I am making a two tier cake. The first tier is a bit bigger than the second tier. This is what i though I would do regards with the fillings
first tier :
marble cake
white chocolate filling
marble cake
raspberry preserves filling
marble cake
white chocolate filling
marble cake
what do you guys think of this? Also, should i put white chocolate filling in the middle with the raspberry preserves as well? Also, 4 layers of marble cake sounds fine or should put 2 diff layers of each cake flavor
second tier:
chocolate cake
chocolate ganache filling with strawberry preserves
chocolate cake
chocolate ganache filling with strawberry preserves
chocolate cake
what do you guys think of this as well? do you think it will overpower with the strawberries? Should i just put strawberries in one layer of the cake or leave it to both?
Thank you for ur help!
Asma - white chocolate and raspberries is an excellent combination. Personally, I would put the raspberry and white chocolate filling together in all layers - more pleasing to the eye instead of just one streak of red through the middle and the raspberry will help keep the cake moist. But that is just a personal preference. I would keep each tier made of the same cake flavour - you can have too many flavours that will end up drowning each other and confusing the palette.
The second tier sounds fine to me - again chocolate and strawberry is a very traditional recognised flavour combination.
Thanks for the replies!
I was actually thinking that Katy Nott, but I dont want the raspberry to overpower the white chocolate. I want more of the white chocolate flavor with a bit touch of raspberry
How about adding a little bit of the preserves in the white chocolate? Just enough to give it a hint of the fruit flavor.
Yes I am actually adding a layer of the raspberry preserve in the middle layer of the cake
Then what Goreti says is a good idea. Just add a touch of raspberry to your white chocolate and 'swirl' it through so it doesn't overpower it?
Asma A said:
Thanks for the replies!
I was actually thinking that Katy Nott, but I dont want the raspberry to overpower the white chocolate. I want more of the white chocolate flavor with a bit touch of raspberry
I would switch it all around a little and do the raspberry with the ganache, and the strawberry with the white chocolate filling, strawberry is a little more subtle than raspberry and less overwhelming to the vanilla flavor of the white chocolate, where the raspberry has a good bright tartness that will compliment the ganache better. Just my preference. :) And, I like the idea of marble throughout.
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