Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I see the same trend with this cake contest that I saw with the last contest....some entrants are enouraging their family and friends to sign up for the SOLE purpose of voting on that person's cake!!!! 



Personally I think that STINKS...its called padding the votes and on my ethics radar its CHEATING...but everyone has to live with themselves....if that how someone wants to win a contest...................


If Terri wants to delete this post that is her perogative...But I just had to put it out there.



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I totally agree with you Sherry

It is sad that winning this way would not bother some people.
If you determine without a doubt that particular entry is being padded couldn't you disqualify that entry? I would think that would be the fair thing to do. The people who are donating the prizes for the contest winners dont have to donate anything if they didnt want to. CWB doesnt have to run these contest if they didnt want to. So in all fairness you should be able to disqualify any entry you detemine is being padded.

You do what ever it is you need to do too keep the integrity of the site contest and winners fair to everyone as far as i"m concerned!
Ok, reality check here. I know for a fact that this goes on with other websites. Because of the way this site is set up, it makes it much more obvious. I'd like to think we can let everyone continue to participate in the voting process. That's what makes it fun. I hope I don't have to resort to picking judges. But if people can't control themselves, that's what I may have to do.

I've addressed this in another post, but what I didn't say is that cat fighting is not acceptable. Please don't send nasty messages to someone you think is cheating. You may vent to me, Sherry Qualls or Deah Aldridge. I don't want to have battles going on here every time we have a contest.
On second thought, I am recruiting judges for next month's contest.
I think this would be the best way to preserve the integrity of the contests AND the reputation of CWB. Great decision Terri.

Theresa Happe said:
On second thought, I am recruiting judges for next month's contest.
I second that!
Well said Sherry, I did have my suspisions!!!! I always say " what goes around comes around"
And well done Theresa, I really think judges are the best way forward
I actually think have a solution that will make everyone happy, I hope. What if I allowed the voting and then had the panel of judges make the final decision on the top 10 cakes. Then "cheating" won't matter and everyone still gets to have a say. Feedback please :)
I agree, I no i wont win any contest by or through referrals That just wont happen , not many people i know are into cakes like i am , so im just waitting to see what the contest is for next month and if i can be able to do it i will try and enter ,
Theresa ~ I like the way you think! Whenever you have a cake contest, you should be the one to pick your judges and maybe even rotate every now and then. Those judges should not be allowed to enter that specific contest just to be fair to everyone else.

This is a great site and it shouldn't be ruined for everyone else. Lets move on:D
I don't want to permanently exclude people from the contest, so if a judge wants to participate, we'll have a substitute judge for that contest.

Diana Viera said:
Theresa ~ I like the way you think! Whenever you have a cake contest, you should be the one to pick your judges and maybe even rotate every now and then. Those judges should not be allowed to enter that specific contest just to be fair to everyone else.

This is a great site and it shouldn't be ruined for everyone else. Lets move on:D
I like the suggestions a lot.
One day I will be able to enter the contest and I would really appreciate a true vote with honesty if I do get a vote, LOL.
That is what our site is about. We help each other and comment to each other so we can enjoy what we love to do, cakes!

I must say, that I wrote a comment on the cake that I voted as my favorite. I hope that will also be a way to see that a MEMBER has voted and not family/friends/clients. Please don't be offended with that opinion, it is mine and only mine.

I have written comments on other cakes as well because I just love them and have the need to say it and compliment the cake designs, but I did not mark them my favorite for the vote. I appreciate everyone entering the contests so I can get additional ideas for myself.


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