24th to Saturday, August 27th. The top ten cakes will be displayed on Sunday, August 28th. The judges will vote from August 29 - 30.  The winners will be posted on August 31st.

In order to maintain the integrity of our contests and fairness to our members, we discourage any solicitation of votes. In the event we determine that you have cheated, your cake will be quietly disqualified and removed from the contest.


Congratulations, Joanne Lima - 1st place and Ann Pallett - 2nd place!


Joanne Lima:



Ann Pallett:


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I am thinking of entering a cake in this contest .. can someone tell me if there are specification that must be adhered to in order to enter a cake?  What are the rules, if any.  Thank you!


ok im dumb but how do i enter a pic.  i have changed my profile pic to the pic i want to enter but how do it tag.

help please


I think you just have to change the name to include TAG 831 and it will automatically put it in the contest.


I am making a beach sceen cake for next weekend, but after see what is already there I might not put mine in.  I hope I can make my cake as good as some of these.

Okay mamaB, after me feeling really dumb, I figured it out...I think. You post the pic to your photos/photo album, not profile pic, and then there is a box for a title and a box for "tag", enter tag 831.
The only rule is that it should be an actual cake, not a dummy and not cupcakes.

Cheetochick said:

I am thinking of entering a cake in this contest .. can someone tell me if there are specification that must be adhered to in order to enter a cake?  What are the rules, if any.  Thank you!


I have uploaded the same photo twice and tagged it 831.  It is showing as an uploaded file but not with the contest photos.  Am I doing something wrong?
I was wondering how many photos can you enter ?
NEVER MIND JUST SEEN IT B4 CLOSING IT"S 1 sorry about that......

Tiffany Walker said:
I was wondering how many photos can you enter ?

thanks i will try that

The Cake Jeannie said:

Okay mamaB, after me feeling really dumb, I figured it out...I think. You post the pic to your photos/photo album, not profile pic, and then there is a box for a title and a box for "tag", enter tag 831.
Are there multiple sections? Like total newbies, semi pro, pro etc..?


great job!  I loved both of these cakes so much! 

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