Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Has anyone else watched this show?  Wondering what you all think about it.  In the episodes that I've seen, it seems these girls bite off more than they can chew and end up frantic at the very last second trying to get it done.  I'd have a nervous breakdown if I worked that way...

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OMG I am so with you, I love my mother but I would NEVER call her mommy over and over and over and (let alone once).....enough already! lol I too think it's scripted, the blonde girl drives me insane...and her being so strict on the piping of the icing on top....please.

I also love watching Fabulous Cakes, nice to see different cake decorators featured instead of the same old same old.

Brittany Miller said:
The whole thing seems forced, fake, and scripted. If they say Mommy one more time, I might scream. And keep the dang dog out of the van with the cupcakes! I don't think I can watch this terrible show anymore; 3 episodes was enough!
Fabulous cakes on the other hand, was entertaining. They were real, and they showed how much cake artists truly charge for these creations. Maybe the general public will watch this and stop balking when they hear what some of us charge for our time!
People are so cheap its sad, they would haggle the panties off of you if they could!
I find the show a little boring and it seems very staged. I know most reality shows are far from real but, this one is very obvious.
Thank you! The "mommy" thing drives me crazy!

Jeannine Sikora said:
OMG I am so with you, I love my mother but I would NEVER call her mommy over and over and over and (let alone once).....enough already! lol I too think it's scripted, the blonde girl drives me insane...and her being so strict on the piping of the icing on top....please.

I also love watching Fabulous Cakes, nice to see different cake decorators featured instead of the same old same old.

Brittany Miller said:
The whole thing seems forced, fake, and scripted. If they say Mommy one more time, I might scream. And keep the dang dog out of the van with the cupcakes! I don't think I can watch this terrible show anymore; 3 episodes was enough!
Fabulous cakes on the other hand, was entertaining. They were real, and they showed how much cake artists truly charge for these creations. Maybe the general public will watch this and stop balking when they hear what some of us charge for our time!
Ok ladies....I own a CupCakery here in Cincinnati...and YES...we do take orders for 1000 cupcakes even on our busy days! That is why I am in business~!! We work thru the night if we have to...however...that being said...we DO NOT DO 5000 cupcakes a day on average...more like 300 and there is no line...we make sure of it! AND...I DON'T call my mother "mommy" haven't since I was 2 i think...and my daughter and son work with me...THEY don't call ME "mommy"...but maybe if they did...we would have our own show!?!!!LOL!!!!
It's probably the way the show is edited, they seem to be calling for mommy every other word and it does get annoying after a while. I've read the same critique in other forums so it's not just the handful of folks here that it's hit a nerve with. I'm sure she's a perfectly lovely woman. My own daughters ages 20 and 22 call me mommy once in a while...usually when they are trying to butter me up for something. ;)
TV Shows are always under criticism regardless... you will have some that like you and some that don't... that's what makes the world tick! I don't like the show just because it has not caught my attention enough to watch it all the time. If I were the girls on this show reading this... I'd be wanting to make some changes to make my show better and use the negative to turn it to something positive because I can't see that show making it past season one.
LindaF144 said:
You know, as a Mom who has the endearment names for my kids and I still use them even though they are grown adults, I just don't get all the negativity around them calling the woman Mommy. I watched one show where the head baker called her that and it rolled of his tongue as if he was calling her Jane or Mary. So she wants to be known as Mommy to all. I think it gives quite the family atmosphere to the business, which is also obvious in other ways too.

What is the problem with using a nickname? I know if it was me I would certainly be offended that the one thing everybody picked on was the name I called someone that I loved very much. I call my DD Babydoll, my two sons Pumpkin and Buddy or Dawdew (nicknames come from the strangest events), and my husband Darling. I love them all very much and this to me is our affectionate name that we have evolved into using. My friends know I call my DH Darling and they all get a tickle out of it. It has become so common place that some of my friends refer to him as Darling. But this does this mean that if I was on a national TV show and called him by my pet name that everybody would be gagging over it? Who are we as a society to say what everybody can call their loved ones.

This is just the one thing about this show that everybody talks about that quite frankly I cringe when I read it. I can't imagine how these girls feel if they were to be reading this. I would be very upset if this same feedback came back to me about the names I call my loved ones.
Hi, new here, love this website, but back to the comments..... I think it's the way they say "mommie" and the fact that it's edited to be heard by the audience every 5 mins. that gets on most everyone's nerves. I believe the show is scripted and they were probably trying find a catch phrase everyone could identify with. However, it's gone in the wrong direction. If you watch Ult. Cake Challanges, all of their comments are edited to make them sound sometimes neg. The episode w/ Sharon Z. (sorry can't remember her last name, she's from the New Orleans area and produces the DVD's from SugarED), her episode made it appear she was swearing thru the whole hour, but she really wasn't. If you go to her blog, she explains what really happened. All of these shows are scripted and edited to make the major players look the way the producers want it to play out for ratings.... SSL. Oops, I don't like DC cupcakes either.....
I know this discussion started in July, but I had to join in...watched a little of one show and that was enough for me...I didn't see the big deal..and haven't watched it since...also had to check out their website....2.75 for one cupcake and 30.00 a dozen....had to laugh and shake my head.............I guess, it's not for me.....unemployment is supposed to be so high, who's paying 3.00 for a cupcake?
I heard that too! But remember they are in the heart of D.C. I think any cupcake shop located in an area with HEAVY foot traffic does very well. But of course you've gotta have huge dollars to rent a key location.

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