Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I realize when I run a contest on this site, there isn't much I can do about it if people are soliciting family and friends to sign up merely to vote on their cakes. But, this is not the Ultimate Cake Off here. No one is going to take a Caribbean Cruise with the prize they win and last time I checked my bank account, that's not something I can do.

I would like to think that people would prefer to win on merit. Isn't that what makes winning special?

There will be many more contests to follow and I'd like to think everyone will have an opportunity to win at some point.

Most of are here to share and make friends. Please be respectful to others and conduct yourself accordingly.

Thank you.

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Terri, this is so well said. Your right there isn't much that can be done except for someone to examine their own conscience...after all its a CAKE CONTEST, padding the votes just seems wrong to me but each person has to decide that for themselves I guess.

Winning on merit....IS.... what makes winning special!!!!

And sadly I can't take a cruise either :( and...................

Respect is one of the things that sets CakesWeBake apart form other cake sites.
I agree with both Terri and Sherry 100%.
I appreciate the fact that I'm learning and having so much fun doing it here on our site!
I belong to other "crafty" sites (other than cake fun) and Respect is the main objective with lots of humor to make everyone smile so I will promote the sentiments of Terri and Sherry wholeheartedly.

Darn, I can't take a cruise either or pay for someone either, sorry. But if I could, I would.

Looking forward to all of the contests and voting, just having a ton of FUN!!!
Ladies you are right!! I went through every entry and even though there were a few that I liked only one stood out in my opinion. That is the only cake I voted for! Good luck to all those who entered.
Funny you would mention this... I was talking to some co workers today at school and they are always encouraging me to enter cake contests... I just never feel like I could compete so I just never enter them... anyway I told them I entered some cakes here and they said ooo let us sign up and vote for you. I told them I appreciate their kindness but I really feel that would be wrong. Thanks Terri for confirming that I did the right thing by telling them no.

One thing I used to share with my softball team when I was coaching... "Play hard... play fair... Winning at all costs is stupidity"

There are some very nice cakes entered and I agree... we are not competing for a huge prize but it is so nice of A& H to donate the prizes!!!
Hey! Did someone mention a criuse? LOL! I agrree, the real prize is having other cake decorators, both amature and proffessional, believe that you have created something special.

And Yes Jeri, I have had friends and family give similar offers, but I have always told them thanks but no thanks, and that these sites are for cake decorators. If you have cake decorator friends and they want to sign up on the site, because it is a good site for us sugar jockeys, oh and btw they vote on your cake, that seems fair to me. But just having people sign up for the sole purpose of voting for you seems....well not very sporting.
Teri, maybe for future contests the settings could be changes so that only people who have been members for 30 days or more are eligible to vote? It looks like the contests on run about 30 days, so that would minimize this kind of vote padding...anyway it is just a thought:)
The programming doesn't currently allow me to limit it. We're going to create something custom to handle the contests in the future.
some of the other site's will stop you from voting twice, i don't know how they do it. it's really not fair when one person really deserves it and doesn't win
Maybe you can associate the vote with the member name and then if there are duplicates then they can be removed
Speaking of... have the results come out yet for the Chocolate contest?
Voting goes til midnight tonight and none of that nonsense matters any more now that judges determine the winners.

Diana said:
Speaking of... have the results come out yet for the Chocolate contest?

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