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Hi all, I made a fairy and her legs and arms are full of cracks. I used fresh fondant with a bit of cmc. I kept it coverd and used all my knowledge with no success. Please help an tell me if there is a way for me to make those arms and legs smooth.

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I'm pretty new to making models, so I'm wondering if trex would help uncrack the arms. I don't know what country you're in and if you get trex. In the USA their equivalent I think is crisco.
By the way, love your fairy. Especially the hair. How did you do that?

Can you try thinning out some fondant with crisco and smooth it over the cracks? Don't know how small the pieces are you are working with, but I have done that a couple of times with success. Good luck!!


Thank you! I'll try that. Her legs are about as thick as my pinky finger. I use white margarine because I live in South Africa and they do not sell crisco here.

Joann Gottermeyer said:

Can you try thinning out some fondant with crisco and smooth it over the cracks? Don't know how small the pieces are you are working with, but I have done that a couple of times with success. Good luck!!


I will try to use Joann Gottermeyer's advice. The hair was done by rolling the paste thinly and cutting it into strips, then I pasted it bit by bit onto her head. The whole process took me close to an hour. Thanks for the compliment. This is my first try with figures. You should see my ugly faces!

amanda marshall said:

I'm pretty new to making models, so I'm wondering if trex would help uncrack the arms. I don't know what country you're in and if you get trex. In the USA their equivalent I think is crisco.
By the way, love your fairy. Especially the hair. How did you do that?

Thank you ladies for your prompt replies. I now know that I am amongst friends even if we are miles apart. Have a good laugh when you gaze upon these faces. They were my first attempts to make a fairy face. I don't have any molds, so it has to be free hand.

I have had the same problem, what I have learned is to work faster.. I have also made things using gum paste and when it's hard I cover it with modeling chocolate.. If you ever get the answer please share.. I have made many parts and not used them because of cracking..

I will most definitely share. I believe that this is a God given talent and not to be kept in secret. 

Michelle Johnson said:

I have had the same problem, what I have learned is to work faster.. I have also made things using gum paste and when it's hard I cover it with modeling chocolate.. If you ever get the answer please share.. I have made many parts and not used them because of cracking..

I have the same problem and haven't found a solution yet.  Hopefully I will one day get it right :)  Great job - she is beautiful.

Thank you Debbie. If and when I find a solution I will share.

Debbie D said:

I have the same problem and haven't found a solution yet.  Hopefully I will one day get it right :)  Great job - she is beautiful.

My only advice is to work very quickly - roll the arms and legs into snakes and then shape them quickly. We generally use gum paste for our figurines and then dress them with fondant. Even though you don't get them perfect when you do them quickly they get worse (old lady skin) the more you play with them.

If you can't work faster, can you make "slip" out of your fondant/cmc and fill in the cracks?  When it is dry, you could use an emery board to smooth it out if necessary. 

Thank you Danielle, I tried to make the body, arms and legs in one. My next figure I'll try your way. I will let you know how it worked for me.

Danielle Dyskin said:

My only advice is to work very quickly - roll the arms and legs into snakes and then shape them quickly. We generally use gum paste for our figurines and then dress them with fondant. Even though you don't get them perfect when you do them quickly they get worse (old lady skin) the more you play with them.


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