Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi Guys:

If you check my profile it will show that I am an amatuer cake decorator. I did my first wedding cake just about a year ago with no training. I took formal classes in late September. At that time  I knew I had 2 wedding cakes (3-tiered each) for delivery on 16 Oct. Then 2 weeks a ago my friends announced their wedding guessed it 16 Oct....and guess who they asked to do the cake...O  yes me!...and what did I do...I accepted!!!! now it's 3 CAKES!!!!! for the same day.....

2 cakes were fondant and the 2 wks notice cake should have been covered in modeling chocolate...that didn't work I had to go out and get Ivory fondant on friday along with other things to do the cake...I lost so much time...nerves were now getting the better of me...I have been somewhat sick...and all in all friday was a long day/ sleep!...then came Saturday morning...cakes still didn'tt have fondant on them...had to tell nerves to get lost cuz I don't want any unhappy brides on my hand...and I worked like crazy to get  everything done. I called in the troops, my mom was here, neighbour (friend), my painter...anyone that I could find to help me out...and we pulled it off...

Every bride was happy with their cake...I delivered 2 cakes before guests arrived and my friends cake just as the guests were arriving. luckily for me it was an outdoor reception and it the decorators were still working, the cake table was not ready...and it all just worked out. I prayed so much that everything would have been fine....and that was the case.

As I worked on the cakes, I remembered all the great people here that have shared tips with me, they really helped as I did the cakes...I appreciate all of you and the smile that I now wear on my face I do share with you....

Thank you all!...I am so happy right now....but I will not take on 3 wedding cakes for the same day again...not until I have my operations running the way I

I must have been crazy...never did 2 wedding cakes for one day..and I took on 3!...O boy....It was a super CHALLENGE!

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Just call you SUPERWOMAN!! I would have been a wreck.
lol...Deah I was a wreck but I had to keep it together...I had to focus on getting happy phone calls from the have a little cough now and I know it's because of what my body went thru...let me tell...I was saying to myself...I am going to give up...but u know u really can't...It was torture!!!...

I didn't even get to take pics!!!!...I will request copies from the brides...I will post them as soon as I receive them....

Deah said:
Just call you SUPERWOMAN!! I would have been a wreck.
You rock it Teneisha!!! Can't wait to see the pictures. Wedding cakes make a wreck of most of us amateurs. I remember as I was working on my latest one collapsing on the couch after the delivery and saying to my husband, "People do this for a LIVING??" :) I just hope it gets easier!
Thanks Eileen!

I know what you will get easier....but as we get better we will take on more difficult it's never over if you ask

I'm just happy with the end results...:) will definitely share the pics...

Eileen S said:
You rock it Teneisha!!! Can't wait to see the pictures. Wedding cakes make a wreck of most of us amateurs. I remember as I was working on my latest one collapsing on the couch after the delivery and saying to my husband, "People do this for a LIVING??" :) I just hope it gets easier!
Great Job Lady!!!! Sometimes the adreneline just kicks in and helps us get thorough it all!!! Sometimes it is hard to say no...then after it is all said and done.. it's kind of like having a baby.... pure torture at the moment and the joy comes after!!!!
I'm so happy it all worked out well for you.
Great u took on it as a challenge & came out a winner........Hats off to u
Great job Teneisha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trial by fire....
Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!! waiting for the pics.
Thank you guys...I"m still smiling and replaying the entire thing in my head...crazy stuff...:)
You are terrific and knowing that all the brides enjoyed the cake is most satisfying. So did you have a good time at your girlfriend's wedding and how did you like your cake, LOL? I hope you are feeling better. Any pictures of the cakes that you can share? I know they were all finished and due for the same day, I hope you were able to get some pictures but if not, that is very understandable too.
Thank you Stampinsher :)

I didn't go to the wedding but I loved MY't get to take any pics...hoping to get copies from the brides...

Stampinsher said:
You are terrific and knowing that all the brides enjoyed the cake is most satisfying. So did you have a good time at your girlfriend's wedding and how did you like your cake, LOL? I hope you are feeling better. Any pictures of the cakes that you can share? I know they were all finished and due for the same day, I hope you were able to get some pictures but if not, that is very understandable too.

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