Theresa Happe


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  • Diana Viera

    Hey there ~ I've been busy and my father has been sick with his cancer. I haven't made a cake since July, which I have not posted here as of yet. I've gotten lazy since my return from PR and I don't like it at all. I want to get back into making cakes and am sorry that I haven't entered any of the contests. My son is now in his senior year in HS and is also one of four captains on his football team so, I've been designated to be on the committee, as well as cook for friday night dinners, etc. Fun, fun:D So, as you can see, I've been a busy beaver but prefer to get back into making cakes.
  • Tami Chitwood

    Hi there! Right after I posted the comment I got a correction email about the contest (you are fast!), so I deleted the post :) Thank you for trying to reply though! I'm so very excited about the contest and am planning my cake now.
  • Tami Chitwood

    Don't feel dumb about it! :) Mistakes are what make us human! Can't be as embarrassed as I was once when, in an email to a client, instead of typing "I will be sending you the disks" I typed "I will be sending you the dicks" and didn't catch my error because it was as least spelled right! Boy oh boy was my face red!
  • SANDi

    Hi theresa how r. I have a ? I have went into a page and it said pravite and I didn't know we can do that because this is not facebook nor myspace 2 get personal information I just want 2 c their pic here I though we r here 2 b friends and become a big happy family in the cake field..thx sorry 4 the worng miss spell word if any very little english...
  • Eileen S

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! This site has been so helpful to me and I'm proud to be a part of it! Keep up the good work. Let's chat on the phone next week. :)
  • annehannon

    Hi theresa can you tell me what cake flour is we cannot get it london I have googled it but people are not too sure about it Thank you.
  • Eileen S

    That works for me, Terri. Have fun in Cozumel! I've never been to that part of Mexico, but it's one of my globe-trotting sister's favorite places. I'll keep an eye on the Halloween entries while you're gone - you shouldn't have to work too hard while you're on vacation!!
  • annehannon

    thanks theresa for your help,I have been looking for a conversion chart for us to uk if you or any of the ladies on cwb know of one it would help,
  • SANDi

    Thank you for your reply.
  • Sweet P's Custom Cakes

    I would love to add my halloween head into the contest, but couldn't figure out how.......please help
  • Maria Victoria Pomponi

    Thank you very very much! I love your site, Cakes We Bake is a great project: Congrats!
  • Gloria

    Hi Theresa! Where can i put me events?
  • Luisainlove

    Red Ribbon
  • aisha

    Thank you for that, I will look into that.
  • Aloha Bob

    Howdy Teresa,

    Just a note....I must have entered my Christmas Cake for Beginners incorrectly...what did I not do.  It mentioned to upload it to my site...did I not follow through after that....not sure...for next time I try and enter a cake.  I did get it on my site.....Thanks,  Aloha, Bob

  • Dorit Tabori

    Red Ribbon
  • Kirsty

    Hi Teresa, I wasn't sure if it was allowed and I couldn't find anywhere where I might find that kind of info or even if there was a special page for them. No dramas about removing it, i'll know next time

    cheers Kirsty

  • jeri c

    Congratulations! 10,000 and going strong!
  • jeri c

    This looks like spam... I still can not get a message to send

  • jeri c

    Hi Terri

    I still can not send a message on here... not sure what is going on.  I have been feeling great for the most part... have to have the other knee done in August so maybe once it is done I will be bionic!!!  HAHAHA... Keeping busy but not doing many cakes.  Have not over booked this summer at all... only have 2 and maybe 3 cakes.  Have turned down so many cakes it is crazy but have to do what I have to do for my health.  Sucks getting old!

  • J.K. DEAL

    Thank u Theresa....I appreciate that and I did have a great day !!  :* )
  • Kim Washington

    thank you for the bday greeting
  • naseeha imthath

    hi madem , great job, wish u all the best.
  • Viona Corr

    Hi Theresa..thank you for information...finally I made it (baby bop from the barney and friends) ....not really good but tried the best....thanks again....:)


  • Diane Shavkin

    Theresa,  That is so kind and sweet of you re' your comment about my Puffed Embroidery.  Thanks so much.  I will be demonstrating that at the ICES convention on Sunday at 12:30pm.  I just wanted to be sure you knew that in the event you might want to attend.  And, I want to especially thank you for your expressing my being here.  Again, that is so nice of you to say, and it makes me feel so good.  I am pleased I have started visiting here and have some time to do so.  You have a fabulous site and am doing such a wonderful job.  Again, another thanks!  See you at convention!


  • Isabel Marques

    hi Theresa. i added a beach cake for the contest and it's not showing on the slide. i might have done something wrong please add it for me. sorry  

     thanks xx


  • Gretel I. Marrero

    Hi! I want to receive my e book.
  • tina lindsey

    Hi Theresa. I just recently and I have not gotten the link via email for the free ebook. I have a big cake event cominig up soon for my best friend and wanted to review the book to see if there is anything I can improve on. Can  you Please send it to me soon
  • tricia aliazis

    I have been waiting for my ebook for a couple of weeks and still have not received anything. Can I get my free ebook that you advertise for signing up. Thanks
  • Cindi S



    I am a new member, I posted a picture for the Bling Cake Contest, I typed in the tag number but am not seeing it included in the contest pictures.  Did I do something incorrect?  Thanks Cindi

  • Tamara Walker

    Teresa Could you tell my anything about the Cake Cricut machine I have the ioppoirtunity to purchase one for 140.00 and I wanted to know if it was worth it or not I know that they generally sell for 350.00  I already have alot of the cutters and stuff to make flowers, leaves etc. so please tell me if you know whether this would be a wate of money or not.   thanks . 
  • Joanne Lima

    We have been on a trip in our RV.  I haven't been able to find the results of the Tropical Beach contest.  I enjoyed entering and receiving so many nice compliments.  Thank you for providing the opportunity. 

  • cheryl fitzsimmons

    I have only just joined this site, I love it, so much info and tips, I'm self taught and have only been doing cake decorating for 18 mths but I'm hooked.
    Cheryl x
  • iris rezoagli

    Hi Theresa.First thank you so much for this wonderful website and the opourtunity to learn .It my first time i am participating in a contest.I added a fall cake for the contest and the name is Fall in love and it's not showing in the slide with all the fall contest picture.Sotty and GRACIAS

  • iris rezoagli

    i meant to write sorry not sotty

  • Lorie LaTouche

    Thanks Theresa for all the live tutorials.  Keep them coming!  ;-)

  • Cheryl Fishman

    Question? Never entered a contest yet, but wanted to know... does it have to be a recent cake within a time frame or can I send one of my creations from the past?

  • Diane Curtis

    Hi Theresa, Thanks for your nice compliment! I would LOVE to teach but I have never formally taught in a classroom setting. I think it would be so much fun, though! The opportunity has never presented itself to me, but I'm definitely interested... Let me know the details.

  • Stacy Barnett

    Thanks so much for all the ideas. I am new just a day to the web site and looking forward to all the great ideas. Also just learning how to get around the site! :-) Stacy Barnett

  • iris rezoagli

    Hello Theresa. I need some imformation.Also l will like go this sunday to the Atlantic bakery expo but I don't know if Monday the demonstration will be at 9:30 a.m . I hope To see you there
  • iris rezoagli

    Hello l have a question. I don't know if I need to make some reservation n if there is a charge for it
  • Ed Mannz

    Hello Theresa,

    Thank you for accepting me as a friend.  I wanted to let your community know that this year at The Festival of Chocolate in Orlando (April 27-29) we are holding an Amateur Cake Decorating Competition (Rules and Entry Forms can be downloaded at: ) as well as 3 Professional LIVE Competitions.  They can be found at:

    Thank you so much!

  • Diane Curtis


    I'm still very curious about becoming an instructor for the Sugar Arts Institute... Are you still looking?


    Diane Curtis

    Classy Cakes

  • Madeline Perez

    Red Ribbon
  • Linda Wolff

    Terri, you have been pretty quiet. I hope you were able to weather the storm okay?

  • iris rezoagli

    Hi Theresa,I like the idea,I am happy to help,I live in Hicksville Long Island
  • Romona Flowers

    Hello Theresa; I am currently the President of the Greater Washington Area Cake Club in Maryland. We are having a Day of Sharing on April 14th, To get more information about this event, please visit our Facebook page " Greater Washington Area Cake Club". Could you please share this information with your group/members???? The deadline was today, but we are extending it until Friday. Thanks Romona Flowers
  • Cheryl Adams Kier

    Hi Theresa...Was wondering if there is a rule about how fast "you need to edit and name your posted cake pics"....sorry to say I'm really behind....and have someone doing this to my pics.....I would like to do it myself...I do not post them myself ,I have to wait till my son does it for me,so he sometimes post a bunch at a time,and over the months I got behind.I promise to catch up..But if its a problem,I will not post anymore ,till I'm caught up!!! Please let me Know....I really don't like the names on some of my pics,and hate some the "meow" on a cat cake I did...So I spend time that I could be catching them up,removing info. I didn't put on them...My son Pat put about 15 or so pics today at 2pm,and at 10pm after I finished 2 more cakes tonight,I came in to start back editing and they were already edited ,named....I thought each person's page was their own sort can someone {and I know her} get to my page and do that...I would NEVER try to name or edit,or tag another bakers cakes,cookies,or what ever..Looking for you respond....CADAMSKIER

  • Nana Fatima Ibrahim

    Hello, Theresa, hope u are good. Pls I need recipes measurement in kg, for as many kind of cake as possible. Thanks
  • Antonio Stricagnoli

    thank you so much best torte from word ,     kissesssssss