Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Can you believe I hurt myself doing too many cakes??? I have been experiencing shoulder pain for a few months now - usually when you get your arms in weird positions smoothing buttercream or fondant - and finally went to the doctor today. Turns out that I have actually 'over-caked' myself into a damaged rotator cuff in my right shoulder! Physical therapy 3 times a week and no cakes (NONE!) for a month!! Have started contacting customers to tell them - I feel awful but it is what it is. Just a warning fellow cakers - be careful out there! Your kitchen can be a dangerous place for creative minds like ours!! ;-)

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sorry to hear , ; ( i had surgery on mine back about 14 yr's ago , do to my work ,in art deco field !

I have found that tons of stretching helps.  And take lots of breaks.... unfortunately... most of the time we are on a time crunch to finish a cake and we torture ourselves to get it done! 

The RFA I had a couple weeks ago... I did yard work from 8:30am to 6 pm last Saturday and my back still feels great!  Felt it in my legs and butt but the back is doing great so the RFA is doing the job intended!  All part of getting old too!  Part of my problem is I am a secretary at school full time (23 years) and the sitting all day kills me more than anything!!!

Are you still working full time jeri? AND caking too?  Another wknd cake warrior??

Oh yes!   I work full time at the school and do cakes in the evenings and weekends. Usually work all week for a Saturday delivery.... so some days are 12 -16 hours long or longer!

 I have cut way back over the years though... just want to have more family time!  I only do one or two a month during the school year then wedding season I am usually off for the summer!  This summer though I am taking off all of July for grandbaby time!!!  And I have to have time for my quilting, sewing and gardening too!

Gosh - never a dull moment for you then Jeri!

Holy Smoke Jeri.....

As Katy said, never a dull moment! !  :o)

I can not stand to not be busy all the time.  There are too many projects to complete!  Ha! 

Should have baked tonight for a Sunday baby shower cake but I am putting it off till tomorrow.... I will hate myself tomorrow!!!

The not baking has been hard for's going to be a long, boring year. I know I have to do it, but this shoulder surgery is going to stink. Please be careful with your rotator cuffs ladies!! Turns out that I managed to tear one tendon right off the bone and begin a tear in another one. And all just from overuse. Who knew that was even possible??

OOOWWW SORRY , GET BETTER SOON , TAKE care so you can get back to caking  ! ;x

Thanks! Think of me on July 2nd.....I'll be in an immobilizing sling for 6 weeks after and then months of therapy. Somehow caking sounds like a LOT more fun!!

OMG, Jeri C...I thought I was reading my life on your posts. I work full time as a paralegal, then caking...and these past two weekends, I have been working on landscaping projects at my local church in the morning and then go home and continue on gardening and painting the outside of my home...I'm exhausted. So I thought I take a little break from the cakes only to be submerged on other

While doing all of these, I keep repeating to myself, be careful, you don't want those rotator cuffs surgeries...

Wishing all my great friends, HEALTH and ENERGY.

thank you Sandra ;x , now we don't want to go thru what Joann is , been there yr's ago , , not fun

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