Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I've used Crisco for my butter cream frosting and pretty soon it was tasting pretty disgusting to me, basically sweetened Crisco and I think it leaves an slick in my mouth and a greasy after taste. I switched to the Walmart grocery store brand because someone suggested since it has a slightly higher fat content it tastes better. I can't tell a difference. I have now read online that baker's use Sweetex. Has anyone used it? Is it worth using over a brand from the grocery store since you have to get it from a bakery supply company? I have also been told to try 50/50 butter and vegetable shortening. Does the butter yellow the frosting? And does it do anything to the consistency?

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Comment by Apryle Murphy on August 23, 2010 at 9:30pm
I promise'll be hooked. Once you smooth your cake out for the first time after using the hi ratio you'll be wondering what you were doing without it. Well, that was my sentiments when I first used it lol. Good luck and please let me know when you use it how do like the difference??
Comment by Dianne Severa on August 23, 2010 at 12:23pm
Thanks Apryle! I just ordered the Hi Ratio from Kitchen Krafts. The shipping cost more than the product but I am hopeful it will be worth it.
Comment by Apryle Murphy on August 20, 2010 at 4:41pm
I order the high ratio from Kitchen Krafts and now that I think of it, not quite sure if its Sweetex brand....but it works lovely. But I just wanted to tell you Dianne that I order online from them and they have the tubs in 3lbs for about 8$. I'm in Las Vegas and just received a shipment a week ago and its never a melted mess when it gets to me. I do upgrade the shipping though to 5 days, maybe that has something to do with it. It is well worth the investment though, it makes such a major difference in the buttercream :)
Comment by Dianne Severa on August 18, 2010 at 6:42pm
I went to the local Bakery Supply place today and they had Sweetex but only in 50 lbs packages. She said it keeps for about 6 months, It cost $72 so it would be an investment. I just can't see me getting that much at once. She said the company she gets it from won't even ship it right now because of the heat. I almost laughed at that because I watched a video that said to melt your frosting in the microwave and then dump your cupcakes in it to make a smooth top. It must not have been buttercreme because when I melted it, it separated the Crisco and that went to a clear greasy liquid. What a mess! I imagine shipping the Sweetex in the heat might do something similar.
Comment by Apryle Murphy on August 17, 2010 at 7:41pm
I use Sweetex all of the time also and there is a MAJOR difference. My buttercream still crusts well and it is so much easier to smooth. There is no greasy mouth feel either. I believe it is worth the cost but it also depends on whether or not this is your business or if your just a hobby baker. I think when your charging someone for a cake, of course you want a superior product. The sweetex can definitely help you accomplish delivering a superior product.
Yes, butter does yellow the icing a avoid this you could go with 100% shortening in your recipe or substitute with a clear butter flavor.
Comment by Theresa Happe on August 17, 2010 at 2:42pm sells Sweetex by the pound. It's just shipping that's killer.
Comment by Anne-Marie Main on August 16, 2010 at 8:35am
I use Sweetex all the time and sometimes split it 50/50 butter (or white margarine) and sweetex.
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 11, 2010 at 3:47pm
I just found out on another discussion, to use unsalted butter. You may already know that, but if you didn't I wanted to share. I have used salted. I know my local supply store has High Ratio Shorting, I have not bought that yet. The paddle is awesome on the mixer!! It whips that shorting and butter together and I put the sheild on for the sugar, but it still gets everywhere...Joys of caking!
Comment by Dianne Severa on August 11, 2010 at 3:00pm
I got a Kitchenaid about a year ago. I have wanted one for ages. I just recently discovered (duh!) that I shouldn't be using the wire whip for mixing my frosting but it is a wonderful thing indeed. I still make a huge mess when I bake though. I am going to check out the local bakery supply place for the Sweetex, I have heard you can buy it 3 lb quanities. If it is 50 lb forget it. I am just a home baker. I will look up the Serious Cake recipe. I have been told butter is not good in humidity as it melts faster than shortening. And oh man is it humid this month! I guess there is coloring that can make frosting whiter. I guess if I can't get the frosting to taste better I can tell people to admire the artistry and scrape off the frosting and eat the cake. I really agree with Rosann the taste is the important thing.
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 11, 2010 at 12:38pm
I bought my store band (Winn Dixie) and made my buttercream this time around. I have been using a premade, because the crisco was not crusting well. I did the 50/50 butter/shorting mix and yes it does have a slight off white color but it tasted and crusted so well. I used butter (the store brand), it was still a little on the yellow side, but if you get a brand that is whiter in color it may not be so off white The premade I was using (I can't think of the name) was soooo good, but they wont ship it to us down here during the summer, so my cake supply shop is out. I was using premade because I was tired of the mess too, until I started using my aunt's kitchenaid... I am going back to homemade buttercream, that thing is a dream come true!! I may never give it back....

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