Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi newbies, 


Welcome to Cakes We Bake. Please introduce yourself here.

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Welcome, Lynette.   I co-hosted cake weekends for several years.  It was a lot of fun.  We had people come from all over the country, and one person came from the UK each year.  I truly enjoyed it.  You will have a blast.  It's a ton of work getting ready for it.  But it's all worth it.
Hi Dawn, thanks for the encouragement.  I am looking forward to hosting it.  I am a bit nervous but excited.   I have so many ideas in mind and sure hope they can all materialize.  I will surely appreciate any tips or suggestions you could give and of course, hope that you would attend.

Hi, I'm Jo  from England and I make cakes as a hobby with my friend.  She is the baker, sculpter and coverer of cakes and I do the decorating and modelling.  We have had no formal training, and are able to make nice cakes by combining our skills for friends and family.  It's amazing what you can find in your house/kitchen if you don't have the right tools - Lego pressed into fondant makes a nice pattern on a baby's blanket cake!

We have such a laugh making the cakes - with a bar of chocolate and bottle of beer to see us through the evening.  I'm really excited about how much we can learn on this site - will probably be screaming for help as we have to make our first wedding cake in 6 weeks.   Eeek!  Attached are a few of our creations so far. 

Look forward to chatting to some of you.




My, my Jo.  I would say with no "formal" training your cakes are awesome.  I think if you are into arts & crafts like I have been for years, you use your imagination, and figure out household items/tools to use.  I have even raided my husbands work bench!!!  I have sculped figures with a idea in my head.  There is no right or wrong fondant figure, just how you want it to look.

Looking forward to more of your pics

Hi Jo, beautiful cakes, beautiful work.  I have been decorating cakes for over 18 years and I have collected so much stuff over the years.  I still use things from around the house and tools that aren't even sugarcraft items.  Growing up with brothers who are all tradesmen of different trades, I have learned to use all types of tools to  achieve different looks and designs on my cakes.   Way to go!!!!!!!
Hi, Jo!!  Welcome.  You will find this is one of the friendliest sites left on the web.

Hi, my name is Heather and I joined I *think* about two weeks ago.  I live in central NY- where this time of year, the heat and humidity have been extremely 

I'm so thankful for this site- it has been a wealth of knowledge.  This is my first post, since most of my questions have already been answered in previous posts.   I have just recently taken up cake decorating so I consider myself a hobby baker.  It's what happened when I got laid off- I found a new hobby that I've really been enjoying!  Again, I really want to thank everyone for sharing their tips and knowledge, I really have been learning a lot!

Hi, Heather!!  Welcome!!  Can't wait to see your pics.
Hello! I'm Amelia. I live in Albuquerque New Mexico. I have been baking for at least 6 years, some professional, some personal. I am really stoked I found this website. Thank you for inventing it! Keep the cakes a bakin. xoxo

Hi All,

My name is Kim, I bake as a hobby for friends & family. Glad I found this website- need all the tips I can get!


Hello my name is Fi, I am new to this site. I have just started my cake making and decorating business and hope to share ideas and learn as well
My name is Kathy, I am a self taught decorator and love it , not as good as some of you but getting there. I was so glad to find this site. Thank you so much for putting something like this together. My husband and I have been baking cakes for 10 years from home. I suffered an accident 6 yrs ago and causes my hands to start to shake but I still try My husband does most now - he has always done the baking, I have never been a good cook, my husband opened a Cupcake Shop 6 weeks ago, we enjoy ....

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