Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Am I overcharging for my cupcakes??? Opinions needed.

Hi, I am completely new to this forum and also new to cupcakes business. What I need to know is, if my prices are right. I am in TN  area, little town. I am working from home and baking is  my hobby and side business.

You can look at my cupcakes here:

I do charge $1.50 a piece for regular cupcake with simple decorations.

For nicer or fondant decorations and filling- I want to charge $0.25 extra.

I have no clue what to ask for minicupcakes. Probably something around 1 dollar.

Now I need your opinions about it. Is that price about right or should I charge less?

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June, it's starting to sound like a free for all with everyone showing up with desserts and such. Maybe everyone could bring their dessert in some kind of baking dish or serving dish and figure that the bride and groom can keep the pieces later, and then they won't have to wrap any present. It will have the dessert already in it. That would show them. And yes, you are right, it does sound like a pot luck church supper. Crazy crazy world we live in.....

Katy Nott said:

Oh dearie me - I should have been in bed ages ago, but I just can't stop laughing at us girls griping away about people!  And some of the expressions are priceless - 'gosh darn geez',  June?  

June Kowalczyk said:

Well, I have a good one for you ladies. I was asked about six months ago to make a 100 or so cupcakes for my nephew's wedding this May 19th. Well it is being held in a rural park setting, so I couldn't set up early in the day & leave. No I would have had to bring them with on my way to attending the nuptials. I have done wedding cupcakes x's 2, too much work, so I politely said no. I then offered a 2 or 3 tier cake instead. That was declined as being "too much".  Bride changed her mind about the cupcakes & then asked if I would make just a small cake to cut for pictures. I am making 2, one each for B & G. Fast forward and ALL close famiy  were EMAILED 2 wks ago and asked to BAKE DESSERTS for reception  :o(

Huh????? Ah we are the guests, aren't we supose to be served dinner, dessert, drinks as a result of attending??  You hired a bb-q caterer....aren't THEY providing dessert.....guess not!!!  I emailed right away and said since I was making the 2 wedding cakes, I would NOT be bringing a dessert. Plus I not only offered a 3 tier cake  I suggested making 2-3 slab cakes for dessert cause it would be easy. This seems more like a gosh darn church pot luck supper.  Geez. Maybe the Uncles might be pressed into service cooking & serving????? Brother...this takes the cake!!!  Couldn't resist the pun...he! he!


Your right Linda. 50 desserts...50 plastic containers. Maybe their names engraved on them!!!  I'm sorry....if this wasn't my favorite sis-in-laws is just SOooo much nerve

Glad I mad you chuckle Katy   :o)

haha!! Ohhhhh, that really would be a hoot, June!! I was thinking more in the line of nice crystal and heavy duty baking dishes-not plastic! Now we are talking about a real red neck wedding! Instead of engraving, they could place a piece of masking tape with the bride and groom's names on them. Ohhhh, we are awful! Just awful!

He! He!  

Nice to vent


Linda Wolff said:

haha!! Ohhhhh, that really would be a hoot, June!! I was thinking more in the line of nice crystal and heavy duty baking dishes-not plastic! Now we are talking about a real red neck wedding! Instead of engraving, they could place a piece of masking tape with the bride and groom's names on them. Ohhhh, we are awful! Just awful!

I'm really feeling guilty now about poor Majka's post - we have SO taken over with our goofing about.  All very amusing though!

I thought the same thing yesterday, Katy, but in all honesty, I think all the rest that have posted prior, probably clicked onto the area where it says: do not receive responses. That, or they just don't bother to read anymore posts and just delete them. It was fun, though, while it lasted.

Katy Nott said:

I'm really feeling guilty now about poor Majka's post - we have SO taken over with our goofing about.  All very amusing though!

You gals are hilarious!  I would have posted earlier - but I don't think I could have stopped laughing long enough!  I have to add though - that if I hear, "you could just bring a cake and use it to spread the word for your business" one more time, I'm going to throttle someone.  Graduations, weddings.... let them do it themselves if they're going to gripe.  *shaking head*  tape on tupperwear!  Ha!

Holly, sometimes it's just good to have a good old belly laugh, isn't it? I've had that same line given to me too!! "It will be good for your business, and it will get your name out there." Or, "Look at it as your ministry" I used to get that one a lot from our old church. I think I am the guilty party for getting this so off the subject of cupcakes and prices.

Holly F said:

You gals are hilarious!  I would have posted earlier - but I don't think I could have stopped laughing long enough!  I have to add though - that if I hear, "you could just bring a cake and use it to spread the word for your business" one more time, I'm going to throttle someone.  Graduations, weddings.... let them do it themselves if they're going to gripe.  *shaking head*  tape on tupperwear!  Ha!

A ya

Laughter IS the best medicine   :o)

I agree with some other comments already posted, your cupcakes look amazing and I'm sure taste as good as they look.

I am starting a cake business from my home (outside of Philadelphia) and was doing some "market research' so I can get an idea of what local bakeries charge (didn't go as well as I would have hoped but that's another story). Anyways, I bought a couple of cupcakes, each was $3.50. They look good haven't tried them yet.  I don't know what area you live in but if you're close to a large city your prices sound about right.

Good luck to you.

I think there's a lesson in all of it on the subject of cupcakes and prices, really.. MUST we get serious?  tee hee.  There are always going to be those who bellyache over prices if they are anything more than free.  We shouldn't let them throw us into turmoil.  We'll have customers at every price point.  Ha!  Full circle!  Watch the magic, girls - watch the magic.

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