Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake











TIME:  1:00 PM





We will be discussing different ideas and plans to take to get this bill passed.

Please feel free to invite your family and friends and send an invite to you State Representative.



  • RSVP by August 31, 2010

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I would love to be there...I live in Daytona and I dont drive so I will try to get one of my kids to take me.. will let you know...
Thank you Karen, it will be Great to meet everyone too. I sent another email to everyone in Tallahassee, Health Dept, Commisioner, Govenor Crist and the who gang. Ace of Cakes was advertised about how we can host a Great American Bake Sale to help feed hungry children. I told Tallahasse this would be a Great thing to do however, since it is illegal to sell baked goods to the public Floridians cannot help the children. I haven't heard anything back from them. Every chance I get I will send an email stating the facts. If a State Representative won't sponser the bill than maybe someone will speak up and take a look at how the law reads and make some changes. Worth a try.

Karen Marie said:
I would love to be there...I live in Daytona and I dont drive so I will try to get one of my kids to take me.. will let you know...
This needs to be a revolt situation, I will continue to do my business and get prosecuted for the publicity, I could honestly care less. We broker cakes from numerous bakeries in Alabama and have no cake production here yet we still got a very threatening letter from the state. In essence we work in one state and deliver to another due to the volume of traffic we get online. This is simply a nuisance law in my opinion and more attention needs to be brought to bear on this issue. The state is simply stating who can and cannot go into business. As the economy continues to hemorrhage people will be forced to do things from home to earn a living and thus channeling everyone into criminal behavior. This is the role government wants , to criminalize folks at every level under the guise of protecting us. Fight back, bake and sell, I'm sure they will find the money to build the jails , but they can't find the time for those who want to work and make a living from home the opportunity to do so.
I have secured a commercial location in the Pensacola area and intend to set up a co-op kitchen, take care of the licensing and insurance , utilities, marketing , equipment etc... and those who want to run their cake business can do so. We can then assemble cake classes, visitors, special guests and a cooperative/sharing effort to enhance and grow our businesses collectively.
I was researching google on the Cottage Food Act in Florida and stumbled upon this page. I would love to be there but I will be out of town that weekend. Is there a way that we can find out the outcome to this meeting?
I will put a post on what we discussed and how anyone can help. I did notify ABC Action News about the meeting so maybe they will come out to televise again. I will also be having an interview on WFLA 97am probably the week of 9/6, they wanted to do the interview right before the meeting to help us get the word out.

This is an election year so once the election is over in November we will have to send those letters out to the State Representatives.

Anyone attending the meeting on Sept 11th, please RSVP to me at Thanks to all who are supporting getting this bill passed. Remember even if you are legal or have a store front getting this bill passed protects you and your business. If anything were to happen to your business like what happend to The Cake Girls in Chicago you will still be able to conduct your business from home until you can get another building. The sad thing about the Cake Girls situation Illinois does not have the Cottage Food Act.

Annette Corchado said:
I was researching google on the Cottage Food Act in Florida and stumbled upon this page. I would love to be there but I will be out of town that weekend. Is there a way that we can find out the outcome to this meeting?
Since the meeting is this Saturday I wanted to remind all Florida cakers to go if they possibly can....this is important to our economy and to all home bakers!
Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the bill? I would love to read it. Thank you! Wisconsin is another state where you may not have a home bakery and I would like to get the ball rolling here as well to get a cottage law passed. Email:
I live in OH, so I'm of no use to you; however, the discussion interests me a great deal. Although the Cottage Food business that I own and operate is legal here, I've always had this uneasy feeling that it may become illegal at some point. I certainly hope not; but the government is too freakin' big and meddlesome. It seems to have no common sense about the economy or a genuine appreciation for the traditional, innovative, entrepreneurial spirit of regular folks that has made our country so successful.

I'll be watching this discussion carefully ... I wish you all the best!
Well I think the issue or one of them is food safety. It is difficult to regulate standards in a person's home because of lifestyles etc. The agencies that govern food safety have guidelines that need to be followed in order to protect people from food borne illnesses and that should be a top priority for anyone selling food to the public. Alot can go wrong if we are not educated about proper food handling. We work with perishables like eggs, dairy, fruit etc...all foods that can make people sick if we aren't careful to insure bacteria control. The problem is that many people think that cannot be accomplished in a home kitchen which to me is ridiculous if we follow certain regulations. So that is why this bill is up before our state congress...and besides it will help the economy by bringing small industry back to support our citizens. also please dont forget that I am just a messenger with this info it is Barbara at the email address above and in this discussion that is the initiator in all this...she deserves the kudos!
Hi Eileen,
We do not have a copy of the bill to send to you. That is what we are working on getting passed. First we need to get the state representatives to support the bill. I believe the next step is the state representatives have a work shop to discuss what will be in the bill than it will go to the legislation to vote on and after that up the ladder to the govenor to sign as law. First step is to get state representatives to support the bill. You can go to your states house of representatives to see how a bill becomes law.


Eileen S said:
Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the bill? I would love to read it. Thank you! Wisconsin is another state where you may not have a home bakery and I would like to get the ball rolling here as well to get a cottage law passed. Email:

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