Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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Comment by Jauquetta on September 20, 2011 at 4:17pm
I see now where my customer got the idea for the topper she had me make. So much more work to make a cake that size! The body of mine was only a cupcake. I will be sure to put your name on my piece as the source of inspiration! Well done. J
Comment by RUBY JOHNSON on September 15, 2011 at 8:23am
Thank you Suzie for sharing the details. I'm going to try it some day. I have the wonder mold pan, perhaps I can make a smaller model one day. Thanks again for this amazing cake.
Comment by Suzie Toms on September 14, 2011 at 7:29pm
This is how I did it - it may not be the best way or the only way but it should provide a starting point for all of you who love this cake and want to make it.

There are 5 photos of different views of this cake on this site in my photos to help you visualise how it goes together.

I actually used a ceramic mixing bowl which is shaped very much like the Wilton wonder mold pan for the body. I also made a 6in round cake
and a bar cake. I cut the round in half and placed the flat edges
together keeping the rounded top edges facing out to form the head. I
stuck them together with butter cream and shaped the front to make the
nose. I did have to bulk out the cheeks with some fondant to get just
the right shape - I used chocolate fondant and I suppose you could use
modeling chocolate too. I used the bar cake to make the feet and to add
an extra bit of height to the body. I was left with about 1/4 of that
cake. I placed 2 dowels into the body one at the front and one at the
back to hold the head on. I also put the fondant on the head before I
attached it to the body hiding all the creases underneath in the join.
I hope this is helpful. Good Luck!
Comment by RUBY JOHNSON on September 14, 2011 at 6:31pm
This cake would put anyone in a good mood when you first catch an eye sight of it. Simply adoreable. I just love it. Great for a baby shower too. You must tell us how you did it.
Comment by Sweet-Heaven on September 14, 2011 at 2:37pm

ahhhh!!! I love it.....


Comment by Shelly Lovaglio on August 12, 2011 at 11:53am



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