Thanks for posting, Gali. I did not find this one, but I read the same thing on other sites. I am still confused as to the need for individuals (like us) to copyright original cake designs. I am going to look further.
I don't worried for my cakes , but your work is truly amazing ! I think it was Arties cakes that had a problem with some 1 posting cakes to look like his , and ARTIE was going to sue !! he was going crazy over it !, do to it was his cakes he copied , so its not like use , ITS YOURS ! not to many can do this kind of work as yours ,
Sandra Smiley said:
Thanks for posting, Gali. I did not find this one, but I read the same thing on other sites. I am still confused as to the need for individuals (like us) to copyright original cake designs. I am going to look further.
The key factor here I believe Sandra, is whether you are making a profit from something that is copyright. If you make for free or just to cover costs, then it's OK, I think.............
yes I thought its was ; )
Katy Nott said:
The key factor here I believe Sandra, is whether you are making a profit from something that is copyright. If you make for free or just to cover costs, then it's OK, I think.............
Katy, I believe Gali is talking about the need for us to have our original cake designs (she is specifically talking about the Scarlet Macaw Cake I am entering in the fair) copyrighted to prevent other people from using them. In the case of the Scarlet Macaw Cake, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to put in that many man hours. I can only afford to do it because it is my hobby, not my livelihood.
yes your right Sandra ! it is 1 of a kind ! don't be surprised how many would try to copy this !even if it takes a month, to make it !
Katy, I believe Gali is talking about the need for us to have our original cake designs (she is specifically talking about the Scarlet Macaw Cake I am entering in the fair) copyrighted to prevent other people from using them. In the case of the Scarlet Macaw Cake, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to put in that many man hours. I can only afford to do it because it is my hobby, not my livelihood.
Coolest Thing You'll See Today Is........
art deco cakes by galidink said:
Katy, I believe Gali is talking about the need for us to have our original cake designs (she is specifically talking about the Scarlet Macaw Cake I am entering in the fair) copyrighted to prevent other people from using them. In the case of the Scarlet Macaw Cake, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to put in that many man hours. I can only afford to do it because it is my hobby, not my livelihood.
art deco cakes by galidink said:
Sandra Smiley said:Coolest Thing You'll See Today Is........-------------> CUSTOM QR CODE STENCILS!Katy, I believe Gali is talking about the need for us to have our original cake designs (she is specifically talking about the Scarlet Macaw Cake I am entering in the fair) copyrighted to prevent other people from using them. In the case of the Scarlet Macaw Cake, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to put in that many man hours. I can only afford to do it because it is my hobby, not my livelihood.
Weighing in here. Legally you aren't allowed to use any copyrighted image on your cake. Disney, Nickelodeon, etc., believe it or not, actually have people trolling cake sites looking for infringements. There was a decorator at my cake club that got a cease and desist order from Disney legal. An acquaintance I know on FB got slapped from Disney for selling Disney figures she makes and sold on her Etsy site. Funny you can use any of these licensed creations on your cake as long as there's NO exchange of money of any kind. You give it away. So Katy...not even to "cover your costs". But there other round about ways of getting "paid". If you rent a licensed character pan...the store has paid for the rights. As long as your making for your own consumption or to give away, no problem, you sell it...you've broken the law. This whole thing is a crap shoot...like the lottery....you could make 100 character cakes...everything is fine...then your 101st cake..bingo....they catch you. So it's very random. That's why so many ignore, cause there under the radar. All of the Pro decorators in my cake club refuse to make these cakes. Afraid if they get caught they will lose there business license.The key factor here I believe Sandra, is whether you are making a profit from something that is copyright. If you make for free or just to cover costs, then it's OK, I think.............
Very good explination June!
So many people don't understand copyright infringement and either don't bother educating themselves or customers on the issue . Many customers don't waant to believe that those rules actually exist because they see copyrighted cakes everywhere they turn. It is the job of the decorator to educate them and put their foot down. If somebody wants a logo, trademarked copyrighted etc cake
. then you tell them that they must bring you in a release form from the legal department along with contact info for you to verify. Some are good about giving you a one time relief, like sports logo's etc...but good luck with the likes of Disney. Disney actually sued a daycare for having Disney charachters
painted on classroom walls. They had to paint over them. It sort of backfired on them though because another company saved the day and allowed them to use theirs (pixxar maybe) and had a huge unveiling on the news. I beleive it took place in the Orlando area.
You are correct that you cant benifit or profit in any way, which includes having a client just pay for ingredients. You can do them for free, for family and such, but never post them on your business site because in a roundabout way, by using it for advertisement, can increase profits.
RClients also don't understand that even by altering the character a bit does not exempt you from the rule. If it is still recognizable as the likeness, it is still off limits. Basically, it is the decorators job to show them different alternatives and designs that will still compliment the theme. If your client is still adament because "so and so just had an Elsa cake and didnt get in trouble" then they don't value your work or business and are not your target clientele anyhow.
Sorry for the long post!! This is actually my first post on these forums, but have enjoyed reading them for quite a while!
Happy baking!
Katy Nott said:Weighing in here. Legally you aren't allowed to use any copyrighted image on your cake. Disney, Nickelodeon, etc., believe it or not, actually have people trolling cake sites looking for infringements. There was a decorator at my cake club that got a cease and desist order from Disney legal. An acquaintance I know on FB got slapped from Disney for selling Disney figures she makes and sold on her Etsy site. Funny you can use any of these licensed creations on your cake as long as there's NO exchange of money of any kind. You give it away. So Katy...not even to "cover your costs". But there other round about ways of getting "paid". If you rent a licensed character pan...the store has paid for the rights. As long as your making for your own consumption or to give away, no problem, you sell it...you've broken the law. This whole thing is a crap shoot...like the lottery....you could make 100 character cakes...everything is fine...then your 101st cake..bingo....they catch you. So it's very random. That's why so many ignore, cause there under the radar. All of the Pro decorators in my cake club refuse to make these cakes. Afraid if they get caught they will lose there business license.The key factor here I believe Sandra, is whether you are making a profit from something that is copyright. If you make for free or just to cover costs, then it's OK, I think.............
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