Back last spring I saw my purple irises in my flower bed and realized I had never seen any done in sugar. I picked one and decided to try and copy it. I don't know if you can tell from the picture but the yellow part is actually gold dust painted on and the white is pearl so it shimmers a bit. Not too bad for a first try!
Funny that this topic came up. I just picked up this beautiful book called "Faux Florals" by Ardith Beveridge, at my nearest JoAnn Fabrics store. The reason I picked it up is because I love flowers and I'm in the middle of a gumpaste class. Even though they don't show you how to make it because it's basically arranging them, the pictures are amazing! I don't think I have ever seen a floral book as exquisite as as this one.
Funny that this topic came up. I just picked up this beautiful book called "Faux Florals" by Ardith Beveridge, at my nearest JoAnn Fabrics store. The reason I picked it up is because I love flowers and I'm in the middle of a gumpaste class. Even though they don't show you how to make it because it's basically arranging them, the pictures are amazing! I don't think I have ever seen a floral book as exquisite as as this one.
i do jeri, i have 120 different varities of roses, iam the rose whisper,LOL!! i also have 6 hydrangea,( i have purchased Enda De La Cruz dvd learn the hydrangea). iam working on a flower topper of plum parrot tulips, peruvan lillies ,hydrangea and ranuculs flowers, i plan on making every rose i have wen they bloom in the spring, busy bee. i luv peonies, i donot have any because i ran out of space with all the roses,lol. To master the peony flower try the dvd by Enda De la Cruz or the one from Nicholas Lodge, both are great teachers. i plan on learning the bearded iris flower, i havent seen that incorporated much with gumpaste arrangements. I would luv to see pics of your garden when it is in bloom. Iam trying to learn as much as i can now because when the spring comes most of my time( when iam not doing wedding cakes that is) goes to the gardening, but i luv it.
jeri c said:
Thanks Teresa for posting this... I am an avid gardner and have 9 clematis bushes all in different varieties and colors and love them... my desire this summer is to make gumpaste clematis. I always study the flower and try to see how it goes together. I am not all that great at gumpaste flowers yet but it is my hope to be able to make the flowers look like they belong on the bushes out back. I also have around 25 peony bushes and have not mastered that one yet. There are a gazillion petals on a peony! Does anyone else share the love for gardening?
I actually ordered a book on making gumpaste flowers today through Amazon. I was given a box of Jem cutters for gumpaste flowers. The cutters are for some flowers that I have not only never made, but wasn't 100% familiar with. Anyway, other than the picture of the cutter & the flower it made, there were ZERO instructions. How the heck could I use the cutters without instructions???? I emailed Jem cutters in South Africa, and she kindly told me the name of the book that had pictures & instructions. Great. AHhhhh, but it hadn't been published since 2007!!!!
So she gave me two sites in the UK, but shipping was horrendous....so, I checked out Amazon, and Wala!!! I found a used copy. Can't wait to receive it so I can try those cutters out!!
i feel you on that one june, alot of the cutters come without instructions, i ordered the (Floral Gems only five book by pat ashby) got on sale at 50% off. I have two types of the five petal cutters and wanted to know how to make certain flowers. What was the name of the book you just purchased from amazon? I try to get as many instructional dvds and books as possible to learn because i cannot aford to attend classes. Did you hear about, Petal Sweet Classes online @ www.craftsy.com, the course is Handcrafted Sugar Flowers, its 50% off now, only $29.99, i didnt get that one because i already have the dvds on the flowers she is teaching,but i signed up, this way i will get notice for future classes
June Kowalczyk said:
I actually ordered a book on making gumpaste flowers today through Amazon. I was given a box of Jem cutters for gumpaste flowers. The cutters are for some flowers that I have not only never made, but wasn't 100% familiar with. Anyway, other than the picture of the cutter & the flower it made, there were ZERO instructions. How the heck could I use the cutters without instructions???? I emailed Jem cutters in South Africa, and she kindly told me the name of the book that had pictures & instructions. Great. AHhhhh, but it hadn't been published since 2007!!!!
So she gave me two sites in the UK, but shipping was horrendous....so, I checked out Amazon, and Wala!!! I found a used copy. Can't wait to receive it so I can try those cutters out!!
Ya, isn't that funny Monica. I guess the trick is......you buy the book FIRST....then buy the corresponding cutters!!!! The name of the book is : The Sugar Flower Book by Jill Maytham. Unfortunately 3 companies where I could have got the book cheap and only $4 shipping, did not ship to Canada. I had to use a book store in Atlanta & pay $18 in shipping. It is guarnteed through Amazon, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the book is in good condition as they say, when I receive it.
I did ck out the craftsy website. Very, very interesting. There was a posting on CWB a few weeks ago, I think by Theresa??? Not sure it was her. Anyway, think I bookmarked it on my main computer, and I am on my laptop.
It was a site like what you sent me, but strictly for cake decorating lessons online. Big names too. I forget who the 1st lesson was for. Someone well known, like Carrie Biggars, or Sharon Zambito. You had to put your name on a list if you were interested. Not sure if they were to be "live"?? Anyway, either the classes were too expensive, or I couldn't find a fee. Getting old, cause can't remember that either!!!! He! He!
I'm thinking the fee was too $$$. I have to go & investigate again. I don't mind paying a descent fee Monica for a lesson, what I do mind is that once you have seen/taken class, it's over, you can't watch again. If you are like me, you need too watch over & over to "get it" & practice. Your site says you get to KEEP the video, which I like.
If I can find that other site, will send it to you.
that is so true whatu said about needing to experience the class more than once june, and $18 for shipping one book, yeeekes! that must have hurt! but u need to know how to do the flowers so whatcha gonna do. another good website for sugar flower tutorial is www.duskyroseveiners.com, if i run across anymore i will share them with you, and june remember, you are only as old as you feel,(so right now im about 100)lol
June Kowalczyk said:
Ya, isn't that funny Monica. I guess the trick is......you buy the book FIRST....then buy the corresponding cutters!!!! The name of the book is : The Sugar Flower Book by Jill Maytham. Unfortunately 3 companies where I could have got the book cheap and only $4 shipping, did not ship to Canada. I had to use a book store in Atlanta & pay $18 in shipping. It is guarnteed through Amazon, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the book is in good condition as they say, when I receive it.
I did ck out the craftsy website. Very, very interesting. There was a posting on CWB a few weeks ago, I think by Theresa??? Not sure it was her. Anyway, think I bookmarked it on my main computer, and I am on my laptop.
It was a site like what you sent me, but strictly for cake decorating lessons online. Big names too. I forget who the 1st lesson was for. Someone well known, like Carrie Biggars, or Sharon Zambito. You had to put your name on a list if you were interested. Not sure if they were to be "live"?? Anyway, either the classes were too expensive, or I couldn't find a fee. Getting old, cause can't remember that either!!!! He! He!
I'm thinking the fee was too $$$. I have to go & investigate again. I don't mind paying a descent fee Monica for a lesson, what I do mind is that once you have seen/taken class, it's over, you can't watch again. If you are like me, you need too watch over & over to "get it" & practice. Your site says you get to KEEP the video, which I like.
If I can find that other site, will send it to you.
Jennifer Dontz sells DVD's and she has one that you learn to make lifelike roses and ivy. The other is how to make a cymbidium orchid. Both are fantastic!! She has about 6 different DVD's that cover fondant, buttercream, and how to put the flowers you have made into a topper for a wedding cake. I highly recommend the DVD's. She also sells the cutters and more. sugardelites.com Check it out!
i was looking at the Jennifer Dontz dvd's, i have the offset stacked cakes one, but not the flower dvds . thanks debbie.
Debbie Caryl said:
Jennifer Dontz sells DVD's and she has one that you learn to make lifelike roses and ivy. The other is how to make a cymbidium orchid. Both are fantastic!! She has about 6 different DVD's that cover fondant, buttercream, and how to put the flowers you have made into a topper for a wedding cake. I highly recommend the DVD's. She also sells the cutters and more. sugardelites.com Check it out!
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