Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Just a few of the flowers I made Wednesday for cakes this weekend.

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Comment by June Kowalczyk on July 27, 2013 at 8:49am
When I took my Wilton course @ Michael's, a craft shop, the teacher showed us the Wilton methof & augmented with her expertise. That was great, but it took extra time and consequently, the last class there was still so much to learn, there were 2 flowers she just showed how to make, but we never got to even try or practice. I saw her again at a demo at a large cake decorating shop. She was now teaching there. She got tired of trying to squeeze in all the Wilton content in 4 wks. Plus she got into trouble for adding in "tips". So now she teaches Wilton with her tips and her own twist. This shop gives her 6 wks instead of 4. Much more time. My cake club leader just got hired to take over the cake decorating course at our local community college. She is totally self taught. But they didn't have any decorators clamoring for the position. She is going to give it her best shot. Apparently, there course, plus others at the bigger cake shops are having to be cancelled. Craftsy has taken a big bite out of the brick & mortar classes. Interesting.
Comment by Katy Nott on July 27, 2013 at 7:26am

Don't you just love 'em!  They want someone to teach, because they presumably know what they're doing and then tell them how to do it!

Comment by Betty on July 26, 2013 at 4:34pm

I was asked a long time ago about teaching a class at our local community collage but they had a preset way they wanted the course to be taught. Well!! At that time (being self taught) I had my own way of doing things. I said NO thanks. 

Comment by June Kowalczyk on July 26, 2013 at 12:36pm
My teacher REFUSED to teach us to pipe flowers onto a cake. Wouldn't show us how to transfer your newly piped rose from the nail onto a cake either. ... said it was "cheating". Big time old school. She was in her early 60's as I am now. Assuming she is pushing daisies. ... couldn't resist that one!!! She wasn't a very pleasant woman. A real sargent major.... my way or the highway! Several women quit ths course cause they couldn't stand her. This wasn't a Wilton method... just her own experienced teaching. Was surprised she had so much business. But there weren't a lot of decent bakeries around then. In a funny twist, when this decorator sold her shop, she sold her customer list to the Administration of my cake club. Small
world. When I started talking at the meeting about this decorator, the Admin knew right away who I was talking about!! Tooffunny. :o)
Comment by Betty on July 26, 2013 at 10:22am
Thanks June, Hard to break "old" habits.Sometimes I pipe flowers straight on the cake (sweet peas, sunflowers, a few laying roses) . I take a day that I'm not baking & make lots of flowers,all shades then when an order comes in I'm ready. Since I'm self taught I'm still learning new things,now I'm trying to make a few fondant flowers, mostly the cut out kind, nothing fancy.
Comment by June Kowalczyk on July 25, 2013 at 11:21pm
Pretty Betty
Brings back memories. I took my 1st lessons from a old school teacher at a local bake shop, now long gone. She always made us make our icing flowers on wax paper & let them dry. Made tons of roses, sweet peas & others. I very rarely make icing flowers now. :o)
Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on July 25, 2013 at 6:33pm

pretty , nice job

Comment by Betty on July 25, 2013 at 2:58pm

My Mom was born in 1910 , lived to be almost 101. She liked to decorate cakes too.

Comment by Katy Nott on July 25, 2013 at 2:39pm

Ah thanks Betty.  Most of my tips are old too, so I bet they're the same (some of them are my Mum's and she was born in 1918!).  Appreciate the share xx

Comment by Betty on July 25, 2013 at 2:29pm

Most of my tips are old so the #'s might not be the same but The flowers here are Rose # 104, small flat flower #59,( great for violet and peach blossoms etc.) Others are:large swirl border (star tip) #1M, #35 makes a nice ruffle/drape (leaf tips makes nice ruffle too) and bead border #10. Just a few that I use all the time. 

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