Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I am in need of some info. I have been trying to get the word out about my cakes and need to know what is the best way to do that. I have a website and i have put it up on here, facebook, twitter, and all the other networking sites i can think of still, not very helpful to my dismay. If anyone knows a better, cheap even possibly free, way to get the news out about my cakes and website please help!!!!!!!


Thank you,


Kristin Louk

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Kristin, you have to be careful if you are making cakes from home and you are not allowed to do so in your state. You don't have to comment back, but people doing so have been caught on this site and on facebook.
I live in NC it is perfectly legal but thank you for telling me and watching out for me!!!!! :)
One thing that could help is by contributing locally - for example, I just donated a small fondant cake to our local library for their annual election day bake sale. I suggested that they raffle it off rather than sell it by the slice, because it wouldn't be pretty once it was cut into, and this way, the library would make more money AND someone could take home an entire special occasion cake for a dollar. One of the ladies assigned to work the table was sick, so I wound up sitting there with my cake the whole day. All the exclamations about how the cake was "too pretty to be eaten" or "so perfect it couldn't possibly be real" did a lot for my ego - but also several people asked who made the cake and whether I had a business card, so I feel that if I wanted to make a business out of it, I might expect some clients!

And - the library made $47, which is a lot more than they would have made if they'd sold it by the slice!
Thank you Jennifer that is a great idea but right now nothings really going on where i live so i can't really use it right now. Which kind of sucks because it was a great idea. And I just recieved my business cards in the mail so I am excited to use them!!!!!! :)
I live in a very small town and I had the same dilemma, then I had a brilliant idea (I hope). I talked to the owner of one of the stores in my town and asked if could display a cake in their store and have a monthly drawing for a small cake. That would help bring in customers for the drawing and it would advertise my cakes. A win, win situation. I have had one drawing so far but lots of exposure. You could do it in several stores.
This is an excellent idea. I am actually gonna put this in effect tomorrow. I'm going to call a few places and see of they'll let me do that. Thank you!!!! :)
try this site it has a cake decorating category and its free to set up a profile. you can also sell gift certificates for your cakes to folks in your area and the guys that run it are not weirdos or scammers.

does anyone know if its legal to make cakes from home in michigan?


They recently passed the cottage laws in Michigan but I still find myself cautious about advertising.
whats the cottage laws?
Claudia - your safest bet is to contact your local health department and find out what the guidelines are for your state/county/city.  Laws can vary greatly - for instance it may be legal to bake from home in Michigan, but your county may say "Yes, if you are using a kitchen that is separate from your everyday home kitchen". 

Kristin...I went to your web site and wonder when is the last time you updated?

Some of your cake pix are blurry and some of the cakes are not your best work, IMHO.

Again, IMO, there is just TMI, maybe some of the tabs could be consolidated, and testimonials, unless from Sylvia W. or MS should be on a page of it's own.

Let your work speak for it's self, I love the cake on the home page!

I know many fledgling shops need extra cash, but advertising anything but industry related sites (and the top of the home page?) makes me take the business less seriously.

I am NOT trying to hurt your feelings, it has taken me weeks to gather the chutzpah for this post!




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