Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

This discussion is for everyone to introduce themselves. Let us know where you from. I'm from High Point, North Carolina. And have been making cakes for about a year but only seriously for about 4 mnths now.

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Hello Everyone,
I am from Texas. I have only been decorating cakes for a few months but already have done a few birthday cakes and a camo baby shower cake. I am having a blast and next month will help my best friend with her daughters wedding cake and grooms cake as well as doing my grandsons 3rd birthday cake. (he only wants a pirate ship! lol - no problem !! ) Hope to get some good tips and meet some wonderful people on this site! Have a blessed day!
Hi I'm Tracy from the UK, my closest cities are Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester. I started a beginner course in January 2009 and took the intermediate course straight after, the course was 'Cake Decorating for Fun'. I'm starting another course in April that mostly covers delicate sugar flowers. I work full time but can't get enough of cake decorating and in the past year or so have made lots of cakes. I'm happy with my progress and hope to one day do this for a living from home. I needs lots more practise first and need to speed up!
Tracy, I know what you mean about the needing to speed up part. I haven't had any lessons yet. No time as I work full time and the nearest classes are more than an hour away. I was hoping classes would teach me some shortcuts. I guess practice helps improve speed. It takes me literally all day to finish a cake with any kind of detail.

Tracy Hampson said:
Hi I'm Tracy from the UK, my closest cities are Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester. I started a beginner course in January 2009 and took the intermediate course straight after, the course was 'Cake Decorating for Fun'. I'm starting another course in April that mostly covers delicate sugar flowers. I work full time but can't get enough of cake decorating and in the past year or so have made lots of cakes. I'm happy with my progress and hope to one day do this for a living from home. I needs lots more practise first and need to speed up!
I am from Southern Maryland. I have always had an interest in cake decorating and this past October I took a wilton decorating class and loved it. I have been hooked ever since. So far just making cakes for fun and giving them away but would love to make a business of it. I recently got a job working at a local grocery store doing cakes and am having so much fun. I still have so much to learn but think I have finally found something I'm passionate about. I look forward to sharing ideas and getting some from all of you!
Hi I'm Joy and I'm from Dubai. i never attended an course in baking, but i love this since Highschool. I got a baking class during my highschooldays and started to love baking. I can decorate but not a PRO. love to share ideas and recieve ideas from other cake lovers. :)
Hi i'm Anne Marie from Dublin, Ireland. I've been baking for the last year mostly for family and friends but have recently been asked to do some cakes officially!!!!. I love working with fondant it is trial and error but you know what if you make a mistake you can just start again. has anyone any hints as to how to tackle my first wedding cake, my sister is getting married in December she would like an 8 inch cutting cake and then mini cakes. are the mini cakes difficult to do? i this group is a great idea for any one starting off
Hello, everybody. I live in Baltimore, MD and have been making cakes ever since my dear grandmother taught me how to when I was a girl. I am new to decorating, however. (Grandma didn't use no pipping bags! lol) I decided to take cake decorating classes to expand my business. I took all four of the Wilton Courses offered, but feel like I need more. So, that's me. Looking forward to learning in this group.
I would like to Welcome our new members and those that I have been here for a while. Thanks for joining my group.
It has been one of my greatest privilege to have

It has been one of my greatest privilege to have found this group and also the professional group. Thanks to you, theresa and also sherry.

Crystal Stricklin said:
I would like to Welcome our new members and those that I have been here for a while. Thanks for joining my group.
Hi Im Shaila and I'm from Manchester U.K..Although i've baked cakes since school I only started decorating about 2 years ago. I have never attended any classes and pick up loads of useful information and tips and techniques from great sites like these, books and forums. I am completely hooked and hope to be able to produce professional looking cakes one day.
Hi! my name is Connie and i from Huffman Texas. I have been attempting cake decorating for about 1 year now.. and i have my first Wedding cake order for June.. i am really nervious! but excited as well.
I am in California. I make cakes on and off, mostly for family and friends. I'm still learning alot and taking my time. My projects coming up will be a couple of mother's day cakes and then my sister's birthday cake.


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