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Cajeta, chocolate cake, vainilla flan and chocolate swirls. Delicious!!

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Comment by Luz Iglesias on November 13, 2013 at 8:51am

Thank you Mandy.  Katy, you should give a try, this dessert is good for any occasion.

Comment by Katy Nott on November 13, 2013 at 6:25am

Thanks for sharing Luz - I think I need to give this one a try!

Comment by Mandy Donaldson on November 13, 2013 at 6:18am

looks delicious 

Comment by Luz Iglesias on November 12, 2013 at 7:56pm

I´m glad you ladies liked the recipe, Goreti I´m sure it will work to use the dulce de leche instead of the condensed milk, it will be sweeter, but delicious either way.  I caramelize sugar and put it on the bottom when I only make the flan, but you are right it is a lot more easier to use dulce de leche and also the sauce is thicker.  If you give it a try, please tell us how it goes.

Comment by Goreti on November 12, 2013 at 5:22pm

Looks great and I know how good it tastes.  Very popular at family parties but we don't usually put the dulce de leche on the bottom of pan.  We actually caramelize sugar and put that on bottom.  The dulce de leche is a lot easier.  Think I will do this way from now on.  I wonder how it would taste if instead of the sweetened condensed milk in the flan part we used the same amount of dulce de leche.  hmm might be worth trying.  Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on November 12, 2013 at 12:56pm

thank you so much LUZ your a sweetheart ;x

Comment by Inoka Nishanthi on November 12, 2013 at 12:47pm

Wow Luz! looks so yummy, Thanks for the recipe

Comment by Luz Iglesias on November 12, 2013 at 11:48am

I forgot to write:  Leave it for 20-30 min. at room temperature, then unmold it in a cake container with a lid and put it in the fridge, this will keep it moist.  When completely cold you can decorate it as you wish.

Comment by Luz Iglesias on November 12, 2013 at 11:44am

Thank you ladies for your comments, and of course I´ll be delighted to give you the recipe, is as follows:  You will need:  

A chocolate batter (the one of your choice) you can make it from scratch of use a cake mix.  I always add to any of these 1/4 of cocoa powder  (extra) and 2-4 teaspons of instant coffee (diluted with a little bit of water used in the recipe),

Flan:  1 can of evaporated milk, 1 can of condensed milk (both 395 gr), 1 tsp vainilla essence, 4 big size eggs,  In a blender mix it for 2 minutes.

1 can or pot of dulce de leche or cajeta (softened)

In a round cake pan (some people use round pound cake pans they look very pretty) cover the sides(not the bottom) of the pan with vegetable shortening and a little flour).

Cover the bottom of the pan with "dulce de leche or cajeta" softened.

Add the cake batter on top of the "dulce de leche or cajeta"

Add the flan mixture on top of the cake batter.

Cover it loosely with aluminum foil.

To bake it: You will need to use a bigger pan (one that you can put your pan inside) put a kitchen towel in the bottom and fill it with water a little less than half of the pan (this is to avoid bubbles) then then carefully set your cake pan inside and bake it at 325 (farenheit) or 160 (Celcius) for about 50 minutes.  You will know it´s ready when the stick comes out "clean", it will come out quite clean but remember it is a damp cake, so just taste what sticks on the stick and you will know it is ready.

You can decorate it with whipped cream if you like.  I hope you do it, this recipe is a non-failure one!

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on November 12, 2013 at 7:53am

well now , your teasing use with this ! how the chocolate mixture separates from the flan???we all must want this recipe , I know I do !!

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