Enter your Easter cake by Friday, April 9th, midnight, EST. Voting will
take place from Saturday, April 10th through Saturday, April 24th.
Winner will be posted on Monday, April 26th. Please label your cake
"Easter Cake Contest 2010". This contest is open to all members.
****All you have to do is upload the photo into your profile page and add "Easter Cake Contest 2010" as the title.******
All entries will be featured at the top of the photos page. To vote,
click on the cake you want to vote for and make it your favorite. Ties
will be broken by using the stars to rate the cakes. Please note that
not all featured cakes show up on the same page. You'll have to click
"show all" to see all the entries. If you don't see your entry, we may
have missed it, so let either Theresa Happe or Sherry Qualls know.
Winner will receive a $20 gift certificate to
A&H Cake Design,
member Heidi Molnar's cake decorating supply store. Winner will also
have winning cake plus other cakes featured in A&H Cake Design's
newsletter and on the website. By entering this contest, you agree to
share your cake photos with A&H Cake Design.
Congratulations Kim Hamilton, our Easter cake contest winner!