Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

hi all my CWB friends i am safe and made it thru the worst part of this storm !with some damages , if my handicap ramp wasn't at my frount door a big tree  would have come in my frount windows and said HI THERE !! ! lol , thank you for your prayers , bless you all

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Very happy to hear that you are fine. Prayers with everyone who suffered through this storm.

thank you all so much , all be safe , ! bless you all ,

Hi Goreti, thanks for posting.  Still a few more to hear from...........

Goreti said:

Gail, very glad to hear that you are ok.  Here we have a lot of debris all over the yard and driveway.  As far as I can see, we lost one fruit tree.  This is what I can see from the door since I haven't gone in the back yard.  But if we lost any other trees, they were far enough from the house.  The ones I was worried about are still standing.  I really hope Iris is ok.  Her area was hit pretty hard from what I've seen on the news.  Never thought I would be glad that my daughter was in CA instead of NY.  Hope everyone else is ok too.

glad your ok also Goreti , yes its a big mess but we'v been spared thank god ! <3 yes iv been thinking about her , Iris , hope she is ok ! i have most of my family , in NJ were it hit hard also , ; ( wondering about them also , east coast is all closed down , still stormy here but not like last nite ! be safe

Thank God that you are okay! I haven't even gotten on the TV yet to see what all damages there were, or if there is more to come! Were any of you able to get any sleep at all last night? Gail, THANK GOD for the intervention of your handicap ramp! Who would have thought?? WOW! I haven't heard anything from Iris either....

I sent Iris a message last night (my time), but didn't really expect to hear back from her and she will obviously have more important things to worry about.  It may just be that she is without power today and can't contact anyone - let's hope so.

thank you Linda  not to much sleep at all yes thank goodness for that ramp its a wrothiorn ramp !very sturdy ! if it was wood i dont think it would have saved my home ! , its still not good outside so i cant get pic's yet !, and no we are all waiting to see if Iris  is ok !

So glad to hear you made it through okay. The pictures of the storm's aftermath look terrible.  Hope the clean up goes smoothly for you!

thank you Carla , <3

Cakes By Carla said:

So glad to hear you made it through okay. The pictures of the storm's aftermath look terrible.  Hope the clean up goes smoothly for you!

I am watching this disaster it is horrible Gail I am glad you are good.. I hope all here on cb is safe and sound. Prayers to all

thank you Michelle ;x

Woke up to check on my cakey friends and I am so glad to hear you are doing "ok" so far.  The pictures I have seen of the flooding and damages are really scary... I have survived 3 hurricane back to back in Florida; some in  Puerto Rico and every time is really scary plus I hate the electricity or water and sometimes no food  . I fear for all those that need to go through all this mess,


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